People who did literally nothing wrong
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I was under the impression that his witch hunts did little (if anything) to expose the actual Soviet spies in the government and in fact may have actually hindered their discovery.
Yeah, I wish Sweden had done something similar. Now we have this culture marxism killing us with rapefugees and shit
Yawn, another teenager going through his Conservative "le mccarthy was good boi" phase.
That's because they are, user. Op is just a romanticizing faggot.
Sneering and condescending aren't arguments
haha yet another teenager going through their marxist phase
see I can do that too
These are not worthy of me, your an idiot
if you're calling it a witch hunt, that should mean that there are no soviet spies to discover. Witch hunt, to me, means hunting for something that doesn't exist. Or do witches exist?
Anyways, who did McCarthy personally go after who didn't actually end up being with the soviets in one way or another? Name names
>Witch hunt, to me, means hunting for something that doesn't exist. Or do witches exist?
Your definition is irrelevant. Mirriam-Webster describes a witch hunt (in the colloquial sense) as "the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views" which is applicable here.
>Anyways, who did McCarthy personally go after who didn't actually end up being with the soviets in one way or another?
I don't know. How many Soviet spies did he expose?
>Your definition is irrelevant. Mirriam-Webster describes a witch hunt...
No, mirriam-websters definition is irrelevant in this case. They already have definitions for witch, and hunt. Witches don't exist, and are now generally regarded as something that doesn't exist. Merriam-Webster takes a descriptivist approach to linguistics, which means that the definitions they put in the dictionary are just the ones people use, no matter how stupid or bullshit they are. In the case of "Witch hunt", it's usage came to be broadened to make a bullshit narrative, so that people will go on thinking there were never any soviet spies when there weren't. I feel perfectly comfortable objecting to bullshit propaganda terms that are constructed from other terms, but that twist or ignore the other terms it was created from.
>I don't know. How many Soviet spies did he expose?
Possibly up to 81. McCarthy was shut down by other politicians before he could directly do anything, but many of the people he accused were revealed to have been working with the soviets long after McCarthyism was over, and many resigned, avoiding being investigated
>your an idiot
This really activated my almonds.
>the dictionary definition of witch-hunt is propaganda
>McCarthy totally exposed real soviet agents guise he was just shut down before he could expose George Marshall as an ebil commie who came up with a plan to prevent Western Europe from going communist as a way to further the goals of communism!
This one really made me think.
Pretty much everyone he went after was a communist spy. He's only hated because he went after pinko Hollywood and they became eternally butt hurt at him
>This one really made me think
Read John Earl Haynes book. He compares people McCarthy listed with Venona. Most people McCarthy named were outed in Venona.
he wasn't even the one who went after hollywood, that was HUAC, of which he was not a member.
>making fun of me calling a dictionary definition propaganda
MW literally just reports on terms AS THEY ARE USED. I don't even really have a problem with them doing that, it's kind of their job. But it doesn't mean I can't complain about the way other people use it. It was created as a propaganda term, and then documented by the dictionary, using that same definition. It's not as a grand a conspiracy as you're making it out to be
>Most people McCarthy named were outed in Venona
"Of the 159 persons listed above, there is substantial evidence that nine assisted Soviet espionage against the United States"
This one made me think the most.
Nixon actually found Commies when he was doing the same thing, McCarthy was a whiny asshole with bad hair that thought pestering people with dumb accusations was the same as investigating.
Yeah man that anti-Salem witch trial propaganda
So you're suggesting that during the Salem witch hunts, people were against the witch hunts started using the non-literal expression? There was a literal witch-hunt, and they started going "this whole thing is just a big witch hunt!"? Cause I don't know the actual history of how the term started being used in this way, but I would have guess that it would have came about later, after it was generally agreed upon that the actual witch trials were bullshit
Yes it was after the Salem witch trials that it started meaning what it means now but it didn't start with McCarthyism.
in the end it seemed that the whole affair was unfairly targeting people who were mere entertainers, it had not value to protecting america from communism I expect
discovering folks like the Rosenbergs was more important in that vein
so I don't know what it was about, and I don't know if they used it in the same way the anti-McCarthyists were using it (using it to refer to hunts for things that do exist, unlike witches), or if it was twisted and broadened by the anti-McCarthyists later, but one way or another I know the way you used it is a bullshit propaganda usage
The greatest American president we never had
Well, no it just wasn't your definition.
that's not willam jennings bryan
william jennings bryan should have been crucified on a cross of gold
this tbqh
Too bad the govt got to him before he could achieve his goals.
I'm sad now
The way he did it was wrong
McCarthy was right but he was also wrong.
Go after Commie Bastards, but for God's sake do it in secret, don't go public until you have concrete proof.
>When Fascism comes to America it will be called anti-Fascism
so based
We need him now more than ever
>God, don't let me die. I have so much to do.