>muh snails
>muh frog legs
>muh cooked alive baby bird
Why did France develop the most alien food among Europe?
Muh snails
This stuff was eaten all over the world. By poor people who could not afford meat.
The difference was that in France the wealthy imitated the poor on this matter, in a more sophisticated fashion.
>muh snails
>muh frog legs
>cooked alive baby bird
As a French i have no idea about what you're talking
>the wealthy imitated the poor on this matter
Are French natural cucks? Is that why the French Revolution happened there?
Snails are eaten pretty much everywhere, as are frogs.
Ortolan burnting
Frog legs
>Frog legs
Escargot just mean snail in French, and only Burgundians eat these things
French isn't one unified ethnicty
>Ortolan burnting
It was forbidden cause "muh protected species"
>Frog legs
Only Burgundian it them
Anyway, our most famous plats are all about duck, beef, chicken, and pig, not about snail or frog
>only Burgundians eat frog legs and escargots
Vieux, qu'est-ce que tu fumes?
Que sont les escargots de Bourgogne et les cuisses de grenouilles en persillade ?
>he doesn't enjoy Ortolans that have been kept in the dark for months and force-fed, then drowned in Armagnac, roasted with honey and swallowed whole
Get on the level of the aristocracy, plebe.
Side note, why was drowning/cooking small animals in Armagnac so popular in the 19th century?
La chasse à l'Ortolan est pourchassée seument depuis 2007, pêh.
Frog legs were very popular everywhere in Europe though. My parents remember it being all the rage in 60's Yugoslavia and Czechoslovaks were frog connoisseurs too AFAIK.
Des mets provenant de la Bourgogne, mais tu te trompes grandement si tu penses qu'on en mange pas ailleurs aussi.
That's just the most extreme and therefore noticeable French dishes. There are a lot of other French dishes that are different from one another because they have there origins in royalty, peasantry etc.
>people say French cuisine is the best because muh famous chefs, muh five star restaurants
>there isn't a single famous dish that isn't meme small portions for snob rich fucks
Fuck professional culinary desu, I'm not some pompous aristocrat. Mediterranean food in general is the best because it's by the people and for the people.
>fuck french food
>Mediterranean food is the best
Your mind is going to be blown if you ever look at a map.
This idk what French food is even supposed other than duck liver
>implying famous French food is from Mediterranean France
Why is every french person a pompous aristocrat, self-righteous 3rd estate bourgeois or Black African/Muslim Arab?
Escargot is fucking delicious
Frog legs taste very normal, not like chicken as people will tell you but nothing that weird
Never had baby bird but I'll assume it's not as weird tasting as it sounds
>baby bird
it's a king food normal people aren't supposed to eat it
not even 1% of French people regularly eat snails and frogs
I've literally never heard of the baby birds
The best medi food is small plates too. I forgot the name but the Spaniards do it. Italian is just "put cheese on tomato sauce on bread/pasta". Greek is okay but nothing super special. The rest is basically kebab.
Russian food is more unique tasting to me. Surprisingly good too, considering they aren't rolling in spices and high quality ingredients.
Where else would the French Revolution happen if not in France?
Don't knock the snails, they're actually really good.
Frog legs are fairly common, have Chinese neighbors that say they ate that stuff in the old country all the time. Tried it once, was kinda like chicken wings but greasier.
Never had the baby birds, but it's probably not that different from Chinese duck fetus, where they boil the egg with the baby duck halfway grown.
France is just Europe's China.
>France is just Europe's China.
I thought the Roman empire was Europe's China.
Here in Portugal we eat snails too. It's a nice summer snack to have with a beer, and not at all too expensive. Probably because we're close to Morocco, the main exporter.
Ortolan is nothing like balut.
>can't even raise your own snails
because you have no idea about french food
there are plenty of dishes which are the opposite of "small portions for snobs"
-confit de canard
there are more refined things too like blanquette or pot au feu but this is the fat fuck starter pack
very filling winter dishes full of molten cheese, bacon, sausage, potatoes, things cooked in their own fat
no vegetables
perfect for an american
you will take one kilogram per meal
Repeated famines
Yup, that's it
Isnt cooking shit alive bad for the meat?
So Mediterranean food is still better because it's healthier than a bunch of stuff covered in lard.
What does snail taste like
fuck off obviously we have healthy things too but that guy specifically asked for the big portions of non-snob food so of course i directed him to the stuff covered in lard
and anyways it's delicious btw
Not him but snails are sort of similar to clams except they're usually cooked with a lot of garlic and mushrooms so they taste very much like that. Not nearly as strange as plebs try to make you think.
you can taste the pain and fear
Very chewy and flavorless.
Like said, it just tastes like whatever you cook it in.
i heard balut is an aquired taste
Interesting. Tell me more about the food crazes in former pan-slavic nations.
Meanwhile the Italians were eating Lark's tongues and lion paws and the Swiss ate dog sausage
Because it taste good
>not eating escargot
>not eating cuisses de grenouilles
as a non-burgunian french I can tell that you have no taste
>Be Anglo.
>Have bland food.
>Think yours is the standard for "normal food."
healthier doesn't mean better else you would eat only fucking medicaments
clasical french food is not realy healthy because there's a lot of fat in it but that's what makes it good
spaniard eat fucking bull's balls
Well it wasn't that much of a craze, it's just traditional recipes that were more popular in the times when eastern block beef tasted more like rubber with beef flavouring, people often went for alternatives. Fried chicken was very popular and tripe was very common to many children's disgust. People would also go hiking into the mountains in the weekends, often gathering local plant and mushrooms to supplement their diets. Mushrooms (soup, fried, sautéed, in sauces) were extremely popular, as was Dandelion salad (interestingly enough it's the Italians during the war that introduced the dandelion as a dish to Yugoslavia, before that it was considered a weed), nettle cream soups and ramsons pesto.
On special occasions people would prepare all sorts of beef dishes you won't find that commonly anymore, beef brains, beef tongue (admittedly still pretty popular), oxtail, pancreas and thymus. One dish that never fell out of favor is fried beef liver.
In the 80's there was also a craze for water crabs and fish, which were often fried.
Looking at what I just typed it looks like Yugoslavia was in perpetual famine kek. There were obviously no such problems, this was just a closed country, so there were no tropical fruits till the 80's, non-european spices were unheard of, etc, so people found variety when they could, in their own mountains.
What's Yugoslavian fried chicken like?
>so people found variety when they could, in their own mountains.
that's a good thing we miss such variety in many countries
It's no less alien than the shit that Northern europeans eat.
Fermented shark meat
Blood sausages
Those are distinctly northern european dishes
Haven't had the others but frog legs are pretty good. They really do taste kinda like chicken.
Anyway, plenty of other European cultures have weirdass cuisine. It's not unique to France at all.
>maggot cheese in Italy
>chicken feet in Portugal
>lamb tongue in Greece
>fish head pie in Britain
>lutefisk in Scandinavia
>Blood sausages
we eat this in France, it's called boudin
Spanish food is weirder than French food
>Bull tails
>Bull testicles
>Goat glanses
>Pig hands
>Pig ears
>Lampreys in their own blood
>Rice with ink
>Baby eels
>Pig brains
Our fried chicken is based on how Austrians do it, ty KuK.
True, but in the long run it gets incredibly boring. My parents have basically PTSD from eating tripes every second day in the school cafeteria and I know a Romanian that used buys bananas every week in the 90's, simply because he could, as Romanians were even worse off import wise and didn't even see tropical fruit before 1990.
It was a bit different with Yugoslavia as friendly non-aligned countries would from time send cargies full of oranges, bananas and pineapples. When a rumor spread such a cargo was in port people would often take their fičo and drive to the docks to see what the fruits looked like.
Krvavica is balkan-core food.
Snails arent only a french thing. Snails are eaten in Spain and im pretty sure theyre also eaten in Italy and Portugal.
The same with frogs.
Dod they adopt this a diet to tesist the Muslims....
When you are suffering the shortages of a war....anything can be eaten with a bit of imagination.
Also in Spain. We call it Morcilla. We usually add rice or onions to the sausage.
Kind of. Spain has lots of species of pig. It was always pretty common even muslims started eating pork there
All of that is fucking delicious though
escargot is good desu
basically all fine dining etiquette (cooking, presentation, and service) originated in france
They eat stuff like this in Franc,e I already saw goat brain pig legs bull tongue and stuff like this
>but in the long run it gets incredibly boring.
I didn't say that you should not import but that it's good to have both
ive heard italians go on hour long rants about how all french food and food related culture was stolen from italy. france was colonised by the romans so its not really stealing if you go that far back.
they colonised us, we took the best of them and now they complain because we are better than them
Mediterranean food is healthy AND tasty though. Zero negatives.
If I remember correctly, my French language teacher in high school told us a story that one of the French kings had married an Italian noblewoman who brought all her cooks with her to his court, thus starting modern French cuisine. No idea how true it is.
Meat was only consumed around one day a week before the 18th century. The invention of canning, preservatives and refridgeration changed that. Poor people would obviously eat many types of animals and meat on what they could catch.
Also things animals like deer in the wild during periods of Monarchies were not allowed to be hunted and it was considered poaching. The animals and land belonged to the King in feudal Europe. I could see French peasants eating frogs and snails because it wasnt considered poaching.
>only look at gourmet restaurants
>surprised that their food is small portions for snob rich fucks
look at the provinces and the average food, there's plenty of famous and delicious stuff there that's reasonably cheap and big portions. Quiche, tartiflette, France's like 1,000,000 cheeses, coq au vin, beef bourgninon, steak marchand de vins, cassoulet, bouillibasse (for mediterranean food), ratatouille, cordon bleu, poulet à l'orange, this is just a tiny amount without mentioning the huge number of more humble dishes which don't have the same individual fame.
French cuisine isn't just that which is served in grand restaurants in paris.
Wouldn't be surprised if that was true. The eternal ribbit loves appropriating things for themselves. They're like the Borg of Star Trek.
>implying we eat any of those
>Implying don't
Unless you are an Algerian or a nigger most french eat that. Only disgusting chimps see that as disgusting
whatever dude
if you really were something focused on really healthy food you wouldn't have posted in this thread
Catherine de Médicis for the noblewoman if I remember the same story correctly.
Of course, all things are drawn to the grandeur of France and become French themselves
Dude, I'm French, I can swear to you nobody eat fucking snails, frog legs or cook birds alive
I only ate snails one time and it was in a stupid smug expensive restaurant, you really think I eat this kind of crap daily ?
What a stupid stereotype you're following, just to assume that if I don't eat those I'm not French. This is so extreme, I'm triggered as fuck by this stupidity. I could also say that americans eat onyl burgers and donuts everyday, italians pizzas and spaghettis every day, germans eat only sauerkraut errday, just what the hell dude
>I can swear to you nobody eat fucking snails
>I only ate snails one time
you mean bouillabaisse
>Dude, I'm French
>I can swear to you nobody eat fucking snails, frog legs or cook birds alive
I'm french and I eat that
If you can't eat this stuff then you're just a pussy bro, man up
We eat snails too here all over Italy
He is """""""""French""""""""""
No one said everyday retard, but it is not a weird dish and you can ask them in any restaurant
et alors ?
But you know what I mean haha
I mean we don't usually eat them
Also big frogs have a lot of meat and it tastes nice. It's like ultra tender chicken, ultra tender.
>Dude, I'm French, I can swear to you nobody eat fucking snails, frog legs or cook birds alive
I'm not French but ive been enough to know that you definitely eat snails and frogs in restaurants. Not that i think its bad or weird, it's nice.
>implying any african in France identify himself as French
T'es d'où ? Dans quelle occasion en manges-tu ?
You really think every restaurant in France serves snails and frogs ? But of course you would know better than a French waiter
>T'es d'où ?
Paris pour les études je suis de Lille
>Dans quelle occasion en manges-tu ?
Quand je vais voir mes parents et parfois quand ça me fait plaisir
>But of course you would know better than a French waiter
If you're a waiter in some kabab or couscous
Pas l'autre mais j'ai personnellement jamais mangé d'escargots. Mais bon je suis un rebeu du 74, donc ici c'est papet et tartiflette plutôt qu'autre chose.
Ragoût, boeuf bourguignon, blanquette de veau...
It's not eaten regularly but it is common. And Italians do eat pasta everyday
je suis l'autre
essaye c'est vraiment bon
ça peut être cher en resto pour aucune raison mais sinon ça se fait