How much will 1 Bancor be worth when it hits market?
How much will 1 Bancor be worth when it hits market?
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Heard rumors of around 0.2 BTC for 1 BNT.
The people who invested in the ICO practically millionaires by now though
probably 1-1.3x the ICO price
>how much will a useless scam token be worth
If you're lucky you will get back what you paid at ICO price. If not you'll have to hold bags for a lil while till you make a profit. This ICO was way too overhyped and already way too over saturated.
I want to believe.
t. 700 BNT
5x ICO
i got some in the ICO because you can't lose money, you can always sell it to the reserves for 0.01 ETH
a lot of people didn't get in this ICO so there will be immediate demand, and people who bought aren't gonna unload for less than ICO price
I think so...No whales going to push the price up like BAT anymore coz too many ppl paticipated in the ICO. Hype
There is going to be a dump right after it hit an exchange.