How come you never hear about these guys besides Kalmar union? From my shitty EUIV-based knowledge they were pretty strong and yet i never heard about them doing... Well, anything.
How come you never hear about these guys besides Kalmar union...
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They were cucked to oblivion by the Hansa
But those wre just trading cities. Why didn't Denmark just straight-on invade them? It was the strongest state in the region, and it seems they just faded into irrelevance without even trying to fight
They were put aside by the Swedes who took a leading role of the Scandinavian/baltic area after the fall of the Kalmar Union. And after Sweden lost power they became more dependent and a victim of Germany.
Ignore the shitposter who just found out about the hansa. Denmark owned the waterway toll to the baltic and therefore made mad bank off the hansa. Also; its head kontor was in Bergen, Norway - a Danish possession.
Denmark itself has always been a very stable country with a very stable Monarchy. Mostly going to war when they could fuck with the Swedes.
Britain sinking their fleet when they remained neutral during Napoleonic times made them enemies of Sweden and allowed for them to gain Norway when France lost (and them losing Finland to Russia because Russia had a small love affair with France's continental system and didnt want to return Finland).
It is also responsible for the improvement in Anglo-Russian relations prior to WWI as the British Crown Princess and Tsarina-mother of Nicky were Danish princesses, who were both utterly buttblasted by the Prussian annexation of Schlesswig-Holstein.
They also had a shitty colonial empire which they sold to the US and Iceland gained independence after WWII.
Faroese Islands are Europe's Japan when it comes to whales.
Greenland also a shit, but has some natives on account of i being shitty to settle. Canada wants a piece of it
So you're basically saying that besides conquering shitty northern island, they never really had any bigger ambitions?
they faded into obscurity after the 30 years war
Sure they had ambition, but they simply could not keep up the pace of other, more innovative, countries.
Cross reference them with the Swedes, Brits, Dutch and Prussians - who all operates in their area of influence - and you see them failing to keep up.
Last nail on the coffin? The Danish Monarch offering the country and crown to Prussia after they annexed about 85% of the country.
>The Danish Monarch offering the country and crown to Prussia after they annexed about 85% of the country.
What the crap, when did that happen?
they attempted to expand from time and time again but big players plus the scandinavian kindergarden drama schoolclass stopped them
both sweden and denmark made the mistakes of not completely subjugating eachother and it resulted in rebellions and difficulties facing foreign powers
none of them had enough able bodied men alone
>Following the loss, Christian IX went behind the backs of the Danish government to contact the Prussians, offering that the whole of Denmark could join the German confederation, if Denmark could stay united with Schleswig and Holstein. This proposal was rejected by Bismarck, who feared that the ethnic strife in Schleswig between Danes and Germans would then stay unresolved.
At least Swedes were internationally relevant for a while
>they were pretty strong
Not really. Scandinavia in general was poor compared to most of the rest of Europe, and Denmark was not only occupied with dealing with Sweden constantly but was also surrounded by powerful nations who had no interest in seeing a strong and united Scandinavia.
The Kalmar Union itself was also a complete shitfest. Denmark would constantly go to war against the North German princes who also happened to be Sweden's biggest iron customers. The Swedish nobles, unhappy that these wars would disturbed their trade, would constantly refuse to pay taxes to the Danish king who in turn had spend most of his time curbing Swedish revolts and/or bribe them into surrendering, only for them to do it again the next year.
Second Schleswig War in 1864, after the first one (that the prussians lost) they gutterstomped the Danish army something fierce. The King, without consulting with Parliament, contacts the Prussian high command and offers them the country. Bismarck basically says nope, in due part because he saw Prussia's future in the Small German Solution and not an expanded multi-ethnic Prussia. He had put up with trying to Germanize its Polish population and any act towards Germanizing the Danes would put other Great Powers against Prussia en masse.
No one gave a shit about any united scandinavia, and its rulers were German anyways
Denmark let themselves get cucked until they realized they could tax the dutch ships coming through the sound. (Which made up 2/3 of the revenue!) So Denmark and various Dutch/Flemish provinces banded together to displace the Hanse, and they succeded in the mid-16th century.
Denmark-Norway was one of the potentially most powerful countries at the turn of the 17th century.
Christian IV had inherited a huge fortune from his dad, Frederik II. He had good relations with german mercenaries. All this potential was wasted on either dutch-architecture or in the terrible 30-years war where Denmark got absolutely fucked by series of terrible decisions, like switching sides to invade clearly superior Sweden.
But it's also really fucking dirty that France let Sweden to keep Scania after the y they lost the civil uprising by danish peasants against Swedish rule.
Denmark faded into obscurity while Sweden took the stage. Denmark had basically become a dutch client state which aided the Dutch in keeping Great Britan from swallowing Northern Europe.
Pic related is one of the castles Christian IV buildt, It was the 6th largest in the world IIRC.
More civil architecture.
*Nationalistic Screeching*
Denmark basically blackmailed the US by promising to sell the Virgin Islands to the German Empire unless the US forked over a ton of cash (Which they did, because they didn't want to give germany a naval base right next to themselves)
Iceland have been nationalists since the language purity reforms in the 17th century. They'd get independence eventually.
Faroe Islands only kill around 500 non-endangered human sized grind whales anually. It's highly regulated unlike Japanese "Research" vessels. It just looks bloody.
Greenland is shit tho, I agree. But we kinda fucked them over like the canadians, atleast they still speak Innuit, because Danish is too hard to learn. They also have alcohol problems and keep the Muslims in check in the ghettos.
Denmark also had the world's best king in Christian VII.
>Christian's reign was marked by mental illness[5] which affected government decisions, and for most of his reign Christian was only nominally king. His court physicians were especially worried by his frequent masturbation.[6] His royal advisers changed depending on who won power struggles around the throne.
> After his marriage, he abandoned himself to the worst excesses, especially sexual promiscuity. In 1767, he entered into a relationship with the courtesan Stovlet-Cathrine. He publicly declared that he could not love Caroline Matilda, because it was "unfashionable to love one's wife".
basically this.
The Kalmar Union is OP as fuck in EU4, but in reality, "ruling" Norway and, particularly, Sweden just meant that the Danish king was perpetually at war with his own subjects.
>unfashionable to love one's wife
Christ, it's as if Al Bundy became King.
>mostly going to war when they could fuck with the swedes
to be honest it less fucking with swedes and more getting fucked in the ass by swedes after the fall of the Kalmar Union.
literally a autistobot
alfa as fuck
There was fucking going on in both directions. And Sweden managed to make itself quite a few enemies around the Baltic Sea, giving Denmark access to some powerful alliances.
>tfw no Dano-Norwegian/Russian partitioning of Sweden
because scania
That way different than offering the country and crown. The German confederation was loose and the King would still be on the throne in this scenario
yes and Denmark were by far the weakest link in all of those
>wanting to own a part of sweden
Christian IX did not offer the whole of Denmark to the German Confederation. This is a media myth made up by Tom Buk-Swienty to sell his books about 1864. Christian IX offered that Schleswig could join the confederacy. This was said by Sebastian Olden-Jorgensen in his opening lecture in Historiography this semester at Copenhagen University.
The golden age of Danish expansion was the Viking Age (Canute the Great) and the middle ages (Valdemar the Great and Valdemar 2. the Victorious). From then on it's an almost uninterrupted decline culminating in the disaster of 1864.