Does your religion permit dogs, or other animals, in its haven/reincarnation program?
Yes or no, and how is it justified.
Does your religion permit dogs, or other animals, in its haven/reincarnation program?
Yes or no, and how is it justified.
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I know Zoroastrianism revered dogs. During the Islamization of Iran, Muslims used to publically beat dogs just to show them they could get away with it
Seeing as Catholicism states only humans have souls, animals don't go to heaven when they die. However, since heaven is sometimes described as having material things there (mansions, etc), and a thing without a soul could be considered a material thing, it's entirely possible animals might be tied to our own souls in the way our other belongings are and show up there anyway since they're a part of ourselves.
Judeo-Christian religions seem to hate dogs for whatever reason.
Animals don't have souls, so no.
Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism in the current year.
wtf I love muslims now
It literally is Judaism but with some European pagan influences.
No it's not. Stop shitposting.
Will we cough or sneeze or pick our belly buttons in heaven?
Will we have to clip our nails or comb our hair in heaven?
Will we be able to change our clothes or do we have to wear white robes, what's the dress code in heaven?
Yes it is dude. Stop believing in Jewish fairy tales.
>Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism in the current year.
It started as a jewish death cult and will always be a jewish death cult.
dae reddit?
I'd totally be reincarnated as a she-wolf and get raped by everone in the pack.
>Will we cough or sneeze
>pick our belly buttons in heaven?
>Will we have to clip our nails
>comb our hair in heaven?
>what's the dress code in heaven?
It got hijacked by Rome and Germans.
That sucks. I don't wanna walk around naked all the time.
chinks love to eat their dogs
I would unironically choose hell over that.
wanting your pets to get to heaven is crypto-protestantism and should be illegal
You will probably not even be aware of the fact that it feels shameful to you to be naked, just like Adam and Eve did before they fell from grace.
lol Theocrats
Nah nigger, we don't do that sort of shit. It's always the Papists who came up with such nonsense: