Who is your favorite US president and why?
Who is your favorite US president and why?
Greetings from 2024. I'm here to say Trump because he MADE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Woodrow Wilson
>considered on of, if not the, smartest guy to hold the position
>Patrician Princeton President
>btfo organized crime and corruption in NJ
>btfo White House niggers by firing them all immediately when becoming president
>btfo all of Latin America to make US rich
>btfo Europe and make the US rise to power as a hero rather than a threat
>instituted income tax allowing tariffs to be lowered and feed US economy even more
>continued trust busting
>objectively right about everything he said in 14 points
>gets blamed for FED even though it was objectively the right thing for the time
>gets blamed for Alien and Sedition when that was clearly the Republican congress and Supreme Court
>gets shit talked about Prohibition even though that was obviously also the republican congress and state congresses
Stay mad foreigners, betas, commies, corruptfags, and libertarians
W. Bush for being laughably incompetent
Theodore Roosevelt
Because he was alpha as fuck
objectively the best teeth
Fuk u
Rutherford B. Hayes because he was a qt3.14
Brock Obongo cauz he was a PoC
contemporary democrats hate him
this gent is cancelling the federal bank, dueling political foes, and you are basically a dratting varlet
see how ol' hickory championed the cause of the working man,and beat up assassins with this neat stick
Andrew Jackson was way more alpha.
>literally made native's walk the fuck out of his zone
piece of crap?
Abham Lincolms because he freed the slavs!
Obama because he did things that were actually good for the nation and wasnt a dumb racist like the past presidents
but obamacare!!!
The Affordable Healthcare act. We voted him in for two terms
guy took a bullet and still delivered his speech!
Nixon. Reagan is probably the worst though.
>Best President
>Best Emperor
Nixon was alright. Crooked and paranoid as fuck, but he generally moved the country in the right direction by adopting fiat currency. Last great Republican
Fuck Nixon classless guy who corroded the office i hope they serve checkers in hell and he's on chef duty
John Adams. Dude went out of his way to avoid war. Gotta respect that.
Adams had some good morals, he was just too autistic to manage his PR.