Why are Atheists so against space travel?
Why are Atheists so against space travel?
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They are?
Yes. Atheists believe that nothing has purpose, and that humans should become Hunter gatherers again. Theists believe that God made space for man to explore
I'm an atheist and I am for space travel.
Space travel is a waste of money that we could be using to improve our world. With the money we would need for space travel we could house and educate the needy and disadvantaged. Atheists are realists who do not feel the need to go into space and look for the sky wizard.
...and I also do not believe that humans should become hunter gatherers again.
In fact, it is human intelligence and critical thinking which led us to achieve so much.
Why don't you just kill yourself? Atheists believe that life has no purpose
No we don't.
You give your life purpose.
If you choose to be a nihilist shit lord that's your own fucking problem.
But once you die there is no afterlife or anything, so why not just kill yourself?
Well I mean you don't have to be depressed to be nihilist. I mean saying you give your own life purpose is a pretty nihilistic statement.
Why are atheists so much against potato growing?
Some atheists believe that life has a purpose, but their belief is baseless and philosophically incoherent since life cannot have an objective purpose if there is no God
Space travel development IS money that is spent to improve the world through derivative technologies. Furthermore, it opens up new avenues for the future of humanity, such as space mining and colonization of new planets, both of which could reduce the strain on resources on the Earth.
>life cannot have an objective purpose if there is no God
This is objectivelly bullshit
How about we focus on the people who live on earth first before we look into colonizing space okay. The fact that we spend a single penny on space travel while there are starving migrant children living on the street is disgusting.
>I'm an atheist
I'm gonna go ahead and just stop you right there. Get the FUCK off my board. Right now. GET OUT! GET OUUUTTTT! Don't ever let me catch you posting around here again or you'll regret it, mark my words.
Why do the raccoons play the piano on Sunday?
Veeky Forums has always been an atheist board, the religion posters are widely despised.
Pretty good bait thread to be honest familia
I recommend reading Frankenstein on the horror of one's purpose to life being given externally.
Then you should read some nihilist literature to find out why one can give his life purpose by his own.
Because basic research gives exponential returns. You could spend a penny on reducing suffering to reduce suffering by 1 immediately, or you could spend it on research and reduce it by 0 immediately, but by 5000 down the road, then 900.000 further down the road.
Heck, you wouldn't be talking to us right now, without research in space travel.
>caring about 3rd world subhumans
>not wanting to get access to the near inexhaustible resources that the space holds
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Don't ever reply to me, or my son's threads ever again
Or what?
>Why are Atheists so fond of taking the bait?
Sage and hide, you dumb fucks.
That's Nihilism you moron
No it isn't fuck off
Jesus christ that's an old pasta, take care of it
I'm just glad there's still people here who recognize it
Because life can be fun and I want to be happy.
I mean it kinda depends on what you mean but saying that life has no meaning is nihilism. Saying that you make your own meaning in life is basically saying the same thing.
No it isn't, I told you fuck off.
>it's a "Christfag tells other people what they believe (and inevitably gets it wrong)" thread
One of my favorites desu.
Because there's no afterlife, duh.
Atheists are autisticaly in favor of space travel because they arrogantly believe that intellectual accomplishments are the only source of meaning in the world.
nihilism is literally the belief that there is no intrinsic purpose in anything. one can then be a nihilist who recognises that nothing has intrinsic value, but still projects value and meaning onto things they care about. "nihilist shitlord" is a stupid, modern version of nihilism, you stupid utter faggot
Not an atheist, but there's more purpose to life than religion. If religion is your only purpose, then maybe you should reevaluate.
Where did you get that idea?
>one can then be a nihilist who recognises that nothing has intrinsic value, but still projects value and meaning onto things they care about.
This is where you're wrong. A nihilist believes that there CANNOT be meaning in anything as well.
The moment you assign value to something, you cease to be a nihilist.
you are wrong, that's not what nihilism is, you can in fact assign meaning to anything, so long as you understand the meaningfulness spurts from you and not from within the thing or from a superior being/plane/value/design
>There's no afterlife
>So why don't you kill yourself
You answered your own question. Life is much more valuable when there is no fantastic afterlife you can escape to.
Except I'm not wrong.
Nihilism rejects the existence of any meaning or value whatsoever.
Even the acknowledgement of only self-assigned meaning is a rejection of nihilism and becomes a form of existentialism.
Read some philosophy before you start spouting nonsense.
you are wrong
and by you are wrong I mean you are conflating nihilism with existentialism
Thank you for your concession that you are a moron.
That would be you. You really ought to learn that they are two separate things.
you are using the definition of existentialism and applying it to nihilism
why would you do that
I did not, you did right here Nihilism = Absolutely no meaning under any circumstances
The moment you acknowledge value or meaning of any sort, it is no longer nihilism.
because atheists are usually also socialist anti white cucks who want to give all the money we spend on space travelling to the rabbit like breeding 3rd world
You've reversed the definition.
Existentialism believes there is no intrinsic value to life or the world but that it is the responsibility of the individual to assign value that is meaningful and authentic to the individual and live according to that value.
>Soren Kierkegaard is generally considered to have been the first existentialist philosopher,[2][10][11]though he did not use the term existentialism.[12]He proposed that each individual—not society or religion—is solely responsible for giving meaning to life and living it passionately and sincerely, or "authentically
Nihilism and existential nihilism maintain that life has no meaning and any meaning assigned by the individual is delusion.
This guy gets it.
Lol I was wrong
That's all I wanted.
I apologize for calling you a moron.
>kierkegaard and nietsche are existentialists
>I am existantialist
>ive been defending nihilism for nothing all this time
How can one man be so wrong
We're only human. The average person couldn't even begin to tell you what either of those things were at all, let alone know enough to get them mixed up.
It happens. I could only tell the mistake because I've recently gone balls deep in Kierkegaard and Jean Paul Sartre.
Ah yes, so those people can live and reproduce and eventually all your "kind" acts will have every square inch of this planet covered in humans who will end up fighting and killing each other for a few more kilos of living space.
Space travel and space migrations alleviates the problem of over population
>Atheists believe that nothing has purpose
citation needed
How do people not realizing this is shit-tier bait
Since when? I´m an atheist, and I very much agree on space travel.
Unfortunately, a consequence of living in a wholly materialistic universe is that nothing actually has meaning, period. If you believe in stuff like "the inherent value of rationalism and the survival of humanity," that's just making shit up to make yourself feel better. So congratulations on reinvesting in religion, I suppose.
>Unfortunately, a consequence of living in a wholly materialistic universe is that nothing actually has meaning
why does meaning have to matter though? sounds like a mental strain when it isn't necessary for simple pleasures, and those alone are motivation enough to study, work, etc
why does gookmoot allow a board to exist without mods
It's fine for the atheist who keeps to himself. Shitting on religion or literally anything else just ends up being edgy delusional bullshit, so nuAtheists and rational humanists are a bit fucked.
interesting... according to some religions we are the only pieces of shits that matter and there is no life outside our box. u would think atheism would encourage exploring for other life
good shit son
name ONE (1) atheist civilisation
Because Veeky Forums is the most reddit board, and I do not mean that in a "they don't beleive in /pol/ drivel" kind of way.
>be an atheist, removing any proper reason for moral standards except to protect yourself
>decide that other people are worth something
Why do people do this?
The United States in 50 years. (Not Europe though, that'll be Muslim territory.)
>what is empathy
Christfags, everyone.
>muh ape genes
>moral judgements mean anything
Atheists, everyone.
Theists have more of a reason to kill themselves. It's literally an easy ticket to eternal happiness.
>this thread is still up
also prove I didn't create the universe. protip: you can't
>not doing God's work on earth
Suicide is just checking out like a bitch. Also not every theistic sect believes in once saved always saved.
Only an atheist can be a true believer.
>God needs its work done for it
Kek, some god
>I don't want to do God's work in Earth because surely I know better
Arrogant atheist
Atheists utterly annihilated itt
>be christian
>create bait thread on Veeky Forums
>atheists respond with a ten foot wall of text
>read the first paragraph and reply with more bait
>rinse and repeat
Is that a reference to 'Bartleby'?
Weak b8 try harder next time OP
I'm an atheist and I do believed that nothing fucking matter in the scope of this universe
But who gave a shit about that, surely I can enjoy a comfy space journey and explore other planets to find the ayys. That's just a matter of personal taste
any modern country that is not a shithole
Why don't you just kill yourself?