One state or Two state, which would be better Veeky Forums and why?
One state or Two state, which would be better Veeky Forums and why?
One state called Palestine
One state called the Kingdom of Jerusalem
> Palestine
either muslim brotherhood shill or brainlet
say fuck them both and call for 10th Crusade to retake the holy land in the name of Christianity desu.
Really not even joking. Place was nice and comfy when it was under Christian control. Just because Hebrews stole the land from Assyrians 3000 years ago and claim it is their Promise land doesnt make it anymore righteously theirs than it does the Christians who conquered it multiple times. I mean fuck the only reason its in the control of a Jewish state is because Christians gave it up to them. Now people call the state of Israel expansionist and want to make it a multiple religious state when clearly that hasn't worked for the past 100 years. Ottomans were shit tier rulers anyways, and what is the significance of Jerusalem to the Jews? the Wall of the Temple? fuckin get over it, theyve been weeping over the same thing for 2300 years. shit isnt coming back. Besides if anything A new Church center with the Protection of a strong nato presence will quiet that country down once and for all.
Or not? we could just keep on throwing money at counter-terror and fighting for a failed state.
ALSO... this is /pol/ trash thread. fuck outa here user.
Israel is just going give Palestine the run-around while gradually taking more and more territory until they just silently steal it entirely. As long as they can lowball Hamas and keep the plausible deniability (we offered them a deal and they didn't take it!) The west will continue to guarantee and fund them as long as they remain ignorant and distracted by holocaust propaganda and muh Christian Zionism. The rest of the Muslim world (the states that is) will have no choice as a result but to allow it. In the meantime expect a lot of fucking terrorism.
just destroy all the religious bull shit and no one will give a single fuck about the land
you can't put it back together at this point. One state Israel is the only reasonable answer, the pallys aren't willing to compromise
Just rename Sweden to Palestine and let Iisrael be.
One state.
One state
The entire conflict over there is living proof of how retarded religion, racism, and above all else, nationalism, really are. Fucking malignant tumor on mankind this why Fermi's paradox isn't a paradox at all.
Restoration of British control.
One State with Jerusalem being an autonomous secular city under UN control.
You will never defeat us cutie patooties.
t. Ahmed
>0.2 ₪ has been deposited into your account
Ideally one state of Palestine. Realistically one state of Israel with palestinians eradicated. Hopefully two states.
first post best post
just give it to based turkey
turkey is based
t. mehmet
>Jizzrael will be flash vaporized in your lifetime
Can't wait tbqh
just make Tel Aviv and the surounding countryside an jewish city state.
Give the rest of the land to arabs then remove the Saudis and you have peace in the middle east
Two states: give the West Bank to Jordan, give the Palestinian refugees citizenship and rename the country Jordan-Palestine.
The way I see it is this.
>Israel will accept a two-state solution, if only the Palestinians would stop bombing them.
>Palestine will never accept a two state solution and wish to drive the jews to the see.
Given that a two state solution is impossible, which population would you rather have it?
The jews, at least they're competent
Status quo
we don't care what you think, retard yeah, get out
>be in a much weaker position: have no recognized state, army, numerical advantage, get defeated in arm conflicts over and over
>refuse to accept a compromise, continue to push for your original demands
Why are Palestinians so delusional?
I'd rather the kikes have it, but, really, I'd prefer if they were left to fight it out themselves, and we left them the fuck alone, If they wanna genocide the Palestinians, it's none of our business, here in America. We should stop paying them so much, though.
The world should seriously stop giving a fuck. Why do Americans or Europeans give a flying fuck about some kikes and slimes massacring each other, let alone fund either party while getting nothing out of it is absolutely beyond me.
Greater Israel soon.
Cry some more mudslimes
Because Israel is an outpost for western culture and provides a high amount of new technology. Most people either love them for it or hate them for it.
Jerusalem for the UN
Two states.
All that we have to wait for is the Palestinians to accept it.
Two state is impossible because the Arabs hate Judea as a concept, not just as a government. The Arabs in the west bank should either adopt Israeli culture and become Israeli or move back to Jordan.
Imagine if the descendants from Mexicans living in New Mexico after the Mexican-American war bombed and terrorized their neighbors in AZ, CO, and TX in the name of wiping out America, all while demanding free infrastructure payed for by the same people they kept attacking. It would be completely unsustainable.
So for the answer, one state of Israel, Jerusalem is the capital, Egypt and Jordan rule over the Palestinian Arabs, Hamas is destroyed. ...and somehow Lebanon is Christian again.
There is already one
It's called the Islamic State
That makes the Saudis cry
>One state or Two state
Red state or blue state
One state from the Nile to the Euphrates called Israel.
One. There is no such thing as Palestine. Israel is a real place or just make it all Jordan.
Bunch of stuff relating to historical ego and the supremacy of Islam over other religions.
Hatred of Jews.
Superiority of Arab Muslim master race(no joke they actually believe this).
Also their leadership keeps reinforcing this such that the entire society is buying the kool-aid that the next offensive will end the jews(it won't).
See WW1 generals for a similar example of drinking the Kool-aid just imagine that repetitively and everyone falling for it, almost every time.
>"muh embassy to Jerusalem"
>dropped the claim the very next day while his advisors started scramble for damage control and lick their Arab masters shoes
it's like he actually thought he had any power over the Saudi and wasn't a obedient dog like Obama and the US people towards them
Nice try Schmulik
Single state with two governments, like a condominium, with the sovereignty of both guaranteed by Russia, China, and NATO.
>[Synagogue of Satan]
T. Shlomo Shekelberg