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European pyramids in Bosnia & Herzegovina??
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It's a hill that looks a little like a pyramid from one angle.
It's clearly just a hill.
Despite being muslim they're still located in Europe.
Until they actually dig up giant stone blocks or use surveying technology to map the inside, I'm gonna say hill.
Like, seriously, you ever hear of empiricism? If they're so confident it's a pyramid they should invest in digging it up, they'll be famous.
Kurdish of origin
They say that they found artificial concrete that was used as binding material..
This is the photo from one of the dig sites
So you're saying that WE...
Geologist from ex-yu here. My Archeologist friends make fun of the guy who "disovered" these quite often. There are absolutely no pre-BC remains there, but there are definitely some funky medieval-era tunnels there and nobody is really sure if it was some sort of secret passage, crypt or some local peasant had a hobby for tunnel digging.
They also found some artifacts that proves that there was some kind of human presence and influence
Eh those are mainly babbles grouped up from old bazars from the pusher of the theory, who is a knowwn conman. What you can actually find there are medieval-cut stone tunnels and some really neat geological formations from millions of years ago back when the area was even more active than now and volcanoes dotted the landscape.
These babies formed either as natural concrete invading a gas pocket after seismic activity (the cool sounding explanation) or it's just a specific type of bedrock that weathers that way (the most probable explanation)
>make fun of the guy who "disovered" these quite often.
This. It's been pretty well documented that the guy who started saying they were pyramids had no idea what he was talking about it, and based his conclusion of misunderstanding natural features. No actual archaeologist has every agreed with the conclusion that they're pyramids.
>they've found a pyramid on Antarctica
>there has never been a civilization there
HOW THE FUCK were seals and penguins building pyramids when my ancestors were still chucking rocks at each other naked in the woods?
This makes me just fucking mad
>muh boat
>photo of "digsite"
>clearly see layers of limestone/dolostone ABOVE supposed human structure
Its just rock layers that were uncovered in such a way that they look like they were placed there...
That's because Predators did that to hunt Aliens you fucking idiot.
Jesus Christ, why do we allow retards to post on this board?
No more a pyramid than that Antarctica one.
this. deal with it.
heheh cracked a smile
muh heritage
where is this? Central America?
stay woke
>they do not know of the elder things
This was once the bigest city in the americas, now just some "hills"
Is it Detroit?
This, it looks like some Eocene flysch or marl, definitely too old for any ruins.
Please, could you kindly search a smaller, lower-quality picture? Thank you very much.
Not saying it is but, there was some pretty weird shit found in the Balkans.
This is 2000 years older than Sumerians;