can someone hit me with some knowledge on the kabbala, the qliphoth, and how mysticism may or may not be utter bullshit? im a beginner to this topic,and an ignorant one at that.
Can someone hit me with some knowledge on the kabbala, the qliphoth, and how mysticism may or may not be utter bullshit...
p.s. qliphoth for those who are curious about the comparison between the two .
its jew satanism and id stay away from it if i were you.
p.s.s. we're these sorts of theosophical devices created in order to indoctrinate the masses possibly, and is there evidence?
>crazy schizo talking to himself here
supposedly the kabbalah is taught quite a bit by many rabbi's across the world, and orthodox jews aren't a huge fan of that. Im just interested in the history!
It's not bullshit. Jewish kabbalah is literally a map for reality. You just have to have the eyes to decipher it. I could elaborate deeply on the subject (I am also an actual Freemason and not some bullshit /x/ roll player) but the Protestant crew will come and shit up the thread. If you're interested in the matter I suggest that you study it on your own. As to not have the opinions and interpretations of others cloud your learning and eventual understanding.
where/what information should one start on to undrstand
Start with the map itself, and ask for eyes to see. The rest will unfold itself.
Why is everything deviating from a belief in Christ, branded a taboo that needs staying away from? Not this post but many other academic post are often hijacked by Christians pointing fingers and name-calling, "Heathen", "Deceiver" etc etc. Archaeology has proven as well as disproven many things from the Bible and most of the time the archaeologists have been devout Christians. Why is that common Christian see it as an attack on the faith? Do they not understand the resolution of faith from Science? Must it be related all the time?
I respect that people are religious but this is Veeky Forums isn't it?
Being interested in history with a mind of exploration and study is satanic? Do you wish to go back to dark ages where nothing of curiosity must be inquired lest the judgment of divine fall upon you? This shoehorning of theology in every aspect of studies is not good mate. Not good.
A few months before he died, one of the nation’s most prominent rabbis, Yitzhak Kaduri, supposedly wrote the name of the Messiah on a small note which he requested would remain sealed until now. When the note was unsealed, it revealed what many have known for centuries: Yehoshua, or Yeshua (Jesus), is the Messiah.
With the biblical name of Jesus, the Rabbi and kabbalist described the Messiah using six words and hinting that the initial letters form the name of the Messiah. The secret note said:
Concerning the letter abbreviation of the Messiah’s name, He will lift the people and prove that his word and law are valid.
This I have signed in the month of mercy,
Yitzhak Kaduri
The Hebrew sentence (translated above in bold) with the hidden name of the Messiah reads:
Yarim Ha’Am Veyokhiakh Shedvaro Vetorato Omdim
i see the satan symbol in the top inner box
This bothers me to no end also. They're so lost in their "faith" to the point that they will outright deny reality. It borders mental illness. Scientific understanding and spiritual understanding can and DO coexist, but for some reason ANYTHING that isn't in the New Testament is, like you said, a personal attack on their "faith." They even go as far ast to perform mental gymnastics on the Old Testament/Mosaic Law to fit into their delusions. They're not even concerned with the teachings of Christ. They just want their delusions to morph into reality.
The teachings of Christ are on the Mosaic Law.
Gee, another atheist who has not even the slightest hint of what Christianity actually is, yet hates it. So odd.
Strange how good science supports the bible, and bad science is always proven wrong. Maybe you haven't noticed that yet, because you're what, 12?
It's literally an atheist LARPing as a fundamentalist protestant or somebody so autistic you can't tell the difference.
If I were the mod I'd ban his ass. He shits up a bunch of threads and makes a bunch his own which blatantly violate global rule 3 yet somehow they never get taken down.
what does this mean
Go away, you delusional Protestant. Those are HEBREW characters. You know, the language that Jesus spoke. THE CULTURE THAT FORE FATHERED YOUR "FAITH." THE *EXACT* SAME GOD THAT YOU "WORSHIP." I can't with these people. Are they just trolls?. No, they can't be. I've crossed them IRL numerous times before.
Whatever you want it to mean.
I just love how you think you know what you're talking about, but never do. It's endlessly amusing.
And HaSatan is a Hebrew word. What's your point?
Jesus spoke Aramaic.
Jesus didn't speak Hebrew? Did he not teach at the temple?
Is he not God? Can God not speak every language?
But of course, being as you are. You're so focused on "Satan" that you miss the ACTUALL point (YHVH).
Are you me?
i was just talking about this sorry boss
See? Endlessly amusing.
Just get a trip already. At least we could share in the amusement.
And here they are. The Protestant crew is right on time to shit up another thread. Performing mental gymnastics to the point that they're denying that Jesus was a JEWISH RABBI.
Jesus was a jewish rabbi.
If that's all you know him as, you're on Judas tier. That's all Judas knew him as.
Oh wow you drew some lines. But what is the "symbol of Satan" in reality. Just some fuckig lines. You can also find the star of David in that map, a cube, a pyramid, any fucking thing you want. What does that tell you about reality?
Oh, and Judas is in hell. Maybe you'll bump into him. Literally. Because, as you should know by now, membership in the Whore of Babylon comes with plagues, curses, and a one way ticket to a lake of fire, where all of your popes are going to be.
That the star of David is also an occult symbol, and not the star of David at all. If you had any wisdom, it would show you that the world and the devil have you surrounded with their evil nonsense.
No, He was a Jewish Rabbi, who was also the son of God. He was "one with rhe father." I know what and who Jesus is and was, but you're still a faggot.
I said and am not part of the protestant crew. Just being factual.
I don't mind the trolling, I don't mind LARPing, if you are bringing something worth bantering about, I don't mind rebuttal, actual, factual rebuttal - if it advances the discussion, it is all good. Even if the history and the theology clash with each other, there are points that are quite fascinating for the overall growth of knowledge. In an academic interest, I would really have liked that there was a /theo/ board to discuss specifically theological doctrines but since this board encompasses Humanities as well, I don't mind that we share space.
But it does bother me when it twists to the point where the purpose of the thread is buried in mindless banter. Is /pol/ that boring that they must kick the trash bin here too?
I agree, there should be a strict moderation.
Like I said, "evil nonsense" are just SONE STUPID FUCKING LINES. It has no power but the power that you give it. Kinda like this "Satan" you fear so much, right? You people have to be trolls.
He spoke Aramic according to whom? Where is the citation?
If you think satan powerless, then how does he have such a firm grip on your soul?
According to the gospels.
Tetelestai is Aramaic.
Eloi, Eloi, lama sabacthani is Aramaic.
Yeah, your a troll. Jesus, I pray to you that a moderator bring a swift and powerful ban hammer to the head of this lost soul on the path to hell.
Wasn't that the language of the area? Like what people spoke day to day life?
Give me a fucking citation
guys.. is it so hard to tell what the fuck the kabalah is about, without resorting into out troll each other?
Modern Christianity is replete with the so-called imagery, symbolism and syncretism then. And no, you cannot blame only the Catholics.
The Western date of Christmas is literally the day of Saturnalia. Forget Romans, half of the northern hemisphere celebrated harvest festival on that date because that is the date of the lowest declination of Sun. The culture of gift-sharing and placing your produce/gift before God has been in every Agriculturist society, long before Christianity. Every Western denomination follows that date unquestionably. Only the Orthodox reject the date.
The Western convention and naming of Easter is literally the Babylonian festival of Ishtar which also celebrated the death and 3rd-day resurrection. While it is contended, the word for star most probably descended from Ishtar and her symbol has always been the five-pointed star.
If we must follow Christ with a pure mind - why the baggage of Pagan past? Why not discard it completely?
The pentagram was used by the earliest Christians for whom it represented the wounds of Christ.
The upside down pentagram originally had nothing to do with Satan but symbolized the triumph of matter over spirit in medieval occultism.
Why dont you read up on symbols before you start condemning them?
""The dwarves of course are quite obviously - wouldn't you say that in many ways they remind you of the Jews? Their words are Semitic obviously, constructed to be Semitic.""
― J.R.R. Tolkien[5]
Well, with the madness for jewels and gold (money), obsessive-compulsive nature of dwarvish secrecy, fierce racial and trade isolation - one cannot say that he was not being very generous to portray them. After all, the later books gave a Dwarf hero in the Fellowship.
You know, all of the mythos of all of the cultures of humanity are the same story told in different tongues. Even the writing s of Tolkien alluded to the One singular truth. The one singular way. OP, if your still here maybe you should try making this thread on /x/. Oddly enough, you'll get better discussion from them. I just wish I could discuss these deeper aspects of reality. You might also be interested in the writings of Joseph Campbell.
Ooh, fascinating. So /x/ discusses metaphysical, mythical and occult as well? Never knew. I was naive to think that since it was paranormal, it was only about ghosts and stuff.
No, some of the deepest philosophical conversations I've ever had were on /x/. Yeah, there is a lot of "lol bigfoot" and "how do I summon a succubus" RPbullshit, but if you sift around and make the right threads asking the right questions you'll find the discussion you seek.
That was language of Judea and Samaria.
>pentagram was used by the earliest Christians for whom it represented the wounds of Christ.
>The upside down pentagram originally had nothing to do with Satan but
>symbolized the triumph of matter over spirit in medieval occultism.
Sadly allot of things originally pagan in nature got adopted into Christianity but trust me senpai-a-lam there is nothing Christian about that symbol
Kaballism is merely Jewish black magic etc that and the pentagram was probably something the ancient idol-worshipping Hebrews picked up earlier and some tried attributing it to Christ (when it's not) Star of David came around when King Solomon backslid into the occult pagan gods his wive's worshiped and caused Solomon's own downfall.
/x/ is also some trash-tier discussion from people who just as much as try and put spells/curses upon you that they read out of new-age wicca-book they recently bought at Barnes and Noble after watching the movie "The Craft" as much as talking to you about this stuff, I'd stay away from them
Into the trash all this idolatry-teenage-edgelord garbage goes
Can you cite any of that information, senpaitatchi?
He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here...?
Ezekiel 8:6
Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.
-William J. Schnoebelen
The five pointed start (Pentagram) has been found on potsherds from the pre-cuneiform Uruk period of ancient Babylon. Pythagoras associated the Pentagram with "health," "wholeness" and "blessings" and it was the Pythagorean sign of recognition and held sacred as a symbol of divine perfection. It is significant that Pythagoras appears in Indian Tantrik texts by name the name of Yavanacharya ("the Greek teacher") and the Pentagram appears in early Hindu Tantrik writings and art. Therefore, it is open to speculation as where the Pentagram originated first, in India or Greece.
To the ancient Hebrews, the Pentagram was the symbol of Truth and it found its way onto many Gnostic amulets. The early Christians associated the Pentagram with the Star of Bethlehem which led the Magi to the newborn Christ. Later Kabbalistic Christians would associate the name of Christ in Hebrew characters, IHShVH or Yeheshua, to the five points of the pentagram[13].
The six pointed star was adopted by the Jews and known as "the Seal of Solomon" owing to the Jewish legend of King Solomon's domination over the spirits through his ring with the "Ineffable Name" within the Star engraved upon it. The Christians later continued this usage. The virtue of this seal engraved with a six pointed star within which was inscribed the Hebrew 'Yod', was to serve as a shield against the evil spirits in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
Gregory H. Peters, The Sacred Pentagram
(The Nature of /x/)
Awesome. Thanks.
New International Version
These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb.
New International Version
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
New International Version
But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
New International Version
So then, he who marries the virgin does right, but he who does not marry her does better.
well i look at this pic and it makes sense it doesn't look very complicated
it's just like a psychiatry diagram isn't it
i don't get the point though, where are you going with this ? what's mystic about it and what do you get out of this
That's nice, but to me the 5 sided star means nothing. Now what? You see. Symbols only have whatever meaning is attached to them by an individual or a group. There is no intrinsic meaning to ANY symbol. If you want to get technical, all languages are a form of "satanic black magic," because what are words but symbols with applied meanings arranged in a certain way to convey intent. Kinda like casting a spell huh? Funny how the word spell itself means to arrange linguistic symbols into words.... to convey ideas(intent). So, I guess you better stop talking, typing, writing, and thinking before you go to hell in the eyes of the Protestant crew. Nice info though. I'll have to look into it. It's the kind of shit I like to entertain.
Just because you think 2+2 means whatever you want it to be doesn't mean it still does not equal 4...
It's allot more than just 'intent' you really think they'd just put that on a dvd/book and call it "The Secret" and just give it out to everybody if that's all there was to it?
But that's all there IS to it. All of us do this every day of our lives. When an architect lays out the blueprint for a building and then follows through said blue print and eventually makes the object (building) that he INTENDED to, what did he do? He imposed his will upon reality and morphed it to his will (intent). He took what originally only existed as an idea, a Concept, and turned it into a reality. YHVH is the ultimate architect, his law is the ultimate blueprint, and reality is the ultimate creation. Oh, and about the math thing. Numbers are just symbolic representations of an object or set of objects. Answer me this. Why is two two and why is four four?
if magic be real, why did not it be used in war ????
checkmate scientists
war is hell
>-mach, -machy, -machies, -machia, -machist, -machic, -machical
(Greek: battle, war; fight; contest)
In old English, machine and magic share the same root word
It's right in the words. It's right in our faces.
OP, you still here? You learning anything?
Christ died on the *Cross*(the bridge between heaven and earth) The shapes. The Trinity (triangle). The house, the place in that life is lived(the cube). The cycle of time (the circle). Shapes and numbers. Are you still her Protestant crew? OP?
The builder's intent is constrained by Laws or his building cannot stand and therefore he is subordinate to the Lawgiver.
Christ died on cross made of wood.
Uh, no shit. Wat didn't you understand about YHVH being the ULTIMATE architect, his law being the ULTIMATE blueprint, and reality his ULTIMATE creation. Remember we were made in his image but are still subject to him. That's in the Old Testament, the Torah, THE LAW. Something Protestants love to ignore and blaspheme against. Did you even read my post? Could you not understand it? Do you think your cleaver?
And Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that Law.
Some say it was a tree, some say it was a cross. Symbols and meanings, user. Something your literal mind cannot comprehend.
Jesus of Nazareth literally died on a cross made of wood.
It is wood either way.
You make the mistake all Christians do. You worship the finger and, not what its pointing at. You fawn over the messenger, and ignore the message.
Jesus is the word.
Acts 5:30
30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
Acts 10:39
39 And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree:
Acts 13:29
29 And when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree, and laid him in a sepulchre.
1 Peter 2:24
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
A tree made of wood.
He lived the law. Can you even tell me what the law is? It's written very clearly in the bible that you never read.
The Law is to love God with all your heart, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Yes, yes Timmy. Trees are made of wood.
As was the cross Christ was crucified on.
Atleast you understand that much. Thank יהוה.
mazel mazel
So if you hate yourself, you can genocide your neighbors ?
What about if you love yourself, but you're the general of an army and the soldiers hate themselves, giving them the order to genocide your neighbors would be ok ?
How about if you love yourself, but also have an selfamputation fetish, can you decapitate your neighbors ?
>it was Judas's predetermined faith to betray Jesus and Jesus knew it would happen beforehand and it was all literally part of God's grand keikaku, but yeah throw Judas in hell to suffer eternally, because fuck that guy lol :D
Well, i guess killing all religious along with the others kinds of subhumans like niggers women jews chinks and of course the traitors among our kin will not be ok then.
What a shame.
Yeah he seems like a good guy, i'm sure he'll see that the eternal golden age end justify the genocidal means.
Hey anons I'm Catholic but have always been fascinated by the Kabbalah. Is it alright to study it or is there a ritualistic aspect of it as well that I have to exercise in order to begin comprehending. I used to meddle with the occult and honestly want to stay as far away from rituals as possible after a really basic experience.
No I don't think the Kabbalah is Satanic but fucking around with the Ars Goetia has left me wary of just about everything with lots of Hebrew haha.
Most people just aren't going to make it user.