How do you overcome the absurdity of the universe?
How do you overcome the absurdity of the universe?
You build a huge fuckig laser and cut a hole in it!
>le universe is absurd
go back to r/atheism with your 15-years old kid tier reasoning
Viewing things beyond a materialist/empirical scope would drive people away from atheism instead of toward it, no?
What is christian existentialism?
Who is Kierkegaard?
thinking the universe is "absurd" is nothing more than a belief. absurd compared to what? what are you comparing it to? that word requires a context of comparison, unless you are referring to absurdism, in which case
>knowing you cannot have knowledge
I don't think "there might be a purpose or a reason for all this but we'll never know it" is too much of a stretch for any non-autistic person
I'll say it again
>knowing you cannot know
it's pretty clear that OP didn't open the thread by thinking about Kierkeegard
I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. Most of the current people that find the universe absurd do so because of their atheism and the derived nihilism.
its only absurd cuz you cant see the whole.
like watching 4 seconds of a 3 hour movie and expecting to understand it.
>I'm an idiot, have only read the Wikipedia article on the topic and have nothing to add so I'll post non-arguments paired with a snappy reaction image to shut him up
Next you'll go on about spooks or some other Wikipedia-tier meme. Why don't you give Fear and Trembling or The Myth of Sisyphus a read before posting?
>were all about serious philosophical business on this board
you sound more like a 15 year old than he does
wait is your entire response an insult? no wonder you think stillborn stances that contradict themselves such as absurdism have any merit whatsoever.
>"yeah my stance on the universe is I think there might be this thing called purpose or reason but it is certain reason can't exist"
>"yeah my stance on the universe is I think there might be this thing called unicorns or math but it is certain math can't exist"
identical when it comes to validity.
Don't you see how nihilism and any derived philosophy ends up being self-defeating?
By which standard can you claim that the universe is absurd? By our own standard? Why does your standard matter? It's nonsensical drivel.
>were all about serious philosophical business on this board
If you want to have a seriously talk about philosophy/theology you need to have a decent exposition to philosophy. This isn't reddit where you can spout your 5-minute shower thoughts and get 500 upboats.
Here, I won't insult you this time so you don't get the "HE DID AN AD HOMINEM THAT MEANS HES WRONG" radar pinging.
You display a fundamental misunderstanding of absurdist and existentialist thought that shows a lack of rigor in accompanying yourself with the thinkers that fit this mold. I suggest reading Camus, Kierkegaard, and maybe Sartre to rectify this misunderstanding.
>You display a fundamental misunderstanding of absurdist and existentialist thought that shows a lack of rigor in accompanying yourself with the thinkers that fit this mold. I suggest reading Camus, Kierkegaard, and maybe Sartre to rectify this misunderstanding.
I suggest you present an actual argument on this thread out of your own fingers.
Absurdism is not nihilistic in any way shape or form; almost all forms of absurdism advocate for some kind of transcendence, whether it be through god or through your own actions.
>le not an argument meme
Not an argument
alright now here's a response that has equal logical validity to what you just said to me:
You display a fundamental misunderstanding of phenomenological and existentialist(literally irrelevant) thought that shows a lack of rigor in accompanying yourself with the thinkers that fit this mold. I suggest reading Tolkien, Rowling, and maybe (insert random book because I know with certainty what a stranger has and hasn't read and I can't form an argument by myself) to rectify this misunderstanding.
also I'm gonna throw in a straw man like you did in and say next you'll tell me that obviously I haven't read these things or else I would agree with your baby-tier self-contradictory claims.
he's right, telling someone to read something isn't an argument. if you understood the material, you would be able to use it in an argument yourself.
and that's what I want OP to demonstrate. Maybe I've got a bit cynical for so many atheist trolls and threads in Veeky Forums, but I want OP to be critical about his position and explain why his absurdist view of the universe is valid to begin with.
absurdism is an emotional reaction. No intellectual content
Make an argument then.
It's absurd compared to how other belief systems think it is (like religions)
>In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible", but rather "humanly impossible". The universe and the human mind do not each separately cause the Absurd, but rather, the Absurd arises by the contradictory nature of the two existing simultaneously.
By sorting yourself out
Study of virtual particles and other exotic matter underlying the foundation of vacuum space, delicious.
I cant wait to see discovery announcements from such endeavours.
>I don't know therefore absurd
No worse than "I don't know therefore God" or "I claim to know"
>this universe is just the right size
Religion is objective truth, its just a puzzle.
Why overcome it? Absurdity is itself absurd, why should you care about the absurdity of something when the very idea of its own absurdity is absurd? I think you need to consider suicide.
That was the plan.
The absurdity of the absurdist claim is ironic in and of itself.
>I don't know therefore God
>I don't know therefore "theory"
What's the difference? No, really, God and anything else is just a way of explaining a phenomena which does not have a causal deductive proof.
>I claim to know
Can anyone do anything else? I wouldn't call myself a know nuffin, but please go about overcoming the Munchhausen Trilemma.