When the fuck are we going to get Constantinople back?
When the fuck are we going to get Constantinople back?
Literally never you fucking delusional balkan-shitter, when will you stop making these threads?
Who would we give it to? Greeks? Bulgarians? Russians? Any case country that takes it is going to increase it muslim population.
It was never European in the first place or whatever weird fantasy you have bro
A. Who is we?
B. There are 15 million people living in that city. Only 3,000 are Greeks. At this point, it's like asking when the Indians are going to retake Manhatten.
Name one (1) future-impacting Byzantine achievement.
t. Alexis Papadulouloulou
First you have to shit on your balls.
Greece of course.
haha deus vult brother xDD
ahahahahaha shiet. Waiting. faggot.
Get off this board and back to /pol/ you retarded larper.
would istanbul pay their debts though?
There are more Turks in Istanbul then there are Greeks worldwide.
>be me
>be 12th grade fag
>be in geography class today
>teacher finishes her lesson so quick
>20 minutes left, everyone bored af
>teacher decides to play a game
>she say an european country so we have to tell the metropolis
>5 minutes pass by
>not my turn yet
>hear "Greece"(still not my turn)
>I yell "Constantinople!"
>whole class starts laughing
>was a fucking great joke bcz was an unusual name at an unexpexted time so everyone loses their shit
>even the teacher laughs like a piece if shit
>was a good joke, everyone felt good bcz they didn't know anything, fucking plebs, but me...
>I felt horrible, I will never forget 1453
>fck u Mehmed
wait until israel blows first you fucking peasent muppet FUCK
At least the Turks do maintenance.
Germany will probably sell greece to cover the debts.
We make it the 51st state duh
And those people would continue to live in Greek Constantinople? No, they wouldn't.
">be me"
"we" means mother europe, white races... are u new ?
We give it to the people it rightfully belongs to, the armenians
come and get it
give it to english kings, duh
Just exterminate everyone in the city and give it to the Greeks
If you zoomed out that image, you would probably see around 7-8 other Ottoman dudes that the knight pwned before he was zergrushed.
kek that knight cuts his own throat with his own sword because hes a fucking coward while the muslim prayed for him
Didn't Russia plan on taking it before the French and brits went against it?
meh just give it back to Rome
Jeez. I bet that smug Muslim enjoyed raping that knight's wife and children.
Forks. Not even joking.
The pope, his office earned it after the 4th crusade.
When is Northumbria going to be thrown off from the southern yoke and given it's rightful clay from Scotland?
>When the fuck are we going to get Constantinople back?
Can Venice build us OVER 9000 galleys?
Will the Pope lend us money to hire mercenaries?
Can we find an inbred sister-fucking French aristocrat to lead us into battle?
The newly formed Roman Empire.
Or Italy so it has both Roman capitals.
Getting off the Paradox games would be a start
When is the US giving nyc back to the indians.
Northumbria is rightful Danish clay.
I hope to see Constantinople under the hands of Christendom in my lifetime
>it's another "insecure whyte bois jerk it to Constantinople-Putin-Trump-alliance fantasies because of MUH ISLAMIC INVASIONZ N SHIET NIQQA FINNA TAKE MUH CULTURE N SHIET NIGGAAA" thread
Just fucking kill yourselves.
t. Mehmet
Turks are based
Turkey is based
Istanbul is based
Erdogan is based
*Greco-Roman Empire
>it's another roach who can't handle a little Christian fun
christians don't know how to have fun
t. Country where alcohol is prohibited or frowned upon
>t. Country
what a cringey thread
t. retard
prove i'm a retard
t. country where marijuana is prohibited or frowned upon
I think it's hiding in Istanbul.
that thing that more effectively props up domes I forget the name of.
Name one Muslim country where it isn't
>round shield
>some sort of italian (?) half-plate
>suspicious looking pauldrons