That's what Hamilton gets for being a xenophobic, anti-immigrant, central banking piece of shit

That's what Hamilton gets for being a xenophobic, anti-immigrant, central banking piece of shit

Sup reddit

Reddit worships Hamilton, Veeky Forums consciously does Reddit's opposite

Veeky Forums was pro-Hamilton after the 2008 series "John Adams" portrayed Hamilton as a idiotic, proto-fascist. Now Veeky Forums's pro-Jefferson after the musical portrayed him as a hypocritical racist.

>idiotic fascist
>hypocritical racist

That isn't just contrarianism, that's half of the Veeky Forums userbase.



I remember when this place was the bastion of atheism before 2012/13. Then r/atheism became a default subreddit and Veeky Forums coincidentally saw the light of Christ.

I've been here too long.

I remember when cucking better known as NTR or netorare as defined by fhc was a tiny thing on the corner of the internet. Those were good times.

>implying hamilton didn't throw the duel on purpose

>t. Jefferson

Fuck you Thomas. Your presidency a shit. A SHIT!

He was the first American president to kick the crap out of a bunch of belligerent Muslim fanatics.

Just for that, I can forgive his stupid embargo.

Never thought about it that way good post OP

Don't you idiots see that the balance found between both of them was not only the perfect fit for the country but also epitomizes the Republican ideals the country was founded on? Too much of Jefferson or Hamilton is a bad thing, but when balanced against each other in a Republican government, it evens out to something that's moderate and logical.

>supporting a central bank

Aaron Burr was a traitor and a coward

did Hamilton entirely get what he wanted? No. Did he have a point that banks are important to financial stability and having reliable credit will help entice other countries to give us loans? yes. Good think we have a Republican government that strives to balance public opinion towards a compromise instead of declaring one person right and persecuting whoever you deem is wrong. That's called fascism. You go full Jefferson you get a weak government that can't handle external threats. you go full Hamilton you get a country that makes obvious imperial moves and alerts everyone in europe that the US should be taken more seriously and again, we can't handle the external threat.

However with a balance between them, you get the perfect fit for a comfy 19th century manifest destiny with a strong-but-not-too-strong government that can handle external threats and balance that with individual rights.

>not supporting a central bank
Enjoy your economic catastrophe.

>Fed causes the Great depression and 2008 crisis
Yea fuck off here's your (((You))) faggot

If you don't know what you are talking about, it's okay to ask.

You are such a fool I question your ability to type a reply

Islam was used to justify the Barbary Pirate's slave raids just as Christianity was used to justify the transatlantic slave trade. You're fucking retarded if you think religion was the primary motive for both.

However the fact that America was willing to use its military power to defend the weak only strengthens the legitimacy of the Democratic Experiment and underscores their descent from the moral supermen we call the Archaic Greeks.

Shut yo bitch ass up


Are you retarded?

If you honestly think all of Veeky Forums is a response to reddit, God help your soul

Yes he is

The compromise you suggest is weak and not the one we went with

>Christianity was used to justify the transatlantic slave trade.
Nah youre a dumbfuck

Yeah, r/TheDonald kinda made /pol/ and reddit one at last.

The need to "Christianize" Africans was used as a justification for taking them to America as slaves.
Just because Christians ended the slave trade doesn't mean their doctrine wasn't also used to support it.

Your perception is accurate then
/pol/ made r_thedonald as a colony

Lets make this thread simple
Giver pro Hamilton replies here

Pro Jeffersonian here

>pushed hard for the Alien and Sedition acts

He deserved it. Burr did nothing wrong.

Wrong. It's the other way around.

Awesome gif
But you are going to hell for your beliefs.

your ignorance of events is known

Am I going to hell?

pol has been pro trump before r/donald even exist

If you are a filthy Jeffersonian you are

Jefferson is my favourite president. Federalist fags can suck my dick

In an edgy, haha, le trump way we all kind of were before he actually became a real candidate.
The majority of /pol/ only started supporting Trump after shitty American normalfags started coming from reddit to force their agenda. Anything else is face saving disinfo from /pol/fags.

the fuck are you even talking about?

Why do you SJWs always forget that /r/Communism, /r/socialism, /r/anarchy, and /r/feminism also exist on Reddit?

Reddit is literally the home of leftypol

Not really
/Pol/ makes a colony board there which in turn attract normies, shills, and journalist to get to the source of "altright" to Veeky Forums, therefore making it the mainstream mess it is today, but they have been supporting trump from the start, trump general already exist before r/Donald, mere mention of reddit will be mocked unlike in Veeky Forums which only do it ironically,

I remember r/Donald admin once come there to ask for support after the reddit got hijacked by leftist and pol told them to screw off

Also during the primary election reddit is know as sanders circle jerk, while pol is consistently republican, with most people choosing either rubio or trump

>just as Christianity was used to justify the transatlantic slave trade.
Don't be retarded.

>/pol/ made r_thedonald as a colony

between gamergate and before election is the best time for /pol/, shit is ruined since then, you can even find buzzfeed and salon journalist there now for f sake

Because they don't come here except for flash in the pan raids.

/r/the_donald on the other hand has an established presence on Veeky Forums.

Gamegate was the second worst thing to ever happen to /pol/.

It was actually semi-good before that.

I question yours.

Tell me why I'm such a fool, and I'll proceed to tear you to shreds.

To shreds, you fucking faggot.

It is, you fucking fool.

I would he know why you're such a fool? He only knows you as an anonymous poster on a board.

Have you checked with your parents to see if you were dropped on your head as a child?

I don't see why you need to pretend to be another poster dumbass.

I was assuming you could tell me based on what I said that got you so tearful.

But since you have nothing, I advise that you do this world a favor and murder your family before offing yourself.

>Because they don't come here except for flash in the pan raids.
Why must you lie to us, leftypol?

The problem is
1. Our Central Bank is nearly autonomous and lacks any oversight- what possible oversight that exists is halted through money in politics
2. Our Central Bank is entirely Jew controlled, and has been for nearly 4 decades.
>inb4 go back to /pol/ hurr durr
Janet Yellen, our current Chairperson, is a dual-Israeli/American citizen. Don't tell me that isn't a conflict of interest. borders kike

In the end, hamilton was proven to have been right even if he was pushing for a american monarchy

this. It was witnessed that Hamilton fired high over Burr's head, a show at the time that he did not wish to go through with the duel similar to raising a lance on a bad pass in jousting.

Others believe it was just a bad shot due to the hair triggers on the pistols

good think we had republicans to balance the federalists and the federalists to balance the republicans. Almost like we had some weird form of government where sovereignty comes from the people and compromise is the rule of law. How thankful you must be then, to know that we had a system of checks and balances to prevent a monarchy from forming out of the presidency whilst still having people with an imperial mindset to push the borders forward.

Their arguments and points of contention are the basis for our nation's political growth and set the precedent for our future compromises. It was neither Jefferson nor Hamilton influencing the nation, it was Jefferson AND Hamilton influencing the nation. Both sides of the coin were crucial, these argument sure are retarded.