Americans, heads up!

This is a new bill that was introduced on the floor of the US Senate entitled,
“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

It basically says everything is evil..

1. Cash is Evil
2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil
3. Prepaid Phones are Evil
4. Gift Cards/Vouchers/Coupons are Evil

These people are certifiably insane. Among the bill’s sweeping provisions, the government aims to greatly extend its authority to seize your assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

This new bill adds a laundry list of offenses for which they can legally seize your assets… all of which pertain to money laundering and other financial crimes.

Here’s the thing, though: they’ve also vastly expanded on the definition of such ‘financial crimes’, including failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more than $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

Have too much cash? You’d better tell the government.

If not, they’re authorizing themselves in this bill to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but ALL of your assets and bank accounts.

They even go so far as to specifically name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

This is unbelievable on so many levels.

It’s crazy to begin with that these people are so consumed by the fact that someone has $10,000 in cash.

But it’s even crazier that they’re threatening to take EVERYTHING that you own merely for not filling out a piece of paper, without any due process whatsoever.


I'm really getting tired of these fucks.

Oh, and on top of civil asset forfeiture penalties, there are also criminal penalties.

Right now according to current law they can imprison you for up to FIVE YEARS for not filling out the form. Five years.

But apparently that doesn’t go far enough so this bill aims to double the criminal penalty to TEN years in prison.

Further, their bill wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

Here’s where these people demonstrate that they have no idea what they’re talking about.

No one “issues” Bitcoin. There’s no Bitcoin central bank. There’s no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

Bitcoin is created automatically amounts that are predetermined by its code. It’s software.

So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.

The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.

CALL your congress & house of representatives and tell them not to pass this bill!

Please keep posting OP. I'm intrigued by the lack of mental capacity these faggots have.

There is no way TRUMP will let this pass. Right?

lol amerifats on suicide watch

What does this mean for XRP which is in bed with banks?


fucking figures that old hag

it wont pass

batman villian vigilante justice on evil politicians when?

>The bill also attempts to drop a major bomb on Bitcoin by including it in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the US.
So you can't even get away from the US to avoid this bullshit. Holy shit man

oy vey, sharts better buy bnt

Scared of ETH right now honestly. If Putin backs it, Dems are going to go after it ruthlessly.

This is kinda a slap in the face. Finally the people are in power of their own money and now there is legislation proposed to regulate it.

95% of the congressmen deserve to get shot tbqh.

what did you expect the us would do? does this show you how fucked up people like feinstein are? see why the dems are so bad?

Bump. Scary shit. The tragedy is if they do regulate the shit out of crypto, it won't stop it, it will just leave America behind while the rest of the world gets ahead.

FWIW CBP has always taken issue with you transporting $10,000 in cash and a dog isn't going to sniff out the password for your eth wallet between the folds of your brain.

I'm so far removed for politics and have no idea who that is. Hopefully congress doesn't throw a fit in their carpeted building again about this whole thing.


democrat trash, it will never pass. They're just pandering to bernie retards.


enjoy your trumpland. your gun violence and uninsurance. your great public transportation system and wonderful, protected environment!

USA - slavery at its finest^

Yes, this. Expect ETH to be outright banned as a sanctioned Russian terrorist coin when they regain power. Clock is ticking until 2018. Vitilak is a fucking idiot for ever meeting Putin if he knows anything how strong the anti-Russian backlash is due to the election hack.

yeah fuck the u.s.

I'm leaving this country once I have enough in Bitcoin

Can we save crypto?

No it's fucked

these retards have no idea how crypto works. Also (((Feinstein))) of course this vampiric bitch who won't just fucking die.

>mfw this bill will stop a lot of crime

>mfw a handful of dweebs oppose the bill because it might interfere with their internet monopoly money earnings

these bills have a huge impact on big crime outfits. saying we shouldnt have bills like this because some random nerd will be affected is like saying we shouldnt have stop signs or traffic lights for cars and trucks because they impede the travel of you on your rollerskates

Bernard wouldn't allow this.
Ron Paul wouldn't allow this.


And how is this enforceable?
No, seriously, you put whatever amount you have in an encrypted file, and how exactly are they going to know it belongs to you, or how did those funds became yours?
"No sir, I have no such thing".
Even if they search you thoroughly through every means possible to them, HOW will they get to your bitcoin backup?

It's possible that the bill simply doesn't pass, or is changed to the point of no longer being horrifying.

Obviously they shoot for the stars with their demands so that they have more sway when it comes to the round-a-bout between the two parties, and the President.

we see this already with NY

Them trying to control crypto reinforces its need and importance.

wrong side, retaliation imminent? is this the beginning?

And that's why we're slaves - wimps like you who give up their freedom "to stop crime."

There's a bunch of shitty bills introduced daily

I got stoned and had a fantasy a few weeks ago about the Hillary vs Trump election. In my fantasy each candidate represented a faction of the deep-state/financial elite established order. Hillary represented the status quo side of fiat currency and the central bank, and Trump represented those willing to go big on crypto.

Reflecting on it on Sobriety, it makes some sense. Trump & his associates have been somewhat friendly towards crypto, while the old Democrat establishment are the ones trying to squash it down the hardest. You can see this from Feinstein, and also in NY and WA.

>1. Cash is Evil
>2. Bitcoin/Crypto is Evil

All that matters for them here is number 1 and number 2. They know the financial crash is inevitable and preparing for that. Everything is exactly as James Rickards described. Better start buying physical gold now

Agreed. I'm now starting to enter my mid-20's, and the hope I used to have towards the future is pretty much eradicated.

I still have hopes, dreams, and things I strive for, but at the end of the day I wasn't taught the most basic principles to survive on my own w/o the use of Burgertokens.

I find myself wanting to quit every single day, but at the same time realize the cost of doing that. You literally have to pay the government for anything and everything. You stumble across Blackbeard's hidden treasure? Better save some of those dubloons for when Uncle Sam comes nosing around because you now live in a decent house, and aren't contributing to the workforce.

Trump barely understands how the internet works. He thought Bill Gates could control it lol.

OP can you make this thread in /pol/ too? This needs to get out

Crime doesn't get funded out of nowhere, dipshit. If you don't want to contribute to the solution of crime (an overly generalized concept), suuuure let the gov baysit you.

Don't go complaining about the UK's public security policies later. WATCH OUT, HE'S GOT A METAL TABLE KNIFE!

the only real crime that needs to stop is niggers shooting people and this does not apply my boy

>Republicans supporting additional financial regulation
Literally will not even be brought to a vote

Itll slide, happening right now

For once I'm glad for their existence. Although, they may want to kill crypto since it threatens fiat.

Nah most of those new-age repubs other than the cuckservstives are for less financial regulation.

Rand will kill it

thank mr happening

Mr. Happening Jr.

It will stop some crime. It will hurt a lot more innocent people than the crime will. Also the government has 0 interest in stopping crime, why else would they sell drugs and protect cartels?

>Congress regulates Bitcoin
Lol. So..everybody switch to ETH?
>Congress bans ETH
Ok...switch to Monero?

This is so fucking easy....

LoL Veeky Forums was calling a little faggot when I told them regulation is on the way 1 month ago. Who's laughing now.

Nice, this will only drive even more money in crypto, seeing as how it's an asset that the government has no way of seizing without obtaining your private key. Better yet, it's an asset they have no way of even knowing you own if you store it properly. I fully expect the crypto market cap to reach $1 trillion by the end of the year if this bill passes.

I think what's even cooler is that you can send your entire net worth to some BTC address, memorize the private key, and then delete any traces of it (this is obviously a stupid idea so make backups and bury them in a safe or something but you get the idea) and then the entire wallet would be in your brain.

Just your entire fortune in your brain with no way for anyone to ever possibly take it away.

It's a completely effective way of fully removing US money from circulation if anyone wanted to do that.

>the land of the free

>mfw cryptocurrency threatened the tyrannical federal reserve and the banking cartel
>mfw I'm taking a part in bringing down the Jews in Government

Oh wait. no. I'm retarded. When you bought the BTC, you paid someone in cash for it. Money is still in circulation.

But being in complete control of it (with a brain wallet) is still pretty amazing to me.

This should be sticky

Senator (((Feinstein))) from CA sponsored this tripe. She's worth 50MM herself thanks to americans who act like faggot eurotrash such as yourself instead of patriotic citizens of the leader of the free world. Doubt the dried out cunt even read it.

It's a good thing I'm not cucked by the US government like you faggots.

Hopefully you goys will kill yourselves so I can stop reading about your bullshit

I'd donate some BTC for that.

This. Very cool. Any regulation that tries to control cryptocurrency without even a basic understanding of it will only hurt law-abiding americans and set us back from the rest of the world. It'd be like banning spinning machines during the industrial revolution.

>implying it's just dems and not the entire partisan system

Do you understand the amount of bills that go through congress?

This shit will never pass. At least not under Trump

You use an mnemomic phrase, not the exact private key in regular hash format.


If it does though what country are yall moving to after renouncing citizenship?

Come to the UK, our government is extremely internet friendly.

Yeah the BIP-39 12 word mnemonic phrases aren't hard to memorize. And it gives you the ability to store thousands of multi-currency wallets in your brain because the addresses are created deterministically from the seed phrase.

>for once I'm not a cuck who wants to pointlessly destroy people because I'm one of the people about to be destroyed

kill yourself

>Internet friendly

Sensible chuckle

Isn't Theresa May trying to "ban encryption" LMAO.

Plot twist - I keep the password on an index card wedged in the folds underneath my mantits. Here's hoping the sniffer dog isn't in the mood for cheese.....

Hence why we need /k/. It's coming to a head, brother. Where are my based agorist gun dealers at?

you faggots.
You are slaves not because of gov. regulation.

- You are slaves because you can't fight for your rights - you don't understand them.
Your unions got crushed, for example, and have never rebuilt.

- Your school system doesn't work, and only the rich kids get mildly smart. Is it true that some schools teach "creationism"?? kek

- You are competing against "illegals".. it's another scam to keep wages lower then low. Because you can register someone "like that" BAM! It's what governments do. Don't have to give em citizenship, just tracking would be enough.

- You're locked up for life, at the mildest convictions. Or locked up for years. Either way, they are making a ton of money from taxpayers, keeping people like kettle (This is the most disturbing part maybe).

- Half of aaaaalll your money, even more then half, is going into the military. They are just chopping it up. They even can't account for trillions of that money xD xD

- You are not insured. Even in russia, if something happens, you go to the hospital, get it fixed. Get out. BAM. No check to pay... Mother... friggin... russia... (and every other country in the world)

There is so much more to this... please anons, what DO YOU THINK?
I sincerely believe now, the education is held down in the US on purpose. What other explanation can there be?

Yeah, I was being sarcastic. We have the biggest surveillance state out of any developed nation, and they are using any and all excuses to make things worse.

>issuing crypto is the REAL cause of crime
reddit leave

In Denmark we dont have to pay capital gains taxes on crypto. Pretty based. I hope it lasts, but probably not if the market gets big enough.

They can't win.
>Regulate bitcoin
>New coin pops up
>Regulate that coin

It's like torrenting all over again.

Also, don't forget CONTROL IS NOT BAD.
GOVERNMENT IS NOT (intrinsicly) BAD.

I pay 38% taxes and more on my income.
Live great. Really great.

>keeping people like kettle
kek. My neighbor was a cauldron.

Sen Whitehouse is my bro. I'll email his boy Chris Mewitt and we'll see what we can see.

This is all true, but at least I have my crypto memebux. If those get taken away from I am going to give up completely and lose my fucking mind. A man can only be pushed so far.
Hopefully not. If Trump even dreams of signing this shit I'm going quit my job, grow out nappy dreads, and join ANTIFA, (and I hate those fucks)

>"Come to the country that wants to ban porn! We love the world wide webs!"

Agreed. I'll gladly pay taxes for good roads, services (such as fire departments and infrastructure investments). The part that I dislike is when they use our taxes for nefarious things like spying on our own citizens and giving free bailouts to banks.

Why do people here miss such blatant sarcasm?


you're bringing down nothing.
All you had to do was sit at the new york exchange and occupy it.
Then, some police threw a bit of pepperspray, and you got scared.
You pussies maybe even weren't at occupy...

Open you eyes to your gun obsession. This has nothing to do with protection or defense.

IT IS A COCK REPLACEMENT, for small cocks.

Come on, everybody knows that, around the world. Only in the US it its a kind of lifestyle, having small cocks.

I'll be damned. Cash ban rumors were true the madmen are actually trying to do it.

>Ban cash
>Crash happens
>No way to run on banks
>Everyone becomes serfs
>They raise taxes anyway cause serfs should never make money

I hate this country, it is nothing but a giant milking scheme (income tax, capital gains tax, must pay tax when you aren't in the us, no other Western country does this) can't even renounce citizenship without paying a fucking tax. This is exactly why crypto exsist in the first place so we don't have to deal with this bullshit.

Besides, it'd just be more ammo (heh) against us. Swinging guns at politicians would only get us negative press.

It's impossible to win in my opinion. Overact or expand government power to enforce your policy and people get their policy enforced alright, but they don't like how much power you have, on the flip side the government act restrained and everyone calls for 'change' i.e more government power.
I don't like how the federal government grows every year. It's never even just not-grown in budget, meanwhile the states languish. They actually have to obey the rules of money and then they feed off the federal magic money bribes.

>I enjoy giving nearly half of the money I make to lazy niggers who don't want to work
What does your wife's son think about this btw?

>Resist the government
>But give up your guns!

I'll pass on that, my friend

I don't know who said it but it's true (also true of almost every other western nation).

>America isn't a country. It's a shopping mall.

At least, that's what our politicians have deliberately turned us into.

I fucking hate my country so much sometimes. This is one of those times. If you're a non-American and think this won't effect you in more ways than just the price going down, you are wrong.

What they're doing is such an unbelievably big blow to freedom it might as well be the digital version of gun confiscation.

I've heard it said on TRS and a few other places, I don't know who came up with it.

The only way forward is to minimize corruption. Look at the index for the happiest countries in the world - they all have low political corruption. This requires an informed populace, which in turn requires good media sources. Look at the sorry state of journalism in the US media and UK tabloids. It indoctrinates people and manufactures consent to fuck over ordinary people.

Underrated post

>don't like how the federal government grows every year

this is not an issue about expansion or how much power government has.
It is about basic needs and that the US gov. failes to provide them.

Public transport, schools, roads, bridges, medical aid, security, freedom...
A government must provide these, and protect these.

All you do is whine about government power.
It has power alright,
it's just not working for you pal!

Why are yall locked up in this stupid ideological discussion about government power? What the fuck? When your neighbors live in poverty, your children are stupid as hell and nothing is working? You are still debating about ideological, abstract issues... mehmeh, "more" or "less" power....

At least my GF wakes up in the morning and gets her "daily trump" with her coffee xD ... thats what she calls the shitshow, which is a good funny morning starter at our place

i see, you want to stay poor faggots ;D
I guess if you've been raised a small cock, you will always want a gun.

(But srsly: Guns are soooo easy to get, if there should really be a problem. I can make one myself too)


People like you, as virtuous as you think yourselves, are the reason things are the way they are. Smugly looking down on all the stupid peasants, who are nowhere near as enlightened as you are (I can almost guarantee this is a word that comes to mind when you consider your political and moral positions).

You're Dunning-Kruger incarnate.

>Haha stupid Drumpf! Impeachment when?!

Never. And I don't even like the guy.

Also, your gf is cheating on you.

If you haven't yet, write your congressman and your senators, it sounds faggy, but it is really important to get our message across.

Tell them that we don't want this bill and will not vote for you if you pass it.