How do you not get enraged knowing there's retards who have no clue what they're doing making $80,000-100,000+/yr in IT/management? It's not fucking fair!
How do you not get enraged knowing there's retards who have no clue what they're doing making $80,000-100...
why aren't you doing it then?
I should be.
84k brainlet nocoiner here. can confirm
But user I work in IT management and know what I'm doing
Me? I'm not doing it because people either don't believe me cause i dont have a degree or take advantage of me. But at the end of the day I'm still doing 1337 things, if you know what I mean ;).
40k/yr here and i pretty much run our entire company while my boss makes like 3 times my salary and sits in his office and reads the paper and texts his wife all day. its a bad feeling
No because they're sitting in some depressing office 9 - 5. I wouldn't do that for $100k a year.
It's like asking if you feel enraged at male escorts sucking old guys dicks for $200k a year.
No I don't know what you mean. Elaborate
Sounds like your boss has it figured out.
i heard this story from a friend where a girl was hired right out of college for a programming job at amazon, she literally didn't do anything for a year straight, and then took credit for the progress on a project her group was working on, and she got promoted. she still doesn't know the basics of writing software lmao.
to be honest the salaries are reasonable for the years of experience. you should be making 70k as a 22 year old. you should be making 150k+ if you're 30. most other industries are just full of fucking assholes and there are too many middle men in the way. obviously these salaries are for big cities, but you should be able to comfortably buy a house or a condo and travel a few weeks out of the year, with money to spare.
IT and tech in general has a massive demand so they'll hire pretty much anybody. the odd woman "programmer" or dumbass jock or ESL kid don't really make it far usually, they'll be there to do the analog of what pencil pushers did 50 years ago.
I just mean there's a lot of us here making minimum wage or even near it, when we could easily be doing these jobs.
Is there any reason not to lie on your resume?
>reason not to lie
but higher salary might not make your life any better if you still hate your job. i don't know, there are countless resources for finding these jobs and connecting with people, even if your only skills are restarting a computer and installing software. i myself work across disciplines in biotech, i'd say 80% of people in the industry get quickly confused with computers for anything more complicated than copy+paste.
Sounds like your boss knows how to make retards like you take all the stress
pajeets are willing to do IT/software related jobs for pennies. the last company i worked for was so shady. we had all these projects that our clients would call about, and we were told to lie and tel them our devs were working on it, and that "rick" or "john" would be finished with it soon. in reality there was no rick or john, , we were just outsourcing everything to india for dirt cheap and profiting
Honestly it's starting to feel like life is a scam.
I work a minimum wage job and do physical labor on weekends for $14/hr every 2nd week.
Meanwhile people who are literally retarded work easier jobs and get paid more. I'm about to just make up a bunch of lies and start applying to places.
yeah that's rough. i know you can't do much as an individual, but i think that too many people accept low wages (or long hours), and over time the older companies and industries can pay less and less, even if they are just as valuable to society.
can't say it will be easier but if your goal is to make a better living, definitely cast out a wide net.
its not a scam, it's just that being a good people-person (ie not being insufferably autistic) is usually more valuable than having esoteric knowledge, which normies can't identify anyway
They're not as retarded as you think they are.
Cs student here, it was somewhat an interesting trip untill i understood all major concepts and it all lost it's magick and went down learning how somebody think code should be written and all these fucking useless mazes.
I cannot comprehend how some people still work IT jobs without offing themselves. (i know it's a far taken generalization)
i'm at this point as well. was fun to learn but miserable to work. thinking of trying to pivot into management because I don't want to be a code monkey for the rest of my life. what's your plan?
Dude let's be honest here.
I know I don't have much experience but I keep hearing that people say shit like "Omg all my coworkers are retarded", "I keep having to do all the work!!!" Or reading about retarded employees clicking phishing emails and causing problems.
Be honest. How many of your coworkers would you say are competent? I'm curious
If you don't know what I mean, you shouldn't be working or even considering IT.
Just explain what you mean not everyone is as smart as you
Pareto principle. 20% of employees contribute 80% of a company's results.
Get just enough for a tiny house.
I'm living in an way too valuable house now (inherited) so that will be an obvious source of capital.
Also got some luck with crypto recently and put it all into Bancor ico so we will see ;)
Still, got a few ideas to try out regarding all those ai techniques they teach in college and data processing that could net some $ when properly employed on the net.
IT management
I know what I'm doing. I'm doing jack shit! ^_^
What was said was meant for those who understand. Sorry laddy.
But honestly would rather live on water and bread in some distant village than work in an office as a java or .net programmer.
Explain it
How do you not get enraged knowing there's retards who have no clue what they're doing making $80,000-100,000+/week in cryptocurrency trading? It's not fucking fair!
if they left me the fuck alone I would be okay, but these "agile" meetings and open workspaces with project managers on my dick constantly... I didn't sign up for this.
tfw unemployed while complete fucking retards have jobs. All my peers at school thought I was brilliant, my professors thought I was a genius, one asked if I had taken an IQ test before. Yet here I am. I'm literally homeless and unemployed. Why? Because I have no social skills and no network.
I have massively improved in the past year and pass as a normie now. Always improving socially. It turned out to have been far more important than booksmarts.
Yes, there are retards in high positions, but they're good at the social game. Just grind and practice and study for it like any other skill. Fake it. Use your smarts to get ahead. Whereas a normie makes 60k and spends every penny, you're better than that, right?
I can live comfortably on less than 10k a year (currently around 6k.) Save and invest everything left over from my wage (when I get a job...1 week out now from my last one.) Then I will have all the money and sit on my pile of gold like a fucking dragon, while the normies are in debt despite their fancy job and easy life. I will watch them suffer.
you're just jealous of the comfyness
it's changing tho; unless one specializes and has a wide network of clients/references all they have to look forward is getting the boot
Here, here brother.
From. What I see salaries in the states are fucking insane. I'm doing business analysis / project coordination in a well known bank in Europe, earning around 70k and 30+
Obere here that's considered as a above average salary. But when I see ppl. Writing 150k+ feels like shit
Don't forget their way of life is shit, a trip to the hospital can ruin them and all the food they have access to is industrial garbage.
Literally go to a Whole Foods instead of dining at a McFatso's everyday and you'll be fine here nigger
get a pay raise.
And how much does that cost ?
I've lived in Europe and now in Canada, the difference in food quality isn't even funny.
You can go to any farmer's market in France, Italy, Spain and find extremely good vegetables and fruit for almost nothing.
Maybe, but the whole IT business makes me feel like a vector in multidimensional space.
>Honestly it's starting to feel like life is a scam.
kinda is
there was a movie about a place in mexico was opened for tourists and contractors to build new hotels and shit. the natives sought new opportunities and worked there. overtime there was discrimination of the elderly and people who looked too Mayan to work because the agency didn't want to scare off tourists who were white, rich, and sheltered. The story followed one girl who struggled in the big city and finally went back to her grandfathers farm. It was a revelation to her because although she didn't have all the conveniences that modern day houses had, she had her farm, her pigs, and can self sustain enough to pay for medicine for her kids if she needed too. The land she lived on was still out of any tax revenue collector jurisdiction. Upon this, there are reports of construction polluting the waters and land as they continue to expand tourist attractions.
tldr: you pay for convenience when you live in the first world.
I make 93k +7% 401k matching. I work as a software dev and it is horrible.
This shit is not good for your mental health. Imagine being forced to watch office space scenes for 8 hours a day until it seems normal. IT workplaces are literal cult environments. Tons of social games. Fake everything. Pointless abstract confusing tasks. It is difficult to describe. It bleeds into your normal life.
I was happier being a Christmas tree jockey at 12$ an hour. I am genetically a blue collar worker, who happens to take math tests well.
I really don't know what to do. My parents say "do what makes you happy" when I complain about work. but my older brother is a 24 year old shut-in NEET and they are SO happy when they can talk about me to family/friends because 99% of the american working class have had declining lifestyles.
nothing declining.
if america was as free as amsterdam, i guarantee neets would take up wage jobs with a smile.
>get off work
>get a piece of ass like a mcdonalds drivethrough
>walk across the street to the bar, get some drinks food and maybe smoke.
>go home to play some mmo or play online casino or study about the world
>make fun of americucks
>repeat unitl weekend to walk the park or take a sunday road drive with the family.
It's almost like we be chained to the rythm.
Been there done that. Life get easier after a while. Slowly. Keep fighting until you love to fight
Life isn't a scam. It's a meme.
Netherlands is so fucked up, I can't believe you posted that. Obsessed with saving face.
Dutch/English/German states innovated modern corporate/it culture in 1700s.
What? Burgerstani here, that's literally what every normie does. Are you retarded?
What certifications do you have?