I'm so confused by Nazi racial policy. Did they hate the slavs or not? Why were they okay with Slovaks and Ukrainians but not Russian or Poles?
I'm so confused by Nazi racial policy. Did they hate the slavs or not...
Why would you not be okay with obedient slaves?
Hitler hated Slavs who were relevant enough for him to "conquer".
They weren't okay with Ukrainians, they killed thousands of them and planned to exterminate millions more. Slovaks (Croats, Bulgars too) were just small and irrelevant and away from were Germany wanted to settle, so they used them opportunistically
They didn't hate Slavs. Some meaningless comments implied that but at the end of the day they allied with Slovaks, Croats, Ukrainians, and Bulgarians.
It was geopolitical.
>Some meaningless comments
Since when are genocides considered meaningless comments? Also learn a bit on the Ukie history, they weren't exactely "allied".
Wasn't it that he meant that Slavs and Jews were closely related (which is understandable considering that many Slavic nations, like Russia and Poland, hosted a great Jewish minority before the war outbreak)?
Nazi racial policy for dummies:
1. Start with immediate economic well-being and willingness to ally with you. This gives you Japanese being superior to other Asians, Poles being inferior to other Slavs, and Jews being the cause of all your woes.
2. Move on to cherrypicking "Aryan" qualities based on religion and susceptibility to fascism. You can now tick off Croatia as an Aryan ally despite them both being Catholic Slav countries, and tick off Bosnia and Serbia as untermenschen based on their Oriental religions and the fact that Croatians want their clay. Make sure to write down how many blondes you saw in Zagreb! This will be on the exam!
3. Seize lebensraum
he hated peoples that were living on lands he envisioned for his greater empire.
The Serbs/Croats/Slovenes etc weren't to be included in in German's Lebensraum, so there was no need for propaganda to smear them, but the Poles, Ukrainians, Russians and so on were living on the land he wanted to expand in colonize, hence the call for mass genocide and propaganda saying these people aren't even worthy of being called animals, let alone human.
No. Nazis sometimes pushed Jedeo-bolshevik meme though. As in Slavs are genetically slaves and prone to Jewish control (communism).
>not okay with russians
Wat is russian liberation army hurr
>not okay with poles
Wat is Pidsulski-Hitler friendly relations hurr
You fell for the allied post-war atrocity propaganda strawmen and memes. ""Slavs"" are eastern germanic
Hitler just wanted to reduce their big number. Also the fact he killed so many of them is that communism was common along them (duh). He actually had units of nazi Russians fighting for him, like RONA or Vlasov Army
Germans knew Poles are one of the most difficult people to supress and hardest to germanise. Hitler knew his Reich would never be calm with them alive
give me one example of a deliberate slav genocide that wasnt instigated because they were radical Marxists or enemies of the state of germany.
It's almost like they changed their definitions at the drop of a hat to suit whatever situation they were in. Much like modern stormturds do today.
>All Jews are scum and need to go!!!
>But what about the doctor who helped your mother? He was Jewish!
>Well, not ALL Jews obviously...
Slightly related question: what was Hitlers plan with brown-eyed germans? Would they only be allowed to have x children? Would brown-blue relationships be prohibited?
>1/4 Belarussians killed
I don't know what kind of mental gymnsatics are you going to perform, but numbers speak quite clearly.
>Wat is russian liberation army hurr
Someone who joinded the good guys in the last battle
>Wat is Pidsulski-Hitler friendly relations hurr
Irrelevant meme
Hitler didn't hate slavs. He didn't like that 80 million Germans lived in small Germany while 30 million polish people lived on land the same size or how much more land Russia had per capita.
During the war the Wermacht propaganda office came up with the untermensch type of propaganda however Goebbel's tried but couldn't get them stop and had no control over the wehrmacht. He even notes in his diaries how stupid it was for winning over the conquered people to support their cause.
>Small Germany
Be thankful your fake country exists at all you fucking kraut faggot
Asked to explain the fact that many of his friends were Jews, Lueger famously replied: 'I decide who is a Jew.' "
>"Brits are almost as good as "Aryan" pure Germans"
>Brits start fighting against them
>"Brits are subhuman, nigger tier mongrels"
kek, absolutely booty blasted
They were literally going to sign an anti-communist treaty together til that guy died. The new head of the military junta leading poland did a 180 on German-Polish relations and the rest is history.
100% this. Poland was viewed as a country that stole German lands and oppressed Germans, and Russia/Ukraine was viewed as the new living space. There was absolutely no reason to antagonize other Slavs.
t. Piotr Zychowicz
the ""180"" had more to do with German expansionism rather than anything
Probably because they were fighting a war? Did the allies genocide Germans in your mind?
Or perhaps only in you autistic fantasyland are people ideological purist? Daily reminder pragmatism and realism trumps being an ideologue.
The genocide of Belarussians was committed mostly by Ukrainian auxiliaries, so a Slav on Slav crime.
>actually being vaguely consistent with your policies and having a political backbone is autistic fantasyland
Not him, but it absolutely is. Non-pragmatists are literal imbeciles.
They were consistent. They never wanted to genocide slavs or Jews.
"M'aiq hears many stories of war... yet few of them are true." - M'aiq the Liar.
Be sure to bring that up in the next "the Nazis were so great and moral and upright" thread then.
>All Jews are subhuman
>not this one though, he's good
>quoting a fantasy videogames
The absolute state of Veeky Forums...
>thinking someone is subhuman means you want to genocide them
I never claimed that you brainlet.
I didn't say anything about genocide did it?
You pose an interesting quesiton. If humans and subhumans coexist, could a human be friends with a subhuman? Could a subhuman be accomplished? I'd imagine the answer is yes.
I never said you did. Just asking you to tell them what you've said in this thread, when a similar topic comes up again.
humans are friends with dogs
The Aryan people know their true enemy now is the eternal Anglo.
This is like saying he didn't hate communism because he allied with Soviet Russia. Alliances of the moment tell us nothing of long-term ideological commitments.
my understanding is that the pro-german faction pro-neutral faction goes back to the two guys that founded the polish state at versailles. pre-dating german expansionism completely.