When did you become redpilled and realized the current wars in the Middle East are all about the erdication of Islamic esotericism?
When did you become redpilled and realized the current wars in the Middle East are all about the erdication of Islamic...
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Those wars are good then. Esotericism a shit.
t. STEM master race
Give me a quick run down on Islam's hidden secrets.
But the war on Islamic exotericism was already fought during the Cold War by Arab national socialists, Islamists, and Wahhabi-Salafists. The current wars are more about ethnic cleansing and demographics.
Actually Alawites have Sufism at its core moreso than any other branch of Islam.
They're like the Tibetan Buddhists of the Islamic world. They have a system of lama's ( dede ).
Music, dance and poetry are an important component in reaching/understand God and the Quran.
I could go on, but it's definitely god tier in its complexity compared to sperg friendly sunnism.
That's a cute autistic lion you got there. Just look at that derpy face.
who is responsible and why is islamic esotericism such a threat to them
>in b4 jews
You sound jealous
They're THE definition of exotericism. Complete autistic focuss on the rules and little attention for the inner qualities of the religion. Truly a bunch of legalists. As such, there couldn't be a greater enemy for these spectrum cunts than folks who write and study mystical poetry f.e. Or even dare to incorporate and melt ancient traditions into the religion, demonstrating that Islam can fit many molds.
But nope. Wahhabism is sponsored from Riyad with literal tens of millions of cash and leaves the ticking time bomb of Sunni Salafism in its wake.
This is what's taking over Islam thanks to petro dollars. And it's successful not only because of the money , but because it's like a globalist islam. It outright denies ( and combats ) the importance of a cultural background and context, so it can gain access pretty much everywhere you can find a Quran.
not him but I have no envy for a man who pulls a lever because he's hopped up on religious ideas of utility.
When did you swallow the final redpill and realised that the Western civilisation and the Middle East should not be meddling in each other's business.
This is all Bush's fault by the way.
>Bush's fault
>middle east wasn't one huge warzone before Bush
Please explain this to me.
So in other words "t. smart, successful person"?
We've been meddling with middle eastern affairs for 200 years now, constantly denying them the possibility of being as powerful as the west by redifining their frontiers every 30 years.
>inherent value
nothing but a cog in a machine. a factory worker with a $20k+ paper crown that says "smart" on it. keep jumping through those hoops, there's a bone at the end.
Bush may not be at fault for starting the civil unrest in the Middle east, but he was the catalyst for Islamic terrorist attacks on western soil.
>drawing the animal's butthole
>saying t. X = jealous of X
I'll keep that in mind.