why come nobody seems to talk about all the good the Jews did for the world?
Why come nobody seems to talk about all the good the Jews did for the world?
>the good the Jews did for the world
it doesnt fit the /pol/ narrative, look at these deluded fags
The Jews are neither Jewish, nor good, nor of the world.
Hating Jews is not just a /pol/ thing. The far left tends to gravitate towards anti-semitism too. It's more that extremism is a magnet for idiots and losers who see the Jews as an easy scapegoat to blame all their problems on because Jews are successful.
Blacks do the same thing with whites.
For same reason why no one talks about all the good that gypsies and abos have done.
>good the Jews did for the world
good joke
"The sufferance which is the badge of the Jew, has made him, in these days, the ruler of the rulers of the earth." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
I miss the good old days when intellectuals were red pilled.
>The far left tends to gravitate towards anti-semitism too
The left is pro Palestine. Have you been living under a rock?
But my doctor is Jewish. My daughter's pediatrician is Jewish. My grandma's neurologist is Jewish.
Every damn medical doctor worth half a damn in my life has been Jewish.
Reform Jews are very nice desu
This board is filled with /pol/tards who make bait threads about Jews
Because the god of this world is the devil, and the devil hates the jews.
Get a clue, user.
You never ask why though, why the Jews?
Post WW2 discussions regarding Jewish power are taboo, ever since it became obvious that should the people be made aware of it what they would go to great lengths to remove it's yoke.
You can't equate financial success with good, we throw good around and apply it where it shouldn't be applied. A doctor makes a large salary and often enters into CEO positions within healthcare networks, they also control the direction of physical and mental healthcare. Within most doctors you will find a hidden god-complex, while many are in it to administer care most these days only consider the wealth and stability.
I'm not exactly fond of Jews, but they have contributed a lot to science. Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, Oppenheimer, Sagan
Have you never heard the phrase "Rootless Cosmopolitan?"
In what realm in the eternal immaterium is anti-zionism anti-semitism?
Seems kind of anti-semitic to say that out of all the peoples in the world, it's only the Jews who don't deserve to have their own state
Anti-Zionist jews do exist, user.
You mean on Veeky Forums? Because in real life you're not allowed to say anything bad about G-d's chosen people or you'll be ostracized/arrested.
The left doesn't oppose Jews having a state, just that they can't have palestine's.
>This guy can vote
Jews accuse each other of being anti-semites all the time.
nationalism in general is shit and breeds unnecessary conflict
Jews are to whites as whites are to blacks.
Check your ressentment.
but jews are white
>the most positive Jewish contribution to the world is the atomic bomb
That's exactly what the kikes want you to think. You got duped.
Why is this a bad thing? You could argue that Jews are just inherently superior to whites.
But then again, Jews have never made any significant contributions to art or culture. And from experience, the Jews don't really have it in them to care about anything except making money. A world like that would be infinitely shittier than anything else.
>einstein made the atomic bomb
Where else are they supposed to go
Yeah the world really needed widespread industrialized warfare every generation.
Be glad mass mechanized conventional war came and went in a generation goyim.
>maybe it's your own fault that blacks aren't successful as whites
>ayo fuck that shit thaz what whitey want u 2 think
What the hell does that even mean "Jews are just inherently superior to whites." They seem pretty white to me. You might as well be saying "Jews are inherently superior to goyim."
carve a state out of Oklahoma. it can be the world capital of gambling and ursury
If we can't have Nazi Germany, the Jews shouldn't be allowed to have their own ethnonationalist state. This type of double standard needs to end.
Ashkenazi Jews are not genetically white though
Maybe others have that double standard, but I don't. Every nation should have their own state and be able to run it as they wish to without foreign influence
/pol/tards say the same about Irish and Slavs but that doesn't make it true.
>Jews have never made any significant contributions to art or culture
They certainly have, but it's almost always trash contribution. I mean stuff like pornography, Hollywood, pop music industry.
That's a good goy. Keep licking Jew asses. Just remember that its whites that want separation. Niggers just want reparations.
>/pol/tards say the same about Irish and Slavs
Nobody on /pol/ says that other than trolls and resentful Jews. You're thinking of /int/.
This, I don't want reparations or taxes drained from the Jews, I want them out.
It's still ridiculous to look at these lily white jews with german, polish, and european spanish names and go "Nope, not white."
It's different cultures clashing that breeds unnecessary conflict. The world would be a lot more peaceful if countries were homogeneous
>when you're so tolerant of Jews that they can be literal Nazis
>a name determines your ethnicity
Is this bait? Is a nigger named Michael Williams a pure Anglo-Saxon?
Just because they're "lily white" doesn't mean anything.
>with german, polish, and european spanish names
Oh, like the American Jews with all American names such as Jon Stewart, Sumner Redstone, Natalie Portman or Kirk Douglas?
Naivete is a sin.
I like the Hotep movement, but I doubt it's ever going to take off. There's too much slave morality amongst the blacks in America.
>the world would be a lot more peaceful if every country consisted of a single type of people who have no understanding of any other types of people
U dum
If you actually want to beat the Jews, you have to stop viewing them as comically evil overlords, and see yourself on the same level as them.
Viewing a group of people as "evil" is in almost every case short for "Better than me". You never describe inferiors as evil, you describe them as stupid.
Viewing an enemy as larger than life means you will never beat them.
>they have white skin
>they have white names
>they mixed heavily with europeans
>but they're not white because I said so
Yes? Generally speaking, people always get along better with people who act and look like them
ITT stormturds post dank memes about Jews not creating anything, mostly via a technology invented by Israeli Jews.
Polio vaccine.
But if everyone outside of the border is completely strange and foreign, that can breed fear and hatred.
They are not genetically white.
>unironically supporting things that further human overpopulation
They mixed heavily with Europeans. But who actually gives a shit, the constant arguments about what counts as "white" need to fucking end
Hmm abdul certainly seems to become less barbarous and insular once he starts constructing massive mosques in Paris yesssss
I think we need more enrichment
I already do all that, user. But it should be made clear to the general public that Jews are not our ally and never will be. My desire is to take back our country non-violently from the Jews, but it won't ever happen if whites aren't even aware that Jews are collectively competing against them.
>Jews are collectively competing against them
Have any sources for that, buddy?
They do user. I think you mean, why doesn't /pol/ talk about that?
Thank you for bringing this up. The bulk of the technology created in Israel is from Intel. Now lets have a lesson from /pol/ my friend! Remember, if there is smoke usually there is fire. From the Intel site
>Intel established a presence in Israel in 1974 in Haifa with five employees. Today the company employs about 10,000 people, in addition to indirectly supporting the employment of 30,000 workers in Israel. About 60% of Intel Israel's employees are engaged in cutting-edge R&D, while half support high-volume manufacturing of microprocessors that power the world's computing devices.
>As Israel's largest privately-held employer and exporter, and as the leader of the local electronics and information industry, Intel Israel is one of the building blocks of Israel's high-tech industry and an important component in the country's economic foundation.
>Intel has four development centers located in Haifa, Yakum, Petach Tikva and Jerusalem, as well as manufacturing-related facilities in Kiryat Gat and Jerusalem.
>Intel has committed to invest 1.87 billion New Israeli Shekels (NIS) in procurement every year for the next decade. This means that in the next 10 years, Intel will spend NIS 18.7 billion, mainly through small to medium Israel suppliers.
Now only a fool would be content with this and use it as an argument for Israeli technology contributions to America and not ask the WHY. Lets find out the WHY this happened in the next post!
White just means white skin, nothing more.
>you describe them as stupid
Not only is this a good tactic, it's actually the truth. When people say "Jews" they actually mean cream of the crop elite Jews. Israel is a Jewish country and their IQ is mediocre, their GDP per capita is below that of western Europe and their PISA scores are retard tier.
And when it comes to Jewish world control conspiracies, it makes them feel flattered because it presents them as highly profound people capable of pulling something like that off. Instead in reality their actual attempts to control societies always end up in a disaster and they created idiotic self-refuting doctrines like communism simply because they are too dumb to think it through. The Jewish control of the USSR lasted less than 15 years before Stalin started purging them the fuck out, they just cannot pull it off.
As for the Jewish riches - up until late 19th century most Jews lived in dismal poverty, in shitty ghettos ridden with crime, illiteracy and diseases. Gentiles just thought of them as rich because the only Jews they ever interacted with were a tiny of group of wealthy money lenders.
>they mixed heavily
So they're mixed and not white. You're basically saying that mulattoes and hapas are whites too.
not that I expect reading comprehension from /pol/-tards, but you'll notice he didn't say anything about financial success. He said they were good doctors.
Also, try to remember that you don't actually know any Jews and get all of your info from memes on a containment board of a mylasian sewing forum.
Like I said, I don't give a shit. It's a moot point whether they're "white" or not, I want them to leave my country regardless
You sure seem assblasted about the topic for someone who doesn't give a fuck.
This isn't a /pol/ thing you tard. Ashkenazi Jews and Sephardic Jews literally belong to special haplogroups that make them genetically closer to each other than to Europeans.
Ashkenazi's especially experienced a bottleneck population for several hundred years and inbred a lot when they were wondering aimlessly through Europe, and even drifted significantly from Sephardic Jews.
Jews really aren't "white" by the most accurate definition
thanks jews
>Israel is a Jewish country and their IQ is mediocre
That's because Israel is mostly non-Ashkenazi. It's specifically Ashkenazi Jews who exhibit abnormally high IQs - their average IQ is about 115. Bear in mind that they make up the vast majority of Jews in the western world.
Source: web.mit.edu
there is no accurate definition of white. It's a meaningless buzzword that denotes nothing beyond the color of your skin.
>these white people aren't white because of their religious affiliation
>Andrew Stephen "Andy" Grove (born András István Gróf, Hungarian: Gróf András István; 2 September 1936 – 21 March 2016) was a Hungarian-born American businessman...in the semiconductor industry. He escaped from Communist-controlled Hungary at the age of 20 and moved to the United States where he finished his education. He was one of the... CEOs of Intel Corporation
>Grove was born to a middle-class Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary
>During the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, when he was 20, he left his home and family and escaped across the border into Austria. Penniless and barely able to speak English, in 1957 he eventually made his way to the United States. He later changed his name to the anglicized Andrew S. Grove.
>In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore co-founded Intel, after they and Grove left Fairchild Semiconductor. Grove joined on the day of its incorporation, although was not a founder according to the company.
Eventually Grove would take control of Intel from the founders, and in doing so steer the company towards microprocessors when it's main focus DRAM became obsolete. Grove would often spout pro-American rhetoric, stating Intel was an American company, but no one ever discusses how he sent the bulk of Intel's R&D to his fellow Jews in Israel.
He also was a corrupt businessman, which is often overlooked by the Jewish media
>In the early 1990s, when a potentially terrible bug was found in the internal code of the Pentium chip, the overwhelmingly dominant central processor of personal computers at the time, he initially downplayed the flaw’s significance. But when confronted with evidence that it could lead to some serious problems for a few users, and threatened to ruin Intel’s reputation, Grove did an about-face and offered to replace the chip for anyone who asked. He never really believed the bug was that bad, but the evidence ruled.
Jews are an ethnic group you retard. Are albino blacks and light-skinned Hispanics also white?
>le Jews are only a religion maymay
Jews are genetically distinct from non-Jews. Even if they weren't, it's still an ethnonym, otherwise shit like "atheist Jew" wouldn't exist. Ever heard of an "atheist Lutheran?"
well one of them is a genetic mutation
and the other is white. yes, white hispanics do exist.
>try to remember that you don't actually know any Jews
Try to remember you don't know me. I work in a hospital and have worked in healthcare for some time. I know and have known many Jews.
>Gentiles just thought of them as rich because the only Jews they ever interacted with were a tiny of group of wealthy money lenders.
>genetically white
That's not a thing. Try taking a science class or just using Wikipedia sometime.
>blame medicine for population
you're really this retarded too
Martin Luther's problem with the Jews was strictly theological, it wasn't about their money or lack thereof.
They made good lampshadew
Veeky Forums is such shit now.
You have a whole board for this you retards. Go back.
>Every nation should have their own state and be able to run it as they wish to without foreign influence
What constitutes a "state?" Religion? Ethnicity? Heritage? Anyone can claim anywhere on the basis of "nation"
>89 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
Wew this anti bait is too good
Because tikkun olam is really about Jewish supremacism and not anything else.
I agree though. Even "Whites" have significant genetic differences from each other based on the specific regions they have lived and bred in isolation for years.
Eastern and Western Europeans are notably different from each other. Mediterranean Europeans and Northern Europeans are notably different from each other.
Evolution is a constant gradual process. You don't just suddenly become a new species one day.
A state is an area administrated by a sovereign government