Their minimum viable product (Boardwalk) is coming out in 2 days. It's not too late to lamboland
Why haven't you bought SWT?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why would I buy such an obvious scamcoin?
my minimum viable product comes out my ass once or twice a day and gets flushed down the toilet, still better than scam city.
I bought SWT, sent it to my swarmcity wallet and now can't get it back to bittrex. Can somebody help?
>he fell for the scam
because it's fucking retarded and will fail.
>muh replace uber
>muh replace lyft
>muh replace postmates and task rabbit
>muh replace craigslist
>muh zero liability but take a cut of the profits
>muh normies don't know about crypto and this relies on normies
fucking fags. don't fall for the shilling. /thread
Does seem kinda (( ))), but how is this different from every other shilled coin on here? DGB made me serious gains and that was all shill.
>thinks DGB is a shit coin
>DGB goes to 50 cents in 2 months.
>DGB market cap of 5.5 billion after a 16x in 2 months
>DGB announces partnership with major brands in July
Thanks faggot I love you
Delusional. There's a contest in July. There will be hype just like the one in June. And just like this one, they will lose and the coin will crater back to reality.
>muh reality
nigger I made 300k profit in a month. there is no reality.
Great so you admit it was a scamcoin that you used to dump 300k worth of bags on people. Thanks for clarifying.
Now tell me again how SWT is a scam. Or is it one because you didn't get in early and you're mad a coin actually releasing software is happening and you don't own any?
really swarms my city
It's a scam because the devs hold all the coins and WILL dump tomorrow. there's no development going on, just a bunch of ponzi wannabes that are going to get rich because you couldnt do any basic sleuthing.
>wat is github
git gud try harder next time
if you don't own this coin right now you're literally retarded
I recommend you check this. Your fud is getting old. Literally the same line over and over and you keep getting told about the github.
I still own A LOT of DGB, but made a lot on ETH, STRAT, RDD, etc. I didn't "dump" my DGB I just sold some at the high to put into other coins. It's called diversification faggot maybe you read a book for once in your life.
How is swt NOT a scam? Like I said, the developers constantly talk about replacing uber and craigslist... are you fucking stupid?
Who the fuck is going to use swarm city tokens? why the fuck would they? barley anyone even uses BTC to buy things... you think all of a sudden their going to gain a quantum leap of trust in crypto and start using swarm? That's retarded
What is so unique about the platform that cannot be instantly copied and done a thousands times better by ANY silicon valley VC backed start up? You could literally do exactly what SWT is trying to do, but have it be for free and just make millions off the advertising revenue.
>hurrr durr then why isn't anyone doing it?
They are, it's called CRAIGSLIST.
>hurr durrr but muh ride share
ok lets ignore the fact of what I just said about crypto not being main stream enough for swt to ever take off even if it wasn't a retarded idea...
If you were a driver, who would you rather drive for?
-will cosign a car for you
-access to their massive network from your smart phone, anytime and can set your own hours
-their insurance covers you
-they will pay for damages done to your car by passengers (drunk bitch puking, for example)
-reportable income (negative and a positive)
-can be a full time job
-they take part of your money, but provide you NO BENEFITS except a theoretical "network" via their webpage (they said they won't develop an app) which could never be as popular or as user friendly and streamlined as uber or lyft
-basically just takes your money and does NOTHING for you except provide a shittier craig's list
are you fucking dumb or just a shill? kys.
>SWT is the same as craiglist
>The typical no one will ever use crypto argument
>SWT is just a ride sharing marketplace
Who is paying you fucking fudders? Fucking Christ, I will sell all my swarm and fud with you, your paycheck must be insane.
Im trying to help you, you fucking retard. They are typical arguments because they are immediately obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ and the slightest business acumen.
You really don't know who our benefactors are? I'm fairly certain they're the same people who pay you guys. We were given a mission to post shitty fud so people would buy, then dump on them with the devs
They're fucking stupid and incorrect arguments. Obviously you must have read some on this coin. How you can misinterpret it so bad is beyond me.
Kek, this is better fud than you've been posting. Rly makes the normies wonder.
I've literally never read a counter argument to those arguments on Veeky Forums
It's because none exist you retarded faggot
1. Craigslist is centralized, illegal markets will exist on Swarm alongside legal markets, thus allowing it to outclass craigslist. Combining the idea of craiglist, along side every other fathomable marketplace is a much better idea than JUST craigslist. Decentralized is the key. Craigslist can only exist in so many places, and as much as I hate to admit it, decentralized crypto craigslist will EXPLODE in places like India, Russia, and China. Not everyone is as lax as America bro.
2. Crypto is the fucking future you fucking retard. If you unironically believe it's not, then why are you here?
3. Sure, someone else can make this coin, but this company is ahead. If Swarm ever wanted to cash out, I'm sure you'd know. They are the first to try this aspect of crypto and they have huge backings from some big players, like Vitalik's dad. If anything another business or crypto would just buy out swarm and take what they've done. It's a much easier concept.
4. Swarm isn't just a ride sharing service. They are just launching with #needaride as one example. Obviously it won't blow up over night, but if you believe in crypto, it clearly can have a future.
Lastly I'd like to state, while normies in the U.S. may not understand the idea of crypto right now, places like Russia, China and India are going to fall in love with it more than they already have. And you can bet if Russia adopts ETH then Vitalik's dad will have a good word with Putin on bringing Swarm City in to Russia along with it.
>devs are gonna dump a coin that is currently going up 20% every week
Fucking rekt holy shit
Are you fucking retarded? You think anything can be truly "decentralized" and be a market for illegal drugs on a public place that is supposed to attract the main stream user base? Decentralized is a meme, if crazy illegal shit was happening on swarm it would be stopped somehow, or literally it would be flooded with so many undercover cops that it would be rendered useless to criminals. You are so fucking retarded and delusional, WOW!
2) I didn't say crypto wasn't the future, I said it'd still be a long time before it's widely used and accepted you fucking illiterate idiot. You'll get dumped on by the scammy developers LONG before then.
3) Google could replicate this idea and make it better in 4 days. They don't because it's not a good idea you fucking tard.
4) #needaride is their only example, and it's the one they keep repeating over and over because it tricks retards like you.
You are clearly a very stupid and gullible person.
Kek you're fucking stupid.
Crypto already is part of every day life for China, India and Russia. So you can fuck off with that. Just cause your mom doesn't know about crypto doesn't mean Pajeet doesn't
Google buys ideas, they don't create them. By the time Google gets invested in crypto, Swarm will be huge.
Need a ride is their whitepaper example but they clearly state how other hashtags can exist and create other markets.
I think you're stupid tbqh
People host CP on Twitter and normies still use it. Same with youtube. It's just slightly hidden. There was a giant scandal about how twitter wasn't banning users posting CP, but banning people for reporting it.
Every other point you made is just handwaving away things because "muh so good at business".
Google doesn't build innovative products anymore. They milk advertising for 99% of their budget and buy companies that build products. If you knew anything about how Google actually works, you'd know that. One day they will pay 10 billion dollars for SWT because they see it's a good idea.
Can you send drugs through a blockchain? No? Guess you'll have to send payment then MEET SOMEONE to get them or have them shipped to you from a fake address and risk getting the package intercepted. Also what happened to "muh silkroad"
You are a complete dunce lmao
"muh crypto is everyday part of life in Russia and China" no it isn't you fucking ignoramus. Speak with more hyperbole then kys
"muh google buys ideas they don't create them" is literally the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Their ideas are so large and innovative that you don't even think they are new ideas because they so seamlessly integrate into your life. FUCKING WOW YOU'RE SO DUMB. IT'S AMAZING HOW STUPID YOU ARE IM LITERALLY AMAZED.
that shit gets shut down in minutes. Didn't even read the rest of your post because you're a tard.
so you dont actually know anything about how the platform works? nice.
Do you? Does anyone? No, because all they've released so far is garbage and-
>muh #ineedaride
I do know they don't plan on releasing an APP. SOUNDS AWESOME.
dude, the github and swarmcitytimes are full of information on this project. it will easily explode in popularity once storefront is released and the devs begin the advertising phase.
"full of information"
Yeah no. If it actually was it would be splattered all over Biz. It's not, just checked.
Haha okay buddy you're a paid shill or you're retarded
There was a massive scandal for days on end where twitter were banning people for _reporting_ CP and you can find it very easily if you just google it.
There is all kinds of this shit over YT and Twitter. Again you're just handwaving it away "oh they just shut it down"
Face it, you're wrong, you hate to admit you're wrong, and you just try to FUD things you don't get.
>using biz for information
>it'd be all over biz
Dude, you just ruined all of your arguments. You are now the official laughing stock of this thread.
You dont think biz tards would try to do what DGB did, as in post factual information about the coin and it's road map? The truth is that SWT is a mess created by scammers. Yes, if there was real info it'd be on Biz. kys faggots.
>factual information
ok I guess you could have a....
>about digibyte
you're an absolute retard
i already made 2x on my swt, and its gona up more until the 15 , then sell and see what happens, basicly all tech and shit is irrelevant for speculation.
and dont use biz as some credible souse of anything please its full of shill all the time.