Whys is Alexander Hamilton such a meme I haven't seen the musical but just why?

Whys is Alexander Hamilton such a meme I haven't seen the musical but just why?

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Libertarians hate him because he was a federalist and it goes against their narrative of the founding fathers all having Jeffersonian ideals.

There always has to be a bank.

Because of the play.

My girlfriends little sister never stops screaming the songs from it it makes me want to die

I bet you want to fuck the stupidity out of her

>killed in a duel
He had the most metal death of any Founding Father.

Dumbshit deserved to be shot

Because he was smarter than all the other cucks at Independence Hall put together and because he created America's first sex scandal by cucking some faggot

Genuine visionary who truly wanted the United States to stand on equal footing with Europe and thus pursued policies and ideas to that end after constant researching. Praised by Talleyrand. Could be kind of shady and self-aggrandizing but who wasn't? If the country had gone full Jefferson there wouldn't be a country and the "Revolution" would've led to a South America-esque situation though maybe not quite that bad. Genuinely interesting story too of a man, through a combination of help and his own determination, rising up from nothing.

Also had some progressive views for the time regarding blacks.

The play is just a way to push liberal/progressive morals however and the main guy behind it is a faggot who literally cried tears of joy at the release of a Puerto Rican terrorist.

Oy, you sound exactly like a fat faggot I cucked years ago.

What narrative? The only one with jeffersonian ideals was jefferson.

They make it out to be that all founding fathers had his vision only of the United States and is the only correct one.

Still not as based as Thomas Paine. That man was the true revolutionary.

>every time someone brings up their sister on Veeky Forums, incest gets mentioned

Hamilton was a closet monarchist, I'm surprised that this isn't brought up more. While he was right about the direction of the American economy he was also a huge elitist and kind of a douche when you take a closer look.


It's basically a response to Republican obsession with the Founding Fathers. In response to limited government ideology, justified by the idea of limited intent, Democrats are now latching on to the Founding Father who was a proponent of big government. As a bonus, he was an immigrant, so they can claim his life was the quintessential American success story.

Of course, this lionization of Hamilton, has some flaws. These are most apparent in the play, which is flat out DNC propoganda, going so far as to paint Hamilton as pro-immigrant while Jefferson was a xenophobic bigot. They ignore that Hamilton never endorsed the open borders espoused by todays liberals, and indeed came to oppose immigration later in life, seeing it as a security threat. He was also super egotistical and lacked basic social courtesies, eventually getting shot for being an asshole.

Who was the best founding father and why was it Thomas Paine?

Him or OP?

Many historians describe indentured servant John Punch as the first documented slave in America, as he was sentenced to life in servitude as punishment for escaping in 1640.[17][18]

I've been reading the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, and Hamilton just comes off as huge faggot, despite being right about a lot of shit.