Its another "DGB crashes back to 900 sat" episode
Its another "DGB crashes back to 900 sat" episode
its ok, we have plan B
900 sats is worth 10 cents tho
The correct response was either "run" or "that was plan b".
Lucky I'm here to pointlessly re-rack a already loaded shotgun.
Lets do this
shilling on Veeky Forums until some clueless retard buys
cmon boys, I bought in a few days ago, its time to pass the baton
lmao fucking retards that bought dgb
i hope they all sudoku
im close bro dont you worry
HeLLo It is mE, FoREIgn-Sounding DBG TrueBeliever who post in EVERY DGB thread.
do not be FOOLED by WHaLes and FUD coOOrndatied by SHariaBlue Lie-beralS to Tarnish Glorious DEEGEEBEE masterCoin!
SoOn DBG will be WORLD CURRENCY and our SharpiE PEns Will Be fashioned of SOLid GoLD and luBed with Salty TEARs of DGB DoubteRS!!!
Buy orders go through with dip, buy orders go up despite it falling.
Sounds good to me. Same thing happens every time before it rises.
It won't moon for a week or so. Hold you pussies.
There was no reason for DGB to rise.
It was obviously going down again.
I've said this before.
Just be patient and hodl.
All it takes is one announcement.
Nah it will be pumped today around to 1400
>We will be hodling back the avalanche till July comes
more like 2 cents
Good, the fudders are still out.
That means DGB is alive and well.
You should have listened.
fuck OFF pajeet
>Market wide bear trap