Are ethnostates viable?
Are ethnostates viable?
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Deliberate, top-down "organization" of a state never works regardless of the organizing principle
Whites will have to do a self-defence genocide on all invading peoples, the only thing holding that back is state apparatus and stable capitalism - if that is successful, yes
You're right, Augustus failed and was never heard of again
Yes. Picrelated is a great example of democratic ethnostate.
Compare an "ethnostate" map of Europe to an actual map of Europe.
We are already almost there, minor territorial changes would equalize them.
Also, there is no inherent advantage to it. All states eventually become ethnostates given policies to push things that way.
Jews are 35% of the population of Israel.
All European States were Ethnostates before the shitskin invasions. The true questions are :
Why are White Ethnostates so successful ?
Why are Shitskins States so unsuccessful ?
Why are Multiracial States so unsuccessful ?
Pretty impressive considering they started off at 0%
Because diversity causes conflict, social exclusion and different goals. A united people can easily work together towards the betterment of their nation and people, while a diverse society of different peoples will most likely only have people working for their own folk.
Absolutely false.
What period do you even mean? Because "shitskins" started coming before most of Europe had centralized states at all.
>Because "shitskins" started coming before most of Europe had centralized states at all.
Maybe if you're talking about the Ottomans
>Because "shitskins" started coming before most of Europe had centralized states at all.
Not in the way the current barbarian invasion is occuring and not to the relevant, civilized parts of Europe.
>Not Français
Wrong desu
>Because "shitskins" started coming before most of Europe had centralized states at all.
Are you referring to the Islamic Invasions ?
Why shouldn't they be? As long as the people are willing to fight for them.
Has a true "ethnostate" ever existed? I doubt it.
>Why shouldn't they be?
Because nowhere on Earth are ethnicities discretely separable into geographic areas. Because if they did exist then enforcing it would be practically impossible. Because such a thing is pointless and most people recognize that. Need more reasons?
You're totally wrong. People don't want actually want multiculturalism. Ethnostates are perfectly viable. They just hurt your feelings.
America was indebted to immigration for her settlement and prosperity. That part of America which had encouraged them most had advanced most rapidly in population, agriculture and the arts.
James Madison
I gave three reasons and you only addressed the third (poorly). But sure, let's focus on that.I don't think ethnic cleansing would poll very well in most countries, but maybe I'm wrong. Can you support your claim?
Nazi Germany, literally the most prosperous humanity has ever been (0% unemployment), too bad it was ruined by the (((allies)))
>facts are wrong because they make me feel bad
4/10, a weak post, but Poe's law gives you bonus points,
I don't think the jews are His people anymore but God did choose an ethnostate before abandoning it to a global block party
Shills are here too I see.
He built his principate on top of Republican institutions.
Kinda, but proponents for them act like they're better than anything and that's just false.
Vous êtes Français, mon ami
D'ailleurs vous passez votre temps à protester pour répandre les langues Française et Wallonne en Belgique.
>i eat snails, thus a 100 year old map is wrong, since demographics have changed since then
>Why are muh bias driven generalisations and meme opinions true?
Ethno-, not religi-