Trolley thread

R-R-Rev up those ethical dilemmas Veeky Forums because its time for another trolley thread.


What happens if the people are running into trams parked either side.

touch it and you're a murderer desu senpai

What would you do if there's a person running into trolleys parked either side?


don't let him inside your wimmens








I'm 100% sure a fucking trolley cannot kill five persons.


That's more people than have ever existed or probably will exist.

moral dilemmas don't have to make sense




Why can't the trolley stop?
Or are the breaks broken?
Because if I were him, I'd break off the switch and tie my shirt to it to give a warning.

dumping mine
















Having trouble finding more dumb ethical theorists to make trolley problems of
any requests?

this is fucking loss isn't it



The amount of people on the one trolly problem, on the right side, should be 6, while, on the left side, it should be 26.
Kill more people, minimum, or cause less people to face the dilemma?

this is why you





>b-but muh empiricism
>muh trial and error



Good shit. I choose to leave it.

This is wrong though. In the Prisoner's Dilemma betrayal has to be a dominant strategy, despite mutual cooperation being Pareto Optimal.


This is great

Is it 2d?

laughed way harder at this than I should have

Depends on how perceptive you are


definately a fly will do that

I love these threads.


>yudkowsky trolley problem
>not a choice between killing someone or revealing the truth of the future AI devil who will torture you if you don't give yudkowsky money

I think i'd pull the lever


Right side obviously. Curing cancer means biological immortality will be possible a few decades afterwards.

When you recognize youself because the file name :')

For some reason this almost works, except I can't make a connection for Libertarian Left.

Fucking kek, I laughed long and hard

of course


Pull the mystery lever



i'd pull it just to see what happens


But user, there needs to be negative people here?