Reconstructed Caesar's face for fun.
My reconstruction of Caesar's face
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Why is he brown, and not white, blonde hair with blue eyes?
Caesar had blonde hair and blue eyes
Primary sources quite clearly says he had olive skin and dark brown hair and eyes, guys.
"Caesar is said to have been tall, fair, and well-built, with a rather broad face and keen, dark-brown eyes. His health was sound, apart from sudden comas and a tendency to nightmares which troubled him towards the end of his life; but he twice had epileptic fits while on campaign. He was something of a dandy, always keeping his head carefully trimmed and shaved; and has been accused of having certain other hairy parts of his body depilated with tweezers. His baldness was a disfigurement which his enemies harped upon, much to his exasperation; but he used to comb the thin strands of hair forward from his poll, and of all the honours voted him by the Senate and People, none pleased him so much as the privilege of wearing a laurel wreath on all occasions — he constantly took advantage of it. "
It´s quite obvious they were saying it ironically.
Thanks for the excerpt anyway, worth the read.
Everyone is full of shit, shut up:
>"Fuisse traditur excelsa statura, colore candido, teretibus membris, ore paulo pleniore, nigris uegetisque oculis, ualitudine prospera..."
He had black eyes and light skin.
No problem.
>olive skin
Light to the romans. So olive rather than black.
looks like Nicholas Cage to me
t. Brutus
>olive skin
Dude, maybe fair meant something else to the Romans? I.E olive skin rather than black like the Southern Romans.
You do realise they called the Picts, who had black hair, "dark people"? But the picts weren't black-skinned, black-haired.
There are some Romans who are described as 'dark skinned' though and it's probably a bronze tan like pic related. It means they just stayed a bit too long in the sun. Maybe Caesar didn't like to tan.
>nordcucks being THIS desperate
It's the English word that the translator (among others) determined to be most representative of its original meaning.
>black like the Southern Romans
Oh you're just trolling
I'm not. Look at depictions of the Sardinian Romans.
I'd deffo call that black.
>He didn´t get the joke
Full damage control.
No I understand your misconception stems from just looking at murals without basic knowledge of Roman art just like kangz that point to depictions of a black Osiris to prove they were indeed kangz.
You niggers realize we, whites, have invented a thing called genetics (one of those science things) so we can ascertain things related to heritage without having recourse to old paintings?
There's a stark contrast between Roman males and Roman females in their art. The females are light skinned because they stay inside the house doing shores and the males are bronze skinned due to working in the sun all day.
Sure, but there are real life portraits which show black-skinned men. See here.
That's a tan, faggot. It isn't their natural skin color. Italians aren't shitskins either. Keep them out of the sun and they'll revert back to their natural light skintone.
The only race that can be both tan and pale is the white race. I almost feel embarassed that I need to explain this, but it's negroes we're talking to after all.
>invented genetics
You mean discovered, faggot. This is on par with the "invented electricity" meme.
Sorry that your Subsaharan congoid ancestors didn't accomplish anything, Tyrone.
Men being darker and women being more fair is Art History 101.
The word genetics can both refer to genetics as a science and genetics as a natural phenomenon. I obviously mean genetics as a science.
>Post a picture of any non-Aryan European on Veeky Forums
Nice bait OP
I'm white.
White, british. But ok.
Yeah, clearly. Never thought I'd see someone call Caesar a nigger.
"The subjects of the Knossos frescoes are often ceremonial scenes, such as this one of bull-leaping. The women have fair skin and the man has dark skin, a common convention in ancient painting." Gardner's Art Through the Ages, 83
Pic related (The Hagia Triada sarcophagus): "In conformance with the common convention in many ancient cultures, the women have light skin and the man dark skin" - Gardner's Art Through the Ages, 89
I can go on.
Yeah nobody said whites can't be dumb af too. The words pleb, and prole exist for a reason.
At worst that's as dark as a modern day Latin American.
Spics are perma shit-colored though. It doesn't go away unlike the tan that Meds get.
Yes, you could go on. You cited the same fucking author twice.
How many authors did you cite in support of your contrary position again?
None. It doesn't really matter anyway, since Caesar wasn't white. I really don't care how Greeks made women whiter in art.
You're a History of Art cunt are you.
Nah, it means you're full of it, got taken to school, and you have nothing to support your position so you don't want to play this game anymore.
Right, and which book did you cite that says what I'm talking about isn't a real convention?
Since when weren't Italians white? Unless you're using some retarded /pol/ definition.
Never said it wasn't. Not even saying you're lying, you clearly are right based on the photos you posted. I said no since it's TOTALLY FUCKING IRRELEVANT.
They're olive skinned.
No, it means this is irrelevant to the discussion.
I've got a BSc, want me to delve into nuclear physics (totally irrelevant to this discussion), and when you don't want to answer (or can't, you do seem stupid), I'll just say "You got taken to school"?
>since Caesar wasn't white
He was white enough.
You're the one who posted a paiting of a tanned man as supposed evidence that Romans weren't white. Then you got BTFO, and now you're backpedaling.
Your pathetic.
>Never said it wasn't.
>Men being darker and women being more fair is Art History 101.
Let's see what evidence do you have that is relevant to the discussion then.
Some are White. Some are olive skinned. I wouldn't describe them as Brown which I would reserve for Indians (from Indian subcontient), certain people from MENA and some mestizo races, nor would I describe them as "Black" (which I would reserve for sub-Saharan Africans).
No, I'm not. I posted a tanned man to illustrate a SOUTHERN ROMAN who was darker skinned. The Northern Romans just had a light Tan.
As I've now said twice, that no was since it's fucking irrelevant.
There are no coloured representations of Caesar. We don't know how he was depicted in any art since he doesn't appear in any. As I said, every one of your posts is irrelevant.
I don't have any relevant evidence. I don't really give a fuck what colour Caesar's skin was, I'm not racist.
Ja, mein reichsführer
Caesar was born a few KM away from that South Roman, who was from Pompeii.
>I have no evidence
>I-I don't really care anyway
Hahahahahahaha. My cuckboi.
Your opinion on it being relevant or not does not change the fact that it is a convention, and you simply said no it wasn't.
Anyways, "He is said to have been tall of stature, with a fair complexion, shapely limbs, a somewhat full face, and keen black eyes" - Suetonius on Gaius Julius Caesar
We can get the pigments his statue was painted to get a fairly good idea
Say it after me.
>I am a special boy.
>I have fetal alcohol syndrome.
>I will never discuss with my intellectuals superiors ever again.
Say it, faggot. Say it!
I said "no" it's not relevant, not "no" it's not a convention, cunt.
Say it!
You're a dumb cunt.
Ignoring the fact that's Augustus, it's also a posthumous depiction of Augustus, when he was made a God. Romans usually depicted their Gods as white and blonde.
Pic related: What Caesar actually looked like
You're literally the opposite of an intellectual superior. No thanks.
He had enough hair to comb the front, every source describes that.
>get btfo
>move goalpost
Oh user.
He posted again! He makes his daddy so proud! Too bad mommy had a little too much to drink when she was pregnant, but...
Didn't move the goalposts. I clarified what I said earlier. But whatever you want, you clearly know what people wanted to say more than the people who said it.
Who is a cuckboi? Who is a special cuckboi?
Posthumous statue of Caesar as a God.
"Combing a few strands of hair to the front...."
That is not how people portray him and you know that. Ive never seen a portrayal of caesar with a lame combover that everyone else made fun of
Clarifying and moving the goalpost is the same thing in anonspeak.
You, since you quoted no one.
What the fuck are you arguing over? What degree white caesar was?
Holy fuck get a life
Nobody is taking you seriously anymore after you got anally raped and backpedalled. Cuckboi. All that's left to do is point the finger and laugh.
My picture clearly has him severely balding, so I don't know what you're talking about.
An attempt was made, but op still fucked up in his rendition
See, another example. Jupiter is charcoal black in some vases, for fuck's sake. I'm not denying men were represented as darker and women as lighter. It's just fucking irrelevant, there is no coloured art of Caesar, and the portrait of Teo I posted was a realistic one.
Cuckboi on the right.
I based it off the only bust made during Caesar's life.
Who is an inbred cuckboi? Cuckboi is an inbred cuckboi.
Kys cuckboi.
Do you have nothing better to do? It's certainly a testament to the pathetic life you must lead.
No thanks. I'm not in the same position as your mother, who should indeed have killed herself while pregnant with you.
Are you OP? OPs pic has the portrayal of a guy who is just starting to lose his hair. Caesar was bald with a comb-over, not slightly thinning at the front
This portrays what he looked like better and we have to assume it was worse in real life
I did all I was supposed to do today, now I'm having a laugh at my favorite fetal alcohol syndrome victim.
But that's not C. Julius Caesar.
>Romans usually depicted their Gods as white and blonde
He's not blonde there, you shithead.
Also, that's false. You can barely find any blond Greco-Roman God or hero in their frescoes and the males are usually bronze skinned as well:
There you go cuckboi! Show them! Don't let them speak to you like that just because you were born... that way.
Yes, I am OP. What you've shown isn't a comb-over, and it's a posthumous statue of him as a God.
Anyway, he has a comb-over in my portrait.
It is Julius Caesar. It even has the same three scars depicted in coins of him (absent on the Deified statues of him since they couldn't show flaws).
It's not wrong. See the pigmentation on Greek statues. *All of them*.
The only portraits and pics taken and drawn during stalins life were edited. He was known to have pox scars on his face tho. Do we believe written accounts from people who were there or a period specific commissioned art work of a famous leader? hmmmm
You said, your only piece of evidence a propaganda statue of Caesar.
Nice try.
Cuckboi is a very special little boy! He can argue too you meanies! He just won't show any evidence to back up his claims, but you shouldn't be prejudiced against him!
See the frescoes instead and shut the fuck up. There are very few polychrome reconstructions of Greco-Roman Gods to draw any conclusions. I'm aware of the Apollo one where he's blonde and blue eyed, but he's the exception, not the rule.