
>Its better to die for your country than to surrender!

>naw man, I'd surrender rather than die. I mean, I'm important and stuff.


Other urls found in this thread:


Westerners aren't spooked

It's why we invented everything

shut up whit boi you didnt invent peanut butter

do me a favor and google "American Inventors"

>Be the leaf
>Use the leaf
West and East are just two different worlds, man.

Fighting to the death is still romanticised in the west, it's just that surrendering when you know you have no chance is "fine" instead of "SHAMEFUR DISPRAY".

>lost the war

>won it

>naw man, I'd surrender rather than die.

"La Garde meurt, elle ne se rend pas!"

>Now to fuck my body pillow

Well tbf up until WW2 they never lost a war. You have to remember they had a pretty amazing military history up until that point

>beat the mongols, twice
>beat china
>beat fucking RUSSIA

>i sacrifice my life for a spook so super rich people can have even more money

honorfags are wonderful creatures.

woodblock woodblock YOOOOOOOOOOO *commits suicide*


>embracing and inviting death
>do not reproduce
>two generations later your society is weak and crumbling

Really thought that one through, huh nips?

Thanks for this.

If you excuse me I'm going to go make a mashup of mozart and that YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO woodblock song

But the Japanese surrendered

neat, can't wait to hear it


Except the west is weak and crumbling while not reproducing as well.


>Never lost a war
>Always fought itself


>taking user seriously
>implying he's even remotely brown

Fucking moron. Delete yourself.

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.
Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime . . .
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

They never lost a war up until WW2, yes.

>don't have children

>don't have children


>beat Tsarist Russia
>an achievement


Do you think I care? Lmao you're probably some butthurt nignog yourself.

>>beat the mongols, twice
The weather did it for them
>>beat china
Beating Qing after the Britbongs did it is no accomplishment
>>beat fucking RUSSIA
USSR paid them back in full

Just look how squinty they are, obviously Japanese

Youre a weeb.


>USSR paid them back in full
how exactly


Taking their islands. They are still salty about it today.

which islands

First Khalkin Gol where the Soviets out- URRAAA'd the Japs (and also first tried to appy their deep battle doctrine with some success), then again in 1945 during the Invasion of Manchuria, where the Japs got so thoroughly rekt the Amis had to drop the bombs to get them too surrender before the USSR could get it's hands on Japan proper.

Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.



Collectivism vs. Individualism

Nobody accuses SJW's as being collectivist. But they sure are conformist. As are all liberals.

Nothing says bending to society's will like changing your gender!


>76% of afghans would fight for afghanistan

76% of afghans wouldn't even fight for their tribe

How is that not an achievement?

And nothing expresses individuality quite like fitting carefully into traditional* gender roles and never doing anything that can be considered "of the other gender."

*from within the last century, ignoring the fact that these "traditional" gender roles represent a massive break from previous traditions

Your meme is misinformed, it's actually individualism gone wrong

Read pic related

>The weather did it for them

No it didn't, this is a meme.


>by August 12 the two fleets were ready to attack Japan. On August 15 a major tempest struck the Tsushima Straits, lasting two full days and destroying most of the Yuan fleet. Contemporary Japanese accounts indicate that over 4,000 ships were destroyed in the storm; 80 percent of the Yuan soldiers either drowned or were killed by samurai on the beaches. The loss of ships was so great that "a person could walk across from one point of land to another on a mass of wreckage".
doesnt look like a meme

I heard that the weather patterns in Japan used to create a lot of lightening storms, so when settlements got large enough, fires became very frequent.

The communities that survived were the ones that responded quickly and in an organized fashion. It fostered a deep sense of closeness and community that influences their culture to this day.

I want to die for my country!

>implying the elits don't push "transgender" mental illness
conformist ahoy.

their invasion of korea in the 1500s failed

Damn. Heavy.

>women shouldn't be allowed to vote because it allows politicians to drive a wedge between men and women and pit husband and wife against one another
And since when have politicans been doing this? What's with this reactionary tactic of arguing against something that's already happened by inventing hypothetical ways it could go wrong that haven't actually happened? And is this fag implying husbands and wives didn't fight about politics before women could vote? No way am I reading all the rest of this shit btw.

To think the kid who wrote this never saw it published

>having no fear
>makes you careless and you make stupid decisions

>makes you aware and alert in combat

pick one

Wonder what iran got

they bought into the propaganda harder than the west

t. coward

they were on a isolated island and they pretty much fighting themselves in an endless "civil war" for most of history period, and not even China bother to invade them except for the mongol because they had such a boner for invasion
I say in term of fending off invaders Korea or Vietnam did a better job

75+ here
if your country isn't in this group you're literally cuck

>abstract concepts are more important than life

lol no

Pm8 this is essentially a list of how frightened your citizens are of invasion

Dulce et decorum,
Pro patria mori.

Ask people whether they would fight for their NATION, not country, then re-check the results.

>tell your soldiers to kill themselves
>lose war because your soldiers killed themselves

The west is more powerful than ever you stupid /pol/ack

>tfw a filthy 74% subhuman

who's the autistic that can't comprehend sarcasm

kek and the subhuman are stealing your women, your house and the gov supports them
be a good cuck cuckboy

one proof, that westerners are dumb like this one.. can't handle a good argument, not good in any

>The west is more powerful then ever, in terms of being tolerant and multicultural.

You're not doing it properly, westerners were willing to die for their countries but their officers weren't willing to throw their lives away when it would literally accomplish nothing and just make the body count higher, whereas muh emperor's honour was repeated again and again to the Japanese infantryman from the highest echelons

>dude our entire regiment got annihilated by the japs so john, andy, and billy bob, you guys are up for the bayonet charge against emplaced machine guns and light armour lmao
>what do you mean why? because you're supposed to, and don't forget to blow yourself up with grenades if you somehow survive so they can't take prisoners


>but their officers weren't willing to throw their lives away when it would literally accomplish nothing and just make the body count higher,

WW1 was 4 years of nothing but that

How much country was left once they finally surrendered? How many were left to help rebuild? What would have happened if it weren't for the marshal plan?

>It's all blacks and women
God I hate tech companies.

Surprised America isn't higher considering they are always going on about "muh troops" and shit. The fact that Ireland who has pretty much never been involved in any real wars (besides our civil one and the rebellion against the UK if you could call that one?) Is even in the same bracket is just really strange to me.

>Beat Russia
Not an accomplishment, given how badly the Russians performed.

As for ww2, the Japanese were racking up casualties from both dumb frontal assaults and woeful supply issues for naval troops. Us Westerners, we know the importance of not having both problems.

Remind me who won the war?

Great thread, idiot.

West hasn't invented shit recently

t. modern major-general

This is the most mind-blowingly ignorant thing I've heard today. Congratulations.

But it's true. Western companies love stacking their ranks with women in the past 10 years and it shows, there are no results. Look at videogame industry and how it made almost no progress since 2004.

Honor is a spook, your country is a spook, your culture is a spook.
Your own life is not a spook.

If you die there is nothing stopping the spook you died for from surviving.
If you live there is at least a chance of preserving the spook at a later date.

>>beat fucking RUSSIA

No they didn't.

>never fight a war except against itself

>Giving your only life for an abstract concept
Pure autism.

Except that one time when Zhukov dragged his balls across their face.

You have clearly never served and seen the true face of war.

>blowing brown people up with drone strikes and cleaning latrines is the "true face of war"

american military worship disgusts me on a visceral level, just because you dropped out of high school to kill foreigners for your power fantasies doesn't mean anything you did is worthy of praise

>imjin wars

the mystique of japs refusing to surrender dwindles a bit when you learn the amount of captured Japs increased greatly when the americans were given free ice cream and days off for every captured Jap

Top kek I know right

and what great results that mindset yield...
now you have a country in a dead-end filled with permavirgins without any kind of role model

on the other hand, you have countries without heroes or die-hard warriors which ultimately led to them never getting their stupid ass nuked

so in the end, taking your duty seriously and not being a little fag is worse for you and your offspring

>Look at videogame industry and how it made almost no progress since 2004.

It's called diminishing marginal returns.



>this bait image
Fuck OFF with this already. This used the 6000 triangle model as the base, and just scaled it up or down without altering the geometry at all, meaning the 60,000 triangle model is missing a ton of detail that it would have if it was originally created at that size. Likewise, this also downplays the detail that's possible with low-poly models because the model wasn't adjusted at all to make up for the loss of triangles.

Anyone who would do anything for the farcical concept of "country" is retarded.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it an 8/8

Proof Germany ain't western

Germany surrendered to Napoleon in 19 days
Germany surrendred in WW1 without an acre of their soil being touched