What event caused more human suffering, World War II or the Conquest of America?
Which one
I'm still suffering to this day, you dumb goy. My ancestors will suffer for eternity.
by sheer numbers probably WWII, but the near-utter destruction of the cultures of the americas is imo the most tragic thing that ever happened in human history.
The conquest of Africa
Americans at least got to mix with the Europeans and they have societies where people can live properly (maybe with less standards than the average 1st world country, but enough people have internet, fresh water, access to schools and aren't dying from hunger).
Africans to this day live in some of the worst conditions with the less stability in the world. And while some of it is indeed their fault, the stablishment of arbitrary divisions (both territorial and racial) by the European conquerors allowed for some of the most horrible acts comitted in Earth.
>Africans to this day live in some of the worst conditions
They did that before the colonization too.
that doesn't mean anything because the scale of suffering provoked by the act is incredibly high. As I said before, the mixing of European and American culture at least gave way to stable countries.
that wasn't an option. can you read? did they teach you or did you drop out of school when your daddy didn't come home?
Humans aren't equal
WWII is closer to kin deaths thus resonance
Suffering is for the enemy so mericas, but inclusionary last 18000 years
Obviously ww2, there is nothing wrong with the conquest of America, just natives killing other natives and the others dying from diseases
America wasn't hundreds of millions dead it more like hundreds of thousandsl
4th Crusade.
My suffering alone from the sacking of Constantinople is comparable to all the deaths in ww2
> t. "American"
It was millions/ tens of millions if you include disease.
I'd say conquest
Murderfucking the aztecs was alright(was gonna happen at some point anyways) but the outright destruction of native culture was regettable
The release of The Manifest by Marx
You know its a low class fool of man to risk engagment in equal footed even from horseback melee with a subrace.
Yeah but bruh you report back accounting error add an extra 0 get paid son
Kek.This is just fucking stupid.Killing babies and throwing arrows is no culture just brutality.There was nothing more based than Cortés and Pizarro destroying that attrocity and create a proper society out of the ashes of barbarism,cruelty and viciousness
>of the americas
Barbarians aren't people.
>South American countries
man, wouldn't those guys be roasting in that armour?
Suffering? Conquest of Americas
Death? WWII
The only thkng that was roasting in America at that time was native pussy
>there is nothing wrong with World War II just europeans killing other europeans and the others dying from diseases
I live in mexico, what proper society they created? but corrupt banana republics? Barbarism Cruelty and viciousness is what they created,
just natives killing other natives and the others dying from diseases
The day cultural sensibility died.
I really hope a snow nigger is behind this post kek
The iety was fine until natives took control back and made it barbaric and vicious. It is in your inferior genes to be that way
How can you even compare industrial genocide with the ethnic cleansing of at most one hundred thousand people?
The irony of native american tribes complaining about european conquest while they they sit on reservations made up of land they conquered from other tribes.
>Native Americans
all who have been in control are actually criollos, so you dont know what you are talking about.
It happened to anyone, the "destruction" of culture be invaders. But instead of saying it was Destruction it's called other names, like Romanization, Chinese influences or whatever. The Spaniards didn't do anything new even for today standards (look at Isis), they simply conquered and labored to absorb them, burning and writing books about native culture, baning and promoting festivities and simbols (like USA today), the topling and absorving the upper class...
Nothing the Spaniards didn't suffer themselves a few times.
>all who have been in control are actually criollos
But those who kill and murder are dumb indians
That is how tribes work. You know tribes are often a higher form of civilisation compared to us.