Does rural environment produce conservatism or vice versa? How about urbanization and liberalism?
Flyovers vs coasties
Higher taxes and outsourcing, immigration, and lowering the cost of labor directly hurts the working class. As such, rural areas vote for the politicians who do not do these things; nine times out of then these are members of the Republican party.
If you're in a place that requires more self-reliance and a greater value on small, close-knit communities, you'll get more of a conservative mindset.
If you're in a place that requires lots of interaction with a ton of different people, tolerance, and more interdependence, you're more likely to have liberal values.
That's completely inaccurate.
Urban environments attract ambitious people and social outsiders, and force those who live in them to interact with new and different subcultures. Rural areas attract those who fear change and otherness. This is not just an American phenomenon - you can see it in any country in the world.
wow what an insightful comment you sure don't see that everyday
Rural people are often in close-knit, isolated communities that are many times family oriented. Things are neat and structured for the most part, and the lack of wealth and exposure to those with wealth causes them to develop something akin to an asceticism of sorts. The gap between the rich in poor in a rural town is tiny, and the class differences are less pronounced (Unless you're looking at old school semi-noble families, the kinds with lots of land and a history that stretches back for generations, but more often than not, envy for them doesn't run as deep as elsewhere).
Urbanites usually have the opposite experience in life. Children in cities grow up around a large number of people with differing cultures, races, ethics, and morality, so they're likely to be more open minded about others to avoid conflict. Likewise, more emphasis is placed on the individual as unique, and encourage self-actualization away from family structures. Taking the stability of these family structures away causes urbanites to want to impose this stability and care taking on government structures and rights of the individual. In addition, cities contain the most wealthy beyond wealthy people in the entire world, many of which are part of highly exclusive social strata that people can't help but envy for themselves. So the city dweller will attempt to institute laws to raise up the common man to something more wealthy themselves, but if this proves difficult or impossible, they'll settle for removing wealth from more fortunate people as well.
>As if rich yuppies interact with poor niggers
They don't. They just east up the liberal feefee mindset.
You've probably never lived in a yuppie, gentrified area so let me explain.
Its true the poor stay out but there are enough immigrants and middle class black people that you will interact with a lot of different groups.
If being contradicted makes you so mad, maybe you shouldn't talk about stuff you know nothing about.
City folk are more corrupt and miserable thus more liberal.
if being a pretentious passive aggressive nigger makes you think that you're somehow insightful and correct then please fuck off
What is the best middleground to live in between these two? I can't stand rurals and city dwellers alike, but they both have positives. In general I want something quiet like in a rural place, with space but with access to civilization.
Suburbs you nerd
owning a car.
the lack of education causes conservatism which is more prominent in rural areas. Its not a coincidence that most liberal hubs are around universities.
Colleges are lefty farms
Underrated post.
I wouldn't say lack of education necessarily, but lack of interactions with different ideas and people with points of views. You see a more hive mind mentality in rural areas.
The academy is infamous for their ideological monoculture, hence the ivory tower canard.
universities are usually located in urban areas
lack of education doesn't "cause" conservatism, anymore than being poor "causes" liberalism
Small cities. Many of the negatives credited to cities generally are really found in massive "international" cities like New York, London or Paris. Meanwhile, there are areas that are still urban, but disconnected from globalist culture. Think Pittsburgh
You also see more people moving to the suburbs away from cities since they are becoming too expensive from gentrification. I find suburbs to have more diverse opinions.
Rust Belt used to vote for Obama. Many of the people who hated Reagan now love Trump and mostly for the same reasons.
Pittsburgh is a liberal cesspit full of dindus.
>more expnsive from gentrification
That only applies to NYC and SF. Everywhere else suburbs are the more expensive places.
Prove it.
Prove it.
I'd actually argue that it's because they have positive experiences with immigrants due to their gated communities they develop an open mind. It's easy to hold their views when your neighbor is Rshard and Amy who both work nice upper class jobs and send their kids to a fancy private school, but when you're poor and have to spend most of your time near Tyrone and Laquisha who let their six kids run wild while they're never home and get agitated with you when you punish them for tearing up your yard with their bikes or harass your kid on the way home because of their pack mentality, you probably won't share those views.
Urban areas attract niggers
That's why they are so left wing, because niggers are left wing
The white people in blue areas claim liberalism is a sign of sophistication
Believing that in spite of clearly contrary facts is evidence of juvenile narcissism, not sophistication
Is it? That's a shame, I had only stopped through, it seemed nice.
+1 GBP, thanks for posting.