Are American generals good to your standards?
>Robert E. Lee
What do you guys think of these generals compared to those of different nations?
Are American generals good to your standards?
>Robert E. Lee
What do you guys think of these generals compared to those of different nations?
Winfield Scott was easily among the greatest US generals
what did he do?
Storm the beaches of Vera Cruz and made Santa Anna run to his lettuce fields and cry. The salt from his tears fermented the lettuce and created Mexican sauerkraut.
No Washington? Jackson? Eisenhower? Abrams?
omar Bradley and Chester Nimitz were the best commanders in US history. Lee fucked up hard at gettysburgh. Patton was a fool. Macarthur was a fool. Grant was beyond savage af.
Top ranking generals are often overrated. Somebody like Joshua Chamberlain was more important to America than all those guys. He eventually became top-ranking, but he wasn't at Little Round Top.
fuck that guy, its not hard to defend the fucking high ground in the mid 19th century.
At which point has America ever fought a war where they found themselfs in a substantial disadvantage and where victory on a strategic level was not a foregone conclusion, so that any supposedly great general could show his merits?
>omar Bradley
Hurtgen Forest
The American Revolution
George Washington
pic related. is it accurate?
They had the odds on their side. Fighting a rebellion on the other side of the world against a not all too impressive army while being backed by the other major powers of their time. Its hard to lose that way
>They had the odds on their side
They were outnumbered. Outgunned. Their enemy controlled major ports and had a massive fleet controlling the coast for most of the war.
lol no he couldn't even catch pancho villa
completely overrated
also overrated
>Robert E. Lee
one of the, if not the best general of the civil war
he's kind of like the Zhukov of the U.S.
>not mentioning Eisenhower
Sherman >>> Grant. People never give Sherman due credit. GIVE HIM DUE CREDIT
Fuck off, Chamberlain was based. He was both a great leader and a very good writer
The Ace of Spades was by far the best general, but the best commander was probably Stonewall Jackson
But Sherman himself claimed that Grant was the better general.
well he was wrong, being modest, or sychophantic. Grant was SHIT
You sure sound like someone objectively appraising things.
There would be no America without this total Prussian faggot.
Washington was a great leader but a mediocre tactician and only a decent strategist at best.
well Civil War was going shit. And Abe was gonna lose re-election. Possibly not even get the Republican nomination. All because of how badly it had been going. Then Sherman takes Atlanta, and the whole thing turned around. And then he broke all the southerners will after that. Ugly thing to do, which is why Sherman isn't celebrated. But likely necessary. Now, all that March stuff is really secondary, cause Atlanta is the important part. Why didn't Grant take Atlanta, hmm? Cause he's shit
Washington was an incredibly shitty general at everything except the fighting retreat and keeping his troops morale up during it, he couldn't simplify complex tactics for his poorly trained militias which led them to fare poorly in battles unless they had a major advantage, but he sure was one slippery bastard who managed to keep the army from getting encircled and crushed many a time.
Robert E Lee WAS the best general of the civil war, and he would be considered a top general by European standards if he lived there.
On a side note, most officers of the Civil War were totally incompetent. Robert E Lee was thought to be unbeatable during the early stages of the war. Fuck niggers.
go fuck yourself you traitor ass bitch
Honestly we never hear about them, you were irrelevant until the interwar period so we basically know nothing about us history before the first world war
Robert E Lee made a lot of mistakes, he would be an upper tier general but he probably wouldn't command the status he did and still does in the US
t. Yankuck
Any thoughts on Schwarzkopf? I know it's contemporary, but I think he'll be remembered fondly. Powell too.
Even Arthur Wellesley considered him "the greatest living general".
But I think Grant, Nimitz, and Marshall are serious competition to him for the best American general.
Bradley fucked up at falaise see and at the ardennes Monty had to take command of the US first army when Bradley choked.
Also didn't he place his HQ in Luxembourg for prestige reasons but in doing so isolated his command from his armies.
i dont know enough about the civil war and ww2 performances were outshined by the eastern front
Sherman and mcarthur knew their shit
Sherman should have burned the entire south.
Grant didn't take Atlanta because he took Vicksburg then was transferred to the East.
Not that Sherman's Atlanta campaign should be underestimated, his manoeuvering was superb. Grants victories in the east overshadow those marches
MacArthur went from 100 - 0 real quick in Korea, why is he mentioned?
>George "Zhukov" Patton
I think Robert E. Lee deserves a bit of slack for his mistakes. Considering the lack of resources available due to the general incompetence of the Confederacy's governing body, he did amazing things with what he had at his disposal. The early war in Virgnia is a pretty remarkable accomplishment given what he was working with.
People forget how long it took the Union to get its shit together and even push out of the capitol.
Grant was just Zhukov fighting against worse guns
Piece of shit politician who stole the credit from the navy and then got ass raped i Korea
Lee receives too much credit for the Army of Virginia's successes. He liked to issue broad, vague commands that were executed by much more talented subordinates (Longstreet, Jackson, etc.). Once Jackson was dead Lee was not nearly as effective
Are you serious? Half the ground forces of the war were French and the French navy fought that of the British throughout the war.
pick one