I am 19
i have wagecucked the past year after graduating HS
i now have 20k$ saved up
i want to move out but i dont want to dip too much into that 20k
what fucking job do i get that isnt service industry garbage?
also what age did everyone move out?
I am 19
forklift operator
Brain surgeon, 35.
>moving out in 2017
Good luck with that. Every place is going to cost at least 10k a year and that's not including expenses.
Stay at home as long as you can. Don't think just because society tells you living at home is for losers it's a bad thing.
It's the norm for a bunch of countries in Europe.
quads are shopped
anyone in agreement?
Drive a truck. Good money now that robots arent doing it yet
Oh, forgot real advice:
Step 1) Don't move out
Step 2) Continue doing what you're doing at minimum
Step 3) Make some investments in crypto (manage your risks and diversify sensibly)
20k is serious capital at 19 in today's day and age (unfortunately)
There's no shame in staying at home until you're in your mid or even late 20's and coming out of the other end of the tunnel with a net worth of 50, 100, 200k
Truck driver has a great future. That's what I plan. It has a long term future. Driving is too complex for a computer to automate, it cannot be done realistically .Maybe in 200, 250 years...
Hope this is a troll..
Face is a trainwreck
There's a bj vid out there
> Joined Army
> Saved diligently and didn't spend bonuses, hazard pay, etc like a retard.
> Rent my own apartment at after discharge at 26.
> Buy a home at 28.
Pretty easy to move out at 18 if you're committed, frankly.
what a nice ass...time to reverse image search! ...
...there goes my boner
no, its actually real. she is real
go into IT, get a shitty helpdesk job at $30k a year, do good work for two years and get security certifications, get a sysadmin or compsec job, make $100k before you're 30
there is a huge workforce deficit in cybersecurity right now
nice try satan, can't tempt me
continue ur educationn in a country that has free/cheap universitys
Move where with 20k? Houses nowadays are 500k+. The new standard is to live with parents a good few years before moving out.
The best you can do is wagecuck for 10 more years and try getting a passive income and move out.
Listen to this guy OP. Unless you live in the midwest like KS it is at least 10k a year before utilities.
The only idiots that shame you for not leaving home are morons who put out a fucking ton of student loans, collect a ton of debt, spend a ton of money, and become negative net worth wage cucks for the rest of their lives from years of partying.
>He doesn't have a roomate
Where the fuck are houses consistently half a million??
I'm also 19. Am I a burden not moving out at 18?
>asking it in a thread where everyone told op not to move out
if you're so desperate for reinforcement, you probably are.
In any first world country, they are. Where do you live?
Can I apply to help desk with just experience with comp Tia.
Don't listen to these NEETs.
Living at home past 18 is for losers. Go be a man already.
>tfw 29 and still living with parents
Who /comfy/ here? Saving all of my money and reinvesting instead of paying (((rent)))
>houses nowadays are $500k+
Depends on where you live. I just sold my first house for $130k. It was in a decent neighborhood of a Dallas suburb.
yes. your parents DO like to have privacy.
they love you, but they have been waiting for many many years now to get the fuck rid of you so that they can do what they want and live/enjoy the rest of their lives.
also...time to grow up and become an adult
Any place not in a third world tier flyover state is going to be alot more expensive
>one of the largest metro areas in the country
>tons of jobs in all sorts of different industries
>companies relocating corporate offices and factories there right and left
>no state income tax
>affordable housing
Okay bud, enjoy your coastal containment zone.
You're why everyone hates people who live on the coasts.
Stop correcting let him live in delusion
Don't NY my Dallas
Don't California my Texas