>"judeo-christian values"
"judeo-christian values"
What's the problem?
Jewish values and Christian values strongly crash and the only people who push this meme are American Jews and Christian zionists who want to make us think we should somehow be loyal to Jews and Israel.
>Jewish values and Christian values strongly crash
Fucking kike and saved
Have you read the Torah or the Talmud? Basically the Christian concept of universal love and forgiveness towards all people and races is not shared by Jews. Jews believe most rules only apply to dealing with other Jews.
Have you? That's just stormfag propaganda and not really found in Jewish scripture.
Was universalism common before the christianity? I would find it easy to believe that BC-people would put their tribe before others.
"judeo-christian values" is just a name to describe values that formed during the 1st century AD with the advent of Christ, and early christendom, and what happens to have come from it, which are modern, western european christian values, it does not in any way imply one relies on the other, or even more far fetched, it does not in any way imply christians should feel brotherhood towards jews or vice versa, and I have no idea how you got this idea off of a simple term
if God doesn't surprise you it just might be an idol
It implies that there is no meaningful difference between Jews and Christians, that Jews just need to find Jesus and they'll be just like us. This ignores the two thousand years of divergent history and theology. The phrase is only ever used by idiots who would like to say "This nation was founded on Christian values" but are also choking on AIPAC cock
Judaism didn't even exist until the Middle Ages.
and the pharisees didn't force the Romans into killing the son of God
Pilate didn't want a rebellion on his hands again, it was cowardice on behalf of Pilate and the pride of the Pharisees that led to the Passion. Judea was dealt with accordingly shortly after, however
What if they had been virtuous? Would Jesus just have crucified himself?
They wouldn't have been. They possess free will but it's in their souls to make that choice. They would make the same choice again and again no matter how many of the iterations of Earth existed. This is God's complex plan. Pilate and the Pharisees were free to choose the destiny meant for them.
No. Speculating now.
Had Israel declared Jesus their king and messiah, he would have been crucified for sedition.
No matter what happened, it was always going to be the cross for Jesus. We know that because he prayed for any other way the night before, and there was none.
But on this alternate universe, Jesus would have risen from the dead and taken charge of the world, breaking not only Rome but all of the nations of the earth, and establishing his 1000 year reign right then and there.
There's allusions to this in the bible; Jesus said that if the Jews had accepted him, then John the Baptist would have been their Elijah.
Christians share more in common with gnostics and Muslims than they do Jews.
Judeo-Christian values does not include salvation or the New Covenant in any meaningful way. Just the basis for laws and ethics on how to run a country as given to Moses by God.
Christians follow the Jewish messiah, while gnostics and muslilms follow satan. I don't see the similarity you see.
Arianism is the best form of Christianity. Prove me wrong.
You would be right if you wanted every single human being to end up in hellfire.
Jews believe that non-Jews can go to heaven.
It's just that God holds us to higher standards as the chosen people.
Christians are expected to exceed the righteousness of Rabbis.
>works salvation
"There is no one righteous, not even one;
New International Version
But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father."
In that case they could just say "Abrahamic Values." Except that also want to make America a "No Muslims allowed" club.
It's a moot point, because America was founded on enlightenment values, which are related to but ultimately different from Christian morality
Jesus is talking about himself - who is one with the father, which father none is good but him - not men.
There is none righteous. Righteousness won't save you, only faith in Jesus Christ.
Jews and their Rabbis will burn in hell lest they believe.
New International Version
"The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat.
3 Así que, todo lo que os dijeren que guardéis, guardad lo y haced lo; mas no hagáis conforme á sus obras: porque dicen, y no hacen.
They're correct. Adding "Judeo" to Christian values is an American 20th century meme.
Et n'appelez personne sur la terre votre père; car un seul est votre Père, celui qui est dans les cieux.
Matthew 23 NIV
13 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.
>You yourselves do not enter
15 "Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are.
>child of hell as you are.
16 "Woe to you, blind guides!
17 You blind fools!
19 You blind men!
23 you hypocrites!
24 You blind guides!
25 you hypocrites!
26 Blind Pharisee!
27 hypocrites! ... full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.
28 ...on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
29 you hypocrites!
31 So you testify against yourselves that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets.
33 "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?
>How will you escape being condemned to hell?
Get the message? Or do I need to draw it to you?
New International Version
Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.
wahhhh /pol/ wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>you can't make fun of jews but daily threads mocking christians is fine
What does the verse you posted have anything to do with what I posted?
Judaism has a more lax, some would say realistic system of sexual ethics. Other than that the overlap is profound.
>Secular human "values"
Arianism is less arab Islam though. Perennialist muslims actually claim that Arian Christians are actually Muslims lmao
>Perennialist muslims
What sect is this?
>Christian concept of universal love and forgiveness towards all people and races
This is the shit killing the west. Holy fuck this shit makes me mad.
Kek-ing so hard.
Only thing funnier is "*insert nationality* values"
I was about to argue against you, but then I saw the anime picture. Well played, my friend.
except i don't make threads mocking christians.
i don't disagree desu, but posting /pol/ images and hinting at jewish conspiracies belongs in /pol/ not here.
Judeo Christian values is a modern term.
Yes, the Old Testament has a different message than the New Testament, although unlike the New Testament or the Quran it can't be distilled to something as simple as one clear message. It is more a collection of stories, chronicling the history of the Hebrews, and a collection of wisdom and philosophy. Some focussing more on the Jewish people, others providing a more universal, humanitarian message, not unlike the New Testament.
But as I said, "Judeo Christian values" is a modern term. I believe the term is more concerned with the contribution of Jewish people to modern society. Recognizing how the Jews transformed their religion into something compatible with the scientific revolution, liberalism and reaso, similar to what Christians did. In Europe and the Americas Jewish people next to Christians shaped modern society, consoling reason with morality and modernity, a modernity still rooted in faith.
Is Judaism and Christianity suddenly the same religion, of course not.But they can live together. And the society of Israel is much more recognizable to us than say Saudi Arabia.
When people talk about Judeo Christian values, they are saying that modern society, is losing its roots. The culprit is thought to be, among others, atheism, radical secularism, postmodernism, etc... Society needs to find its moral roots again, which are to be found in religion and tradition. The Judeo Christian values.
>speaks of Judeo-Christian morality like it's beneficial or desirable
"Moral roots".... religion, pick one.
Does sucking the bloody foreskin off a newborn fit into your religious morality narrative too?
Beneficial or desirable are of secondary importance to morality.
Was gonna refute that but I realize Gnostics had a history of blending with Christians
Why must zealots always ruin any discussion?