>start dabbling in crypto as a side income
>things go pretty well, made a about 5k euro profit
>quit job and give asshole boss the finger on the way out
>go all in at ath dgb eth and bitcoin
>make huge losses
>doubt life choices
>I don't think i can cope with life anymore
Fuck my life
Can you still afford a rope?
Hodl and buy more
No weak hands now
You only make a loss when you sell brother
You're an idiot if this is true, why would you think this bull market will last forever?
You lost money today, you will probably make it back if you don't panic and hold your ETH.
Start sucking them dicks for dimes.
what does HODL mean? are you trying to say hold?
>People quitting jobs and investing in tech they don't understand
You're all fucking retarded. You're not warren buffet, you're the average user. Observer your own behavior and take a good long hard look in the mirror before you make an investment.
Hold On for Dear Life
I find it hard to believe people are actually this dumb.
I had a good laugh OP.
Buy high, sell low is a meme, you shouldn't have taken seriously.
Give a bj to your boss maybe he takes you back. And crypto is clearly not for you if you are this retarded.
this seems like shitty bait but if not, never unnecessarily burn bridges in life, user.
Why did you quit when you know NOTHING about the market.
These falls will reach a new floor, which will be quite high, then a new accum phase starts. Then another rise. You literally hold, and you don't have to even hold long (a week, rather than months or years) and you see a big return.
>Quit job after 5k profits
Nobody can be this retarded
I'm at about 85k USD profits and I'm not even thinking about quitting
> made 5k
> time to quit my job and burn my bridges
Lol you got what you deserve
Literally this. Fuck it really only takes being just above the mean IQ to grasp this is a volatile market in a summer bull run as it gains traction, thus for every moon there are dips however if you graph out beyond the 15 fucking minute mark you will see a huge trend upward through the months. Wow 15% dip today omg, oh 150% rise over a month. Why are you retarded, OP?
This is the stupidest post I have seen on this board yet even considering all the /pol9k/ autism.
I quit my job after making over 300K euro in crypto, and EVEN I was thinking "is this really enough to quit my shitty $10/hr job? am I making a mistake" ---
5k euro is not quitting money, man.
Also... you seem to not know what you're doing, since you invested in ETH and DGB
HODL till next year newfag. All this gawking and FUDDING about regulations is to shake out weak hands. YOU REALLY THINK TRUMP IS GOING TO REGULATE CRYPTO? SOMETHING THAT IS TAKING MILLIONS OUT OF THE NATIONAL DEBT?!! HE HAS ALREADY PLEDGED TO DE-REGULATE WALL STREET. Trump is more worried about his legacy than anything and what better way to establish it than de-regulating and make people rich?!?! LOL! Weak hands deserve to stay poor. Hold on and enjoy the ride user.
Is this a real person?
Do you have some advices?
You're too emotionnal, faggot. No wonder you made huge losses.
probably a bit hard to HODL when they quit their job and need to live off something
how did u make 300k in crypto? sell drugs?
I bought ETH when it was $12. It rose to $20 then the DAO hack happened and it crashed and did nothing for almost a year. Now look at it.
in all due respect, there are a ton of ways (and coins) that earned better returns through the past 2 years than what you have
Name one.
Send me all your Eth and a mailing address. I'll send rope.
Why the fuck is Dogecoin's marketcap $340 million, exzplain 4 n00b ples
>Makes less than one month's salary on a gamble
>Quits job
If $5k was more than one month's salary, you're even more retarded.
OP is a special kind of retarded, though. Quitting a job over a $5K profit in any market gets you into this exclusive club.
Old altcoin. Memes. Actually has an use to transfer sums fast, thanks to low fees and relatively stable price.