Armor Thread

Post pictures of historical armour

following thread



They have leopards in poland?


Of course.


I hope you realize they simply bought them from abroad.


Veeky Forums usually has these kind of threads if you want more. Start a thread of the isn't one already up.


Do drawings count?

As long as they're of real armor sets my dude : )

This is what cavalry in the mid 17th century seemed to be wearing, from England to the Habsburg realms.
The steel cuirass, left gauntlet and the Pappenheim helmet.
Don't know why this fell out of use. It was more practical than the silly helmets with feathered crests
that cavalry was using in the early 19th century.













He's back to claim this thread.


Sup breh

ugly piece of shit

now here's an armor for only the manliest of men

>dost thou even lift



thicc elbows brah

Love this shape of helmet so much.

Can't go wrong with classics



Looks comfy




Always thought the Takeda armour was the coolest looking one during the Sengoku era.


Praise kek.


I like that bishop's mantle


The parrying dagger.


the thing he based it on


not sure what the missing thing on the forearm pieces is, anyone seen anything like it before?


Anyone know what kind of helmet Charles the Bold of Burgundy would have worn? or at least the kind of helmet he would wear with pic related.

Sallet or a armet



i should note that the dog(Bercerruillo) with the knife on his chest was paid 1.5x the salary of an archer

the dog was paid, not his owner

based puppers


I bet he was getting all the bitches...

At the Battle of Montlhéry he wore a sallet with bevor.

We know this since the bevor fell off and he received a nasty cut to his throat. The scar of which helped them identify his lifeless body after the battle of Nancy.

Thank you anons.

no problem user


WWI German lancer.

Damnnn anymore of that?

in reality there wouldn't have been engravings on 14th century kit

Fucking sweet, wasnt there a suit of armor of some king with obscenities engraved on it?

Are the blue parts lined with velvet or something?


Spanish conquistadors.

They usually used lynx hides


"Helmets didn't really have horns on the-"

yes, it's historical and looks sexy


it doesnt.

it has a leather crest. same as this.


Japan masks where pretty great.


>"ya like jazz?"

They could have done it through engraving, but even the simplest engraving would be extremely expensive

Acid etching made it a lot easier to decorate armor


>take helmet off and postpone the tournament until later

>viking helmets and 14th century tournament helmets are the same

Why is animal armor so nice?



this one is Veeky Forums af

>its a tripple


Means you like dicks

thats hot

Guess which are which

beefeaters and chainmail hat = english
fleur de lis and border reiver on top right = scots
other 2 = Irish

can we get some more non metal armor?