Can we all agree these guys are the master race?
I mean holy shit, how can you have almost a total monopoly on anything of value in Eurasia?
Other urls found in this thread:
The most successful Indo-European groups like the Ancient Greeks and Romans and Christian Germanics and Latins are far more indebted to Near Eastern people like Phoenicians and Jews than the Proto-Indo-Europeans.
>Tfw cuck farmer
how so?
What are
Did you mean to reply to ?
given, since all starts back with the Egyptians, an Afro-Asiatic people
I don't think something so broad can be applied to any one ethnicity, since agriculture is over 10,000 years old
again, sail is over 5,000 years old
again, too broad
again, too broad
and even if you aren't the first to make use of these, you can still be the one who did best BY these, meaning that they used them much better than others, even if they didn't "invent" it
> given, since all starts back with the Egyptians, an Afro-Asiatic people
No it doesn't lol.
Phoenicians are the first to invent an actual, non-autistic alphabet.
Even then you have Mesopotamians long before Egypt.
Also, you have writing forms 2000 years before all that in the Balkans;
Short documentary on pies.
Phoenicians are Afro Asiatic (Semitic), and they weren't the first one to develop an alphabet anyway
>long before
Like a centuryat most
That's disputed, highly controversial
Phoenician alphabet came from Sinaitic, which came from Egyptian hieroglyphics.
And it was from Phoenician that we derived the Greek, and then Italic and then Runic and Latin alphabets.
I'm not talking about just inventing writing, but where each writing system ultimately derived from.
My guess is that the principal reason of the expation and domination of the IE people is their large cattle. Oxen ("pre-cows"), sheep and horses have some significative advantages respect the farming people that already populated Europe:
1. Horses gave this people speed and warfare advantage. Even if the farmer people had the same (or equivalent) weapons, the could do nothing against mounted or chariot warriors.
2. Ox (or cow) gave this people cargo advantage. They could travel longer distance with much, MUCH more things that any other culture around.
3. This culture have a big nutriotional advantage. They have a continuos supply of protein and fat. You have to know that there are three macronutrients: fat, protein and carbos. Of this three, fat and protein are the most important. Fat is important for early brain develoment (thats why you should give regular milk to your infant, and not 2%) and for reproduction. If you dont eat enough fat, your body starts to eats its own fat. The brain its almost all fat. The same thing happen with protein. If you dont eat enough protein, muscle develoment its capped, you would be smaller and weaker. But, if you dont eat carbos, your body produce ketones to remplace it.
I dont know if they were the peope with the "lactose tolerance mutation" (because the lactose tolerance is the mutation, the intolerance was the norm in that time) but I am sure that they had more access to milk (and dairy products) than any other culture arround. Only this fact is a very big thing. You can feed 3 lactose tolerant children with the same amount of milk that you feed 1 lactose intolerant children. And this advantages its even greater taking into acount that they also have more meat to eat thant others.
OP are you psychic? I came to Veeky Forums to do a thread on the Yamnaya. Thanks for saving me the trouble I guess. I find the Yamnaya interesting, their existence basically indicates that everyone who is considered part of classical Eurasia (i.e. up to but not including China and further east) share a similar origin and only diverged very recently in history.
So Europeans, Indians, Persians, non-African Arabs, Russians, Central Asians used to be one people, at least according to my understanding of what I've read on the subject.
They were genocided in Central Asia and Western China and Slavs were conquered and enslaved by Turko-Mongol people for a long time as well. Turan master race.
I'm pretty sure bring the descendents of Proto-Indo-Europeans means that no matter what, they will always be more indebted to PIEs.
Arabs are Afro-Asiatic tho
The most literally who "kingdom" in the Middle East, their one and only architectural feat being built with architects imported from Phoenicia.
Nice try Schlomo. A (You) has been deposited in your account.
And then there was a sect of Judaism called Christianity that came to define Europe for the next 2000 years
Roman and Medieval Christianity were entirely different religions from the Jewish apocalyptic cult which they sprang.
Regardless, Europe would be Europe even if it had converted to Mithraism or Manichaeism. Likewise other peoples would remain what they are and achieve what they can achieve even after converting to Judaism and Christianity, such as Ethiopia.
>It is an islamic golden age episode
Go blow up yourself somewhere else ahmed
You can spot an underage child or a low iq wewuzer when he thinks that such things as science and engineering are "discovered" completely and in their finished form in the moment that the first and most primitive instantiation of them can be named.
Their line of thought is the following.
>Oog the Caveman pilled two stones together.
>Hundreds of thousands of years later someone builds St. Peter's Basilica.
>Oh nice work you have there, but Oog did it first when he pilled those two stones together. So basically your just stealing Oog's idea.
I mean how retarded can you be? But apparently there are people like that.
the Don, Donets, Dnieper, Danube, Dniester and other rivers are all scythian/alan words
Indo-European Scythian dānu "river", and with Avestan dānu-, Pashto dand and Ossetian don.
Scythian people all have Ironi (Persian) names:
King Madya
King Ateas
King Idanthyrsa
King Protuva
King Išpakaia
King Targitaia
King Skilurus
King Palakus
Scythian tribes, note the IE names:
Scythians called the one of their tribes Oiorpata, and explains the name as a compound of oior, meaning "man", and pata, meaning "to kill"
associate oior "man" with Avestan vīra- "man, hero", Sanskrit vīra-, Latin vir (gen. virī) "man, hero, husband",[13][14] PIE *u̯iHro-. Various explanations account for pata "kill":
Scythian theonyms
Papaios = Zeus. Either "father" (Herodotus) or "protector", Avestan, Sanskrit pā- "protect", PIE *peh3-.[23]
Api = Gaia. Either "mother"[24] or "water", Avestan, Sanskrit āp-, PIE Hep-[25]
Goitosyros or Oitosyros = Apollo. Perhaps Avestan gaēθa- "animal" + sūra- "rich".[26]
Argimpasa or Artimpasa = Aphrodite Urania. To Ossetic art and Pashto or, "fire", Avestan āθra-.[27]
Thagimasadas = Poseidon.
The religious beliefs of the Scythians was a type of Pre-Zoroastrian Iranian religion and differed from the post-Zoroastrian Iranian thoughts.[71] Foremost in the Scythian pantheon stood Tabiti, who was later replaced by Atar, the fire-pantheon of Iranian tribes, and Agni, the fire deity of Indo-Aryans.[71] The Scythian belief was a more archaic stage than the Zoroastrian and Hindu systems. The use of cannabis to induce trance and divination by soothsayers was a characteristic of the Scythian belief system.
a good watch, thank you
Indo-Europeans domesticated the horse and invented the wheel and the chariot.
Indo-Europeans have conquered the world, colonized entire continents and were the first to travel to space (Asiatics, able copy-cats, but uncreative, arrived second; Africans will never do it on their own).
About 2/3 of all spoken languages in existence is Indo-European.
The Aryan race is the flower of mankind; without it, humanity would hardly be worth anything.
Non-Aryans, are you even trying?
Whites brought metallurgy to China
>Numerous scholars have suggested that the Afanasevo were responsible for the introduction of metallurgy to China.
Afanasevo and/or the Andronovo culture were responsible for the introduction of metallurgical technology into China, by way of the Tarim peoples (Peng 1998,[8] Bunker 1998,[9] Mei and Shell 1998,[10]).[11]
Peng, Ke. 1998. “The Andronovo bronze artifacts discovered in Toquztara County Ili, Xinjiang,” in The Bronze Age and Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 573–80. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.
Bunker, Emma. 1998. “Cultural diversity in the Tarim Basin vicinity and its impact on ancient Chinese culture,” in The Bronze Age and Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 604–18. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.
Mei, Jianjun, and Colin Shell. 1998. “Copper and bronze metallurgy in late prehistoric Xinjiang,” in The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age peoples of eastern Central Asia. Edited by Victor Mair, pp. 581–603. Philadelphia: University Museum Publications.
The Budini were Germanic
Why can't the Vedas substitute the Psalms for Euros?
Euros wrote such magnifient music for that hateful Jewish gargabe... So many, so many songs in Euro music are Psalms, so sublime... And yet the Psalms are mere Jewish revenge fantasies, talking about throwing babies against the rocks. It's such a shame...
This song could be about Euro gods and values... Instead it is about Jewish power fantasies of one day ruling over the Gentiles with a rod of iron...
Herodotus on Budini [4.108]
>The Bhudini are a large and powerful nation: they all have deep blue eyes), and bright red hair.
Tactitus on Germans
>. For my own part, I agree with those who think that the tribes of Germany are free from all taint of intermarriages with foreign nations, and that they appear as a distinct, unmixed race, like none but themselves. Hence, too, the same physical peculiarities throughout so vast a population. All have fierce blue eyes, red hair, huge frames, fit only for a sudden exertion. They are less able to bear laborious work. Heat and thirst they cannot in the least endure; to cold and hunger their climate and their soil inure them.
Yamnaya headed east from their homeland in the Eurasian steppelands, moving all the way to the Altai Mountains of Siberia, where they replaced local hunter-gatherers. This means that this distinctive culture of pastoralists, who had ox-driven wagons with wheels and whose warriors rode horses, dominated much of Eurasia, from north-central Europe to central Siberia and northern Mongolia. They persisted there until as recently as 2000 years ago. “Now we see the Yamnaya is not only spreading north into Europe; they’re also spreading east, crossing the Urals, getting all the way into central Asia, all the way into the Altai, between Mongolia, China, and Siberia,” says evolutionary biologist Eske Willerslev of the University of Copenhagen, author of one study.
They found that the Yamnaya of the Samara Valley in the northern steppe of Russia were genetically indistinguishable from the Afanasievo of the Altai in the Yenesey region of southern Siberia, which confirms archaeologists’ suggestions that there was a vast migration of steppe pastoralists to the east. But unlike in Europe where the Yamnaya interbred with local farmers, the Yamnaya moving east completely replaced the local hunter-gatherers—perhaps because this region was only sparsely populated, Willerslev says.
This eastern branch of the Yamnaya (or Afanasievo) persisted in central Asia and, perhaps, Mongolia and China until they themselves were merged with Andronovo, another subgroup of Yamnaya. These people from the Caucuses area, who were genetically related to central Europeans, persisted in central Asia until 2000 years ago, which means that people in central Asia were actually Europeans rather than living Asians. It wasn’t until relatively recently—just 2000 years ago—that these Caucasians were replaced by immigrants from eastern Asia, such as the Karasuk, Mezhovskaya, and other Iron Age cultures that today make up the ancestry of people in central Asia.
The Budini (Greek: Boudinoi) were an ancient people who lived in Scythia located them east of the Don River (known as the Tanais in his time) beyond the Sarmatians.[1]
the Bhudini people, east of the Ister (Danube) River, thusly: [4.108] The Bhudini are a large and powerful nation: they all have deep blue eyes), and bright red hair.
Xiongnu inhabited the Asian Steppe from the 3rd century BC to the late 1st century AD
Scythians, also known as Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sacae, Sai, Iskuzai, or Askuzai, were a large group of Iranian[1][2][3][4] Eurasian nomads who were mentioned by the literate peoples surrounding them as inhabiting large areas in the central Eurasian steppes from about the 9th century BC until about the 4th century AD (Sarmatians)
Alans survive to this day
the Xiongnu name could be a cognate of Scythian, Saka and Sogdia, corresponding to a name for Northern Iranians.[24][71] According to Beckwith the Xiongnu could have contained a leading Iranian component when they started out, but more likely they had earlier been subjects of an Iranian people and learned from them the Iranian nomadic model.[24]
In the UNESCO-published History of Civilizations of Central Asia, its editor János Harmatta concludes that the royal tribes and kings of the Xiongnu bore Iranian names, that all Xiongnu words noted by the Chinese can be explained from a Scythian language, and that it is therefore clear that the majority of Hsiung-nu tribes spoke an Eastern Iranian language
>The ruler of the Xiongnu was called the Chanyu later refined by Rouran as "Khan"
>The Yenisei Kirghiz Khagans claimed descent from Xiongnu (Chinese Li Ling + daughter of the Xiongnu Khan)
>Xiongnu are Mongoloids
>Xiongnu used Chanyu/Khanyu title synonymous with Khan
>it is suggested that Indo-European Wusun used the royal title "Kunmi"
>Beckwith specifically suggests an Indo-Aryan etymology of the title Kunmi
>IE word Kunmi possibly the root for Khan
>Hun = Khan = Hunnu = Xiongnu = Hunya = Chanyu = Kunmi (similar shit)
>Huns were in fact descendants of the Northern Xiongnu who migrated westward
>the title “Khan“ was original to the Rourans
>The region experienced a Mongolification and was eventually occupied predominantly by peoples showing Mongoloid features, known from their skeletal remains and artifacts
tl;dr Scythians transferred their technology/skills/culture to Mongoloids and then got erased by them
Xiongnu art is harder to distinguish from Saka or Scythian art
A majority (89%) of the Xiongnu mtDNA sequences can be classified as belonging to Asian haplogroups, and nearly 11% belong to European haplogroups.[citation needed] This finding indicates that contact between European and Asian populations preceded the start of Xiongnu culture, and confirms results reported for two samples from an early 3rd century BC Scytho-Siberian population (Clisson et al. 2002)
Reminder that Buddha Sakyamuni, the "sage of the Sakas", and Bodhidharma, the "blue-eyed barbarian", were Scythians.
The Turpan region was renamed Xizhou (西州) when the Tang conquered it in 640 AD,[7] had a history of commerce and trade along the Silk Road already centuries old; it had many inns catering to merchants and other travelers, while numerous brothels are recorded in Kucha and Khotan.[8] As a result of the Tang conquest, policies forcing minority group relocation and encouraging Han settlement led to Turpan's name in the Sogdian language becoming known as “Chinatown” or "Town of the Chinese".[7][9]
Exotic green-eyed, blonde-haired Tocharian ladies serving wine in agate and amber cups, singing, dancing, and fornicating at taverns attracted customers
In Astana, a contract written in Sogdian detailing the sale of a Sogdian girl to a Chinese man was discovered dated to 639 AD. Individual slaves were common among silk route houses; early documents recorded an increase in the selling of slaves in Turpan.[10] Twenty-one 7th-century marriage contracts were found that showed, where one Sogdian spouse was present, for 18 of them their partner was a Sogdian. The only Sogdian men who married Chinese women were highly eminent officials.[11] Several commercial interactions were recorded, for example a camel was sold priced at 14 silk bolts in 673,[12][13] and a Chang'an native bought a girl age 11 for 40 silk bolts in 731 from a Sogdian merchant.[14] Five men swore that the girl was never free before enslavement, since the Tang Code forbade commoners to be sold as slaves.[7]
There were eras in Xinjiang's history where interracial sex was common, "laxity" which set upon red-haired Uyghur women led them to be mounted by Chinese men.
Intermarriage and patronage of prostitutes were among the forms of interaction between the red-hairs in Xinjiang and visiting Chinese merchants.[161]
Almost every Chinaman in Yarkand, soldier or civilian, takes unto himself a temporary red-haired wife, dispensing entirely with the services of the clergy, as being superfluous, and most of the high officials also give way to the same amiable weakness, their mistresses being in almost all cases natives of Khotan, which city enjoys the unenviable distinction of supplying every large city in Turkestan with courtesans.
[T]he fair ladies and benefactresses of Kizil and Kumtura in their tight-waisted bodices and voluminous skirts recall--notwithstanding the Buddhic theme--that at all the halting places along the Silk Road, in all the rich caravan towns of the Tarim, Kucha was renowned as a city of pleasures, and that as far as China men talked of its musicians, its dancing girls, and its courtesans.[11]
In Kashgar in 1933 the Chinese kept concubines and spouses who were Turkic women.[184]
>cucked by Chinks
They must've been the most beta people in existence.
Uh... Are you proud of this?
Are you retarded? He didnt even mention it
it proves civil lifestyle is for the cucks
only warrior societies preserve wealth and strength
He just replaced Arabs by another kind it's all, the idea is still that the we (Whites) were barbarians and dumb sandnigger rapefugees WUZ DOCTORS N SHEIT
I want /pol/ to leave
> which came from Egyptian hieroglyphics.
No it fucking didn't lol.
hieroglyphics are autistic pictographs, not fucking letters lol
what was the black sea area like say... 23000 years ago?
what was the sahhara like? or polinesia?
are there maps?
who built all those 'cyclops walls' in the balkans?
More Scythian info plox. That thing about the gods is very cool.
>The Aryan race is the flower of mankind
And anywhere white people went they went extinct, search for the Tocharians and even nowadays you have white people not having kids.
>the white race is the most powerful race ever!
>gets outbred by "inferior races" while not doing anything to stop them.
What do you think letters are?
Good statement just one issue. Horses couldn't be ridden in PIE times, but chariots were in play
i have news for you
>And anywhere white people went they went extinct
I'm posting from North America right now
Which only proves his point.
The flower only blossoms in spring, and blesses the whole world with its beauty. Then comes the darkness of winter.
It took the universe millions and millons of years to give birth to the white race, the flower of creation, and its light shineth upon the whole world for a short period of time, a millionth of a second in the grand scale of things. But nothing good can last forever. Here comes the cosmic winter.
The dark races will have to bear themselves. The dark winter of humanity. The slow, violent regression into the animal state. And then humanity will be no more.
get a load of my sides
I believe they can act as both pictographs and phonetic letters
>that these Caucasians were replaced by immigrants from eastern Asia, such as the Karasuk, Mezhovskaya, and other Iron Age cultures that today make up the ancestry of people in central Asia.
The autosomal component from Karasuk and Okunev is much more Beringian/Amerinidian shifted than the East Asian ancestry found in modern day Turkics/Mongolics.
This "East Asian" introgression came from peripheral cultures such as Tianshanbeilu,Lower Xiajiadian and Miaozigou who weren't dissimilar to predecessors of the Shang polity(Erlitou).
This is fucking depressing. Fuck humanity.
>mounted or chariot warriors
I know, thats why I said mounted or chariot warriors.
b-but user, it was just firey red-hair bush grinding on 1 inch cock, the Sharapovas probably didnt even enjoy it
what the fuck are you talking about this is /pol/ tier mindless dribble
>Manichean europe
That would have been so awesome holy shit.
No, Budini were Uralic - a branch now represented by Udmurts and Komis (they're the only red-haired peoples in the vicinity of what used to be Scythia)
>haha Goy! Christianity is a lie.
Merchant pls
and Maris
what is cuneiform
babby don't hurt me
It's a nice thought that we're all related. And Arabs are considered semitic. But of course we have to recognize that this only means we share a common ancestor, how we all individually live and diverged after that creates a lot of differences.
Wow.. Just wow.
We cant have a master race OP, to answer your question. Society only works if everyone is treated equally. You can't say one "race" is better than another just because of their history of conquest.
The Yamna seem to have done well, obviously because of their animals such as the horse and cow. That doesn't really say much about their race, they were just in an advantageous time and place of history.
>used to be one people
More like they share some ancestors, later said ancestors mixed with their other, DIFFERENT ancestors, it's like saying me and my second grade cousin used to be ONE person because we shared a great grandather
>used to be one people
Partially. Firstly, as others have already said, Arabs belong to an entirely different family. Secondly, no, not really. The Proto-Indo-Europeans wouldn't have been the first settlers in any of these places, but rather they conquered already settled tribes, and made themselves the elite in their societies.
nah nigga, u buggin
>horse, wheel, chariot, metallurgy, composite bow, farming techniques, equestrianism
>be prehistoric Central Asian
>member of heavy-bearded, aquiline-nosed Yamna, Afanasevo, Andronovo, Tocharian, Scythian, Bactrian, Sogdian
>invent the wheel and chariot
>first to domesticate the horse
>build prehistoric cities
>meet innocent looking Eskimo-like people in the periphery of your civilization, in the tundra
>teach them your ways of the horse and lifestyle, transfer your knowledge and technology
>they adopt and adapt to your Scythian ways
>they expand from their tundra, permafrost territory
>gradually take ownershership of Scythian clay
>for the next couple eons you fail against their onslaughts
>indigigenous Scythians of Asia is now replaced by Mongolids
>naming CIV4 tech trees
>invent the wheel
Invented insipendently in Sumeria and the Balkans
I've been reading this:
Pretty good until chapter 13 (as long as I read it) Should I keep reading it?
Guess my ethnicity Veeky Forums
Can we just use the word "aryan" instead of yamnaya or whatever the fuck?
This is getting tedious.
It's disgusting that our cuckishness is the reason Central Asia is a brown shithole.
You mean they allowed intermarriage and eventually became half-asian.
its the docility/civility that turned warriors into cucks and slaughtered prey for genociding mongoloids
yall white boi niggas never learn your lesson
Yamnaya people were R1B they're the ancestors of Western Europeans and have little to do with the modern inahbitant their homeland
We genocided the asian manlets in most part of Eurasia, Central Asia is their only victory.
>Yamnaya people were R1B they're the ancestors of Western Europeans and have little to do with the modern inahbitant their homeland
Except animals don't domesticate themselves. See Africa.
And this
Actually no, Yamnaya is better. Aryan has too much confusion (Indians, Persians and Pakis being the 'original' Aryans, i.e. the people who used to live in that region and probably still do) and racial connotations to be used post-WW2.
Yamnaya doesn't carry all the baggage.
Yamna admixture doesn't break 50% just about anywhere in Europe.
Maybe Lithuania, but Lithuanians are also among the most indigenous of Europeans which is something they didn't get from PIE who were very heavily mixed with Middle Easterners.
Western Europeans or Slavs bragging about being Yamna is just autismo.
Budbuddingding 2.99
it doesn't matter since we carry their ethnic identity though
"Just call 'em ARYANS"
As would Pamiri people from Tajikistan while also having more Yamna admixture than you.
yes, the Yamna expanded, would have assimilated local populations, but that really doesn't matter because language and religion and other things are what make them remarkable.
>who were very heavily mixed with Middle Easterners
Basically, at first the people at the Pontic-Caspian steppe were simply a mixture of Upper Paleolithic Siberians and their European equivalents.
Around 4500-4000 BC, Middle Eastern DNA from the Caucasus starts to appear there and this admixture continues for a long time until PIE had around half Caucasus DNA when they started migrating to Europe and Central Asia.
But in Lithuania or around there they mixed with indigenous Europeans who didn't even have much Upper Paleolithic Siberian admixture, making modern Lithuanians more European than PIE or even pre-PIE.
>Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe
>Middle Eastern
And Scythians are R1A1.
Guess fucking what, Slavs are actually the master race.
Anyone know what happened with the Chadian and some Fulani? From where they got they R1 dna?
*Hausa, not chadians.
>From where they got they R1 dna?
Eurasian backmigration. R isn't restricted to proto Indo Europeans who most likely carried R1a1a1 M417 and R1b1a1a2 M269.
Pastoral migrants from North Africa during the Green Sahara phase.
Anyone know if they have legends about that migration? How they called themselves, what tribes they were, when happened?