I'm talking when it comes to making loads of cash due to lower taxes and costs.
What are some of the best and Worst states in the USA?
Declare yourself a sovereign nation and then don't pay any taxes.
> Worst - Massachusetts.
Fucking wallet rapists.
> Best - New Hampshire, Delaware
Very low taxes.
> Ideal Balance - North Carolina
Low sin taxes, low cost of living.
I want to make crypto babies with the girl on the right.
AZ and TX
I would fucking ruin the slut in the middle oh my god.
SC. low as shit property, income, and auto/home taxes. shall issue state, but funz are cheap here. I live right across the border from NC so i'm like 20 mins from Charlotte for work, lake wylie represent.
why did you pick the fat ugly one
NJ a shit
New Hampshire. No tax on crypto.
They even had a bill (failed to pass) that would allow you to pay taxes in BTC.
State is ahead of the curve.
What has Massachusetts done specifically in regards to crypto
Best state is wherever those bones commandos in the OP are from.
What is the whitest and safest state in USA or world? I don't care about cost of living.
New Hampshire
IL has no crypto tax now
Thanks. I'll look it up.
So how long do I have to live in one of these states to qualify for their crypto tax haven status?
Low test nerd
Probably Montana or Idaho
Freezing ass cold in the winter and not much to do though.