Why is sexuality so vilified in Western (or maybe more specifically Anglo) culture?
Why is sexuality so vilified in Western (or maybe more specifically Anglo) culture?
It isn't.
Why is it so vilified in Middle Eastern culture?
>extreme violence in a movie: PG-13 :^)
>show a pair of tits: NC-17, have to show your ID and birth certificate
people fuck or else there wouldn't be people, imbecile.
Examples outside of America?
not how it works at all but ok
it seduces people away from the ends
>Why is sexuality so vilified in Western (or maybe more specifically Anglo) culture?
Are you deluded? this statement is only true in asiatic eastern societies. Chinese and Japanese girls are perhaps the most shy when it comes to sexual practices.
Not in my experience.
It literally isn't.
Maybe once upon a time but have you literally seen any music video lately?
>2 literallys
What have i become.
... compared to?
Dude, literally every girl in that photo is undoubtedly a semen demon.
>Chinese and Japanese girls are perhaps the most shy when it comes to sexual practices.
which is why they go to europe for study and become fullon sluts, before coming back to life dreams of wild sex.
>so vilified
t. not living in the the moder world
We aren't in the 1950', the so called Sexual Revolution happened sadly
Because westerners basically made modern medicine.
Think about it, other than chopping of your hand and shoving the bleeding stump into a streaming pile of manure, what could possibly be a bigger vector for disease than sex? There is a reason the brain has to convince itself to become aroused, in spite of the genitalia already being highly erogenous, in order to pork.
It's because the mating process is revolting, physically demanding, prone to financially running people, and yes, your naughty bits are a veritable buffet for every virus, parasite, and plague this side of the Yangtze.
>not sexualised as fuck
We need to stop this 50's meme.
Just idealise something earlier if you want puritanical value.
Fifty Shades of Grey (the movie) was rated R in the US (17 years) and UK (18 years) and Australia (18 years).
In France it was rated PG (12 years) and only because of the sadomasochistic content, otherwise it would have been rated G.
Same thing for Blue is the Warmest Color.
So you're angry that you have to be 17 to watch sadomasochistic torture porn? Oh woe is you, won't soneone think of the poor children who are unable to partake in your smut.
Sexuality is a private thing in anglo culture. People are sexually promiscuous but they hide it.
How is France not "Western?"
Degeneracy is rampant because the foundation of western civilization is under attack by Cultural Marxism and Atheism.
As Mohler has insightfully explained, the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2015, to redefine marriage did not come out of nowhere. It was the fruit of decades of moral erosion related to sex and marriage. He examines four significant developments. First, there was the arrival of modern contraceptives, which led to the separation of sex from procreation. Second came no-fault divorce, which made every marriage provisional. Third was advanced reproductive technologies, which enabled people to have babies without sex. And finally, there was the societal acceptance of co-habitation and sex outside of marriage. All of this undermined or contradicted the Bible’s teaching on sex and marriage.
The transgender and homosexual “marriage” revolution was also preceded by the legalization of abortion (1973), the court removal of Bible reading (1963) and prayer (1962) from the public schools, and the explosive heterosexual revolution, and the widespread use of illegal drugs in the 1960s and 70s, fueled by erotic, rebellion-stimulating and violence-promoting rock music.
But all this was preceded by the secular humanist takeover of the public schools that had been progressing since at least the 1920s. John Dewey was key in this takeover of American public schools and is called the “father of modern American education.” He was an original signer of the first Humanist Manifesto, published in 1933. The first two points of that document state:
>FIRST, religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.
>SECOND, humanism believes that man is a part of nature and that he has emerged as a result of a continuous process.
In other words, the secular humanist worldview (which they correctly label as “religious”) is built on the foundation of atheistic evolution. This leads logically and irresistibly to the fifth point of the Manifesto:
>FIFTH, humanism asserts that the nature of the universe depicted by modern science makes unacceptable any supernatural or cosmic guarantees of human values. . . . Religion must formulate its hopes and plans in the light of the scientific spirit and method.
As hundreds of millions of children in the public schools and universities have been indoctrinated in this atheistic worldview, it is no mystery that the country is descending into moral anarchy. Those children have grown up to become judges, politicians, professors and teachers, university administrators, media leaders, and heads of Hollywood. Every part of the culture has been touched, including the church.
The recently deceased evolutionist and atheist professor at Cornell University, William Provine, said it clearly:
>Let me summarize my views on what modern evolutionary biology tells us loud and clear — and these are basically Darwin’s views. There are no gods, no purposes, no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That’s the end for me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning to life, and no free will for humans, either.
Elsewhere he said:
>Of course, it is still possible to believe in both modern evolutionary biology and a purposive force, even the Judeo-Christian God. One can suppose that God started the whole universe or works through the laws of nature (or both). . . . [Such a God] has nothing to do with human morals, answers no prayers, gives no life everlasting, in fact does nothing whatever that is detectable. In other words, religion is compatible with modern evolutionary biology (and indeed all of modern science), if the religion is effectively indistinguishable from atheism.
"Western" implies civilized
Evolution theory is atheistic and atheism provides no basis for any moral absolutes. That does not mean that all atheists are immoral in their behavior. It simply means that in an evolutionary worldview there are no moral absolutes. Morality becomes totally relative, a matter of personal opinion. There is no basis within the atheistic evolutionary worldview to judge any behavior as wrong or right.
If evolution is true, we are just animals. It’s the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest; everyone does what he thinks is right in his own eyes. Without Adam and Eve and the Fall, sin is a myth. Selfishness is just animal instinct. Stags and bulls will have sex with any female they like, when they like, and they are “polygamous.” So what’s wrong if humans do the same? Dogs kill birds and lions kill gazelles, and we don’t call that sin. So if Hitler or Mao or Stalin or ISIS or abortionists murder and steal from millions, it’s not wrong; it’s just survival of the fittest. But that leads eventually either to anarchy or to totalitarian oppression and injustice. Either way whoever has the power determines what’s right. Saying that God guided evolution cannot be defended from science or the Bible and only makes matters worse. But the evolutionary assault on biblical morality is the least of the problems.
Source of the article:
tl;dr: West stops believing in the Bible and absolute truth, so people turn into savage animals.
France is always going the contrary route, or rather they don't believe children should be protected from the evils of sex like we do here in US.
In France violence is abhored sex is perfectly fine. Its the total opposite in the US.
If you're not a degenerate, you vilified sexuality.
Good to know
>American culture
>Not sexualized as fuck
You should read some Rene Girard
TL;DR version - Humans learn from mimesis. The figure of Christ was a memetical figure who shortcircuited the never ending cycle of attack and revenge that promulgates in human relations.
With the loss of Christ as a memetical figure, we mime media which show very humanistic content.
aka Normal ape cycles of raid and revenge.
Only Americans do this shit, and America isn't Western. America is an African country and should be treated as such. It's a threat to civilization everywhere and should be nuked off the face of the earth.
I've seen beheadings on the walking dead, but they can't show a titty on AMC due to FCC regulations. WHy is the same standard not applied to violence? Why is a woman breastfeeding in public seen as sexual in western countries and hence becomes a controversy? Why is censorship so strong against nudity but so weak on violence?
As an american and trump supporter I have to agree, as much as I hate to admit it.
It's literally bait. No one would argue that the US isn't a Western county
There's an autistic Fr*nchfag who occasionally derails threads to do so.
Frenchfag are true master race, they're successor of the Roman empire in the mission of civilize Germans Savage and anglos scum
>muh christianity is the only thing ever that can provide morality
>the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion
t. John Adams
Are you really so small-minded that you cannot possibly accept the concept of moral relativism? Are you so autistic you need some outside force to judge everything for you and tell you what's right and wrong? Accepting morality is a construct doesn't mean "oh well ISIS isn't bad because no omnipotent being said so lol, just survival of the fittest xD." It is entirely possible to have morals and yet know that they're basically opinions. I guarantee the Bible isn't the only thing keeping you from murdering people, it's your own sense that it's wrong to do so. If it is though, then you're a bad person, and you're not superior morally, you're just living in fear of punishment, except it's just spiritual punishment instead of earthly punishment, and a lot more severe. We hold our actions to a different standard than animals because we have the capacity to reason, and we have created civilization: A lion kills a gazelle, and that is not wrong, because the lion kills to eat. The lion does not have the capacity for empathy. A human murders another, and that is wrong, because we live in an age of prosperity (created by us), where you do not need to kill others to eat, and because we have empathy. Only brainlets need everything to be objectively labeled as right/wrong.
I'm not sure how to directly address this interesting observation and propose a reason as to why sexual vilification has arisin in Western cultures, but I think I can galvanise OPs point.
If you look at any media, be it video games or films, you would never find hardcore BDSM sex (with no tricky filmography to conceal explicit elements of it) being shown in something which would be distributed to the masses. It would simply not pass the censorship office. But mass murder and gruesome blood and gore? Sure! That stuff is everywhere. The former case results in pleasure for two people and perhaps a child, whereas the latter case results in the death of x number of people.
It's such a strange juxtaposition of morality in modern western society when you think about it, with respect to what is OK to publicly enjoy and what is not.
You'd never feel comfortable watching hardcore BDSM sex with your friends on a sofa, but grotesque murder in any sort of media is a sort of universal guilty pleasure.
But its not only France its all of Western and Central Europe. The Victorian prudishness never really went away.
It's not vilified, it's regulated by every culture, and for very good reasons
Don't use a word when you don't understand it's meaning senpai. Especially meme words.
>why is it so vilified in ME culture?
>because it's vilified in ME culture, duh!
>moral relativism
Proven wrong years ago.
Its not really. Like anything else Anglo its just deep like genetic deep seeded resentiment and sarcastic irony at its own existence. Killme(me)
Do you ACTUALLY find violent media as disturbing as you make it out to be?
To my mind, even the most violent things in movies, TV and video games are so obviously make-believe, whereas random clips of actual violence on Veeky Forums almost make me vomit if I see them.
Is that not a normal distinction outside the US?
Got a source for that buddy?
CS Lewis Doodles channel
Because anglos are autistic cucks