How is Europe its own continent?
"I cannot conceive why three names, and women's names especially, should ever have been given to a tract which is in reality one."
How is Europe its own continent?
"I cannot conceive why three names, and women's names especially, should ever have been given to a tract which is in reality one."
It isn't. It's at best a subcontinent like India. We just refer to it as its own thing for tradition's sake, and because it's so different from the rest of the continent, like how India is sometimes separated from the rest of Asia for the same reasons.
history reasons
religious reasons
cultural reasons
literally no reasons to be bothered by it outside of contrarianism
Because culture is part of geography. Hurr durr why two continents in America, hurr durr why Greenland not a continent but Australia is and so forth and so on.
>history reasons
>religious reasons
>cultural reasons
All more important than mere geography too.
So we should split up asia some more?
Please do, I'm sick of being grouped with the poo in the loos and the fucking sandniggers
It shouldn't be
Continents are arbitrary jurisdictions. "Eurasia" is the continent in a geological sense.
Because Greenland is an island.
>ummm guys geography is objective and therefore should be the determinate
shut the fuck up
borders are imaginary
>why two continents in Americ
No one but Americans believe that
>why Greenland not a continent but Australia is
Australia isnt' a continent, Oceania is
Maybe it's a cultural barrier, or maybe it's Eurocentricsm which arbitrary says "we are different from [border of Europe]"
eyes are imaginary
If you conquer and colonize most the world you get to decide how it is divided.
when you rule the whole world you're free to draw the map howsoever you like
>the Suez canal made African its own continent
>the Panama canal made SA its own continent
That's what you sound like.
>It's an "i'm a fucking idiot who thinks Continents conform around Continental plates" Episode.
Geographically, Envinromental, Relgiously,
Yeah because asia is so alike
>implying it isn't
You fail to realize continents are exclusively a historical continent. The whole world can't even agree on how many there is. The (((anglo)))-Sphere considers the America's to be two while the rest of the world considers them to be one.
Europe is 100% worthy to be considered a distinct place from the rest of Eurasia.
This. A bunch of despotic mantlets conforming to whatever.
SA isn't it's own continent, North central and south america are subcontinents.
Because it's a geographical term, not a geological one.
Just check out wikipedia, it's smarter than us.
>Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions are commonly regarded as continents.
first of all lets get our facts straight, europe is pic related.
So are you a salty turk or arab who's envious and wants to be part of the Europhsere?
>why Greenland not a continent but Australia is
I know it looks large on the map but it's actually like one fourth the size of Australia.
>Europe is 100% worthy to be considered a distinct place from the rest of Eurasia.
Sure, a subcontinent of Asia.
So you can have something to be butthurt about, obviously.
I second this.
Even as a colonial.
No, it just seems that silly that European pride means they can just arbitrarily set a continent.
this projection in general is garbage for trying to gauge the size of continents. The USA can fit within the sahara desert.
Africa is WAY, WAY bigger than it looks on this projection. Maps trigger my fucking autism so hard
You can't project a sphere into 2d without some distortions.
That's why globes are the patrician's choice.
So we should just throw out everything that is made up? Guess what? Moder fiat currency is imaginary too! It's all just numbers in computers, so let's just empty out your bank account, because you don't need spooks like money! Enjoy starving on the street.
>European pride
Except that has nothing to do with it, memet.
>a subcontinent of Asia.
It'd be Eurasia. Saying it's "asia" is ignorant, Ahmed.
Are you fucking retarded? That map is used for longitude and latitude lines.
This is why you have blacks believing that they were Egyptians.
Whites manipulated the historical record to the extent that literally everything positive was the product of white people. They were the ones doing the initial research and the history, transcribing ancient texts and sorting out what's happened in the past. They wrote the history books. So once it got out that they were full of shit in like the fifties then nonwhite people started wondering what else have they lied about?
Europe is nothing more than a peninsula of Asia. But being the unmitigated egomaniacs that they are, the Europeans set up a eurocentric view to where Europe would be its own continent separate from Asia. Never content to take the Lesser position, they always had to be on top. It was inconceivable to them that Europe could not be its own thing.
>Include the name of my small peninsula into the continents name
How fucking much of a nigger can you be?
>Europeans name it """asia"""
>Use that name
kys with a bomb, Muhammad
The irony in your statement is staggering. Europe is named after the Middle-eastern (Phoenician) princess not the other way around you illiterate orangutan.
That's not a nice thing to say to a fellow asian. At least you aren't apart of the African continent.
listen Ahmed, take your bomb and Koran somewhere else.
did this illiterate so o a bich just ask why greenland isnt' a continent??
i hope you are anally raped in the most painful way possibe... i.e. by native americans.
Crawl back to /pol/ please. Your shoehorned denial of ancient history and misattributing some user to default cancer of desert is unamusing.
What does this even mean?
Link to the source of that image?
She pretty much exclusively did interracial
because Mercator
Greenland is basically the size of Saudia Arabia
Well it's true, Europe is an island of Civilization in a sea of barbarians
No it isn't.
>this projection in general is garbage for trying to gauge the size of continents
Well duh. That was never the intent with the Mercator projection. Maps before had been more accurate in portraying the size of continents, but they were also incredibly impractical when trying to plan out shipping routes. With the Mercator projection it's a simple matter of drawing a straight line from point A to point B to get the exact route you need to take.
>Dumas called Corsicans savages
>The guy who's only famous because his daddy got to blow napoleon
>And he's also from fucking Africa
>It's a Veeky Forums thinks their intelligent because they're aware the Mercator projection isn't accurate in size thread
He's right though, in the present tense too.
Can't say I disagree with France here.
Europeans so far up their own asses they give themselves a continent.
>Present core of Europe
>it's the area where all the muslims and shitskins live
It's like pottery
slavshits and spics are worse than mudshits
slavs are beyond subhuman
barter tho
>calling everything behind turkey asia
>calling everything behind the indus india
>fucking india islands
why is this internationally excepted now?
>No one but Americans believe that
No. It's latinamericans the only ones that believe that. Literally the rest of the world considers it two continents.
t. latinamerican user
Eurasia is a supercontinent as North America is a subcontinent. You Anglos just think about it for a second: NORTH America is literally the northern subdivision of America and Eurasia is the merging of Europe and Asia.
Most English speakers, specially Americans (as in USA Americans) will probably disagree with this, but the fact is, your arbitrary designation of continents doesn't make any sense when you start thinking about the names that YOU yourselves gave to the continents.
>Eurasia is the merging of Europe and Asia
Or the merging of a peninsula of Asia with the rest of Asia.
Everyone consider it one continent but English speakers (because of American influence)
>L’Amérique est un continent de l'hémisphère ouest de la Terre.
>América es el segundo continente más grande del planeta, después de Asia.
>Amerika ist ein Doppelkontinent, der aus Nordamerika (mit Zentralamerika) und Südamerika besteht.
>L'America, detta anche le Americhe o Nuovo Mondo,[2][3][4] è un continente della Terra formato da due subcontinenti[5] (l'America del Nord e l'America del Sud), nonché uno dei tre supercontinenti della Terra.
>Amerika is een landmassa die op het westelijk halfrond ten oosten van de Grote Oceaan en ten westen van de Atlantische Oceaan ligt.
>Amerika består av landmassorna mellan Atlanten och Stilla havet på västra halvklotet, namngivna efter den italienske upptäcktsresanden Amerigo Vespucci
>Consider the Americas one continent
>Undoubtedly consider Europe and Asia separate
Your right that Europe is named after an African goddess. She was named this by Europeans, not asians.
Got it Muhammad?
because it's in the richest area
you just determine the core of Europe by referring to a situation that began in the last few years, that's just dumb
Go and take in 10 muslim refugees from afghanistan then.
>Dumas:Africa begins at the Pyrenees
Said the fucking African. Can't make this shit up.
>homas-Alexandre had been born in the French colony of Saint-Domingue (now Haiti), the mixed-race, natural son of the marquis Alexandre Antoine Davy de la Pailleterie, a French nobleman and général commissaire in the artillery of the colony, and Marie-Cessette Dumas, a slave of Afro-Caribbean ancestry.
False by every quantifiable metric, Abu.