Why should I entrust my immortal soul to this man?
Why should I entrust my immortal soul to this man?
why protestants hate this?
Did you have some really long ban that just expired or something, my Malaysian friend?
Can you answer?
Protestants also hate this too
This world doesn't matter and you must suffer.
Could it be perhaps that your condemnation of idolatry may not be a longing to serve only god, but instead a symptom of pride? You may believe that only you can accept the call to eternal salvation, and this is true, but do you believe that you alone can solely judge that which is holy and useful to a godly life? That you must not be mentored and taught by others?
Spiritual truth, unlike rational pursuits and the world of science, is governed by 'authority,' not by results or observable criteria. Christians believe the Bible not because it can be shown to be entirely correct by physical criteria, but because they believe in the authority of the one who wrote it. The very idea of a God is an idea of subservience, of service to a benevolent - but all-powerful authority.
This aside, are you not encouraged to submit to the authority of your elders? Are you not told explicitly in the scriptures to submit to those teachers who speak truth and act in a righteous way? A protestant pastor has authority over his congregation. The bishop of Rome is just another religious leader, I have never seen any claim that the Pope has authority over men's souls, but he has the authority to demand consideration from his congregation.
Is this idolatry?
>Spiritual truth, unlike rational pursuits and the world of science, is governed by 'authority,' not by results or observable criteria. Christians believe the Bible not because it can be shown to be entirely correct by physical criteria, but because they believe in the authority of the one who wrote it. The very idea of a God is an idea of subservience, of service to a benevolent - but all-powerful authority.
Soon you will learn submission to Allah.
If you want an aggresive, intolerant religion you can always convert to islam my man.
lol that guy standing above him is like "wtf u doing brah?"
>implying I'm going to spend my free-time reading all that shit
>enter the water
>thrice immersed
Yeah the Greeks got it tht baptism is by immersion, because baptism in Greek means immersion. However if Cathocucks value tradition so much then why do they ignore this tradition and use their man-made tradition of sprinkling with water?
He is talking about tradition that agree with scripture, not random shit like papal infallibility and mary worship.
Someone forgotten to read the Didache
But do proddies give offerings to dead?
Answer the question. Why do Catholics practice baptism by sprinkling and not by immersion?
Too messy
Didache isn't canon
Except the context here contradicts the principle of sola Scriptura. His point is rituals of the church that are not found in scripture have their warrant in tradition
But why is this clarification needed when he could just say that all agree with Scripture rather than to say that tradition mandates them
Tertullian also includes giving offerings to the dead
Protestants don't do that
Tertullian isn't canon
You moron. The Didache dates way before Tertullian and says baptism by sprinkling is acceptable
>offerings to the dead
Even in Paul's time there were antichrists and false prophets. Your so-called church fathers ("call no man a father") are in hell.
proving my point that protestants contradict the early christians
Tertullian was a Subordinationist heretic, and isn't canon either.
For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.
All the church fathers disagree with protestantism
Not just Tertullian
Take this for example
You're refering to whom?
So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Thanks &humanitiesfags for rehashing this shit several times per day
Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were, "special".
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, DIE
Wake up
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup)
Grab a brush and put a little
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable
You wanted to
Grab a brush and put a little makeup
You wanted to
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
You wanted to
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
You wanted to
I don't think you trust
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In, my, self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
Father, father, father, father
Father into your hands, I commend my spirit
Father into your hands
why have you forsaken me
In your eyes forsaken me
In your thoughts forsaken me
In your heart forsaken, me oh
Trust in my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my self righteous suicide
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
>Tertullian was a Subordinationist
He literally coined the term trinity, are you retarded?
There's no such thing as an immortal soul
Well I haven't seen one
>I haven't seen thought
>thought doesn't exist
Who doed this anyway? Not non-heretical Catholics, for sure.
Not even Catholics think that Bergoglio is legit. The only reason they follow him is because they have been cucked into papal infallibity and are so invested in it that to go back now would be embarassing.
Because Christianity is not compatible with alt-right ideology
He is legit, and he didn't use infallibility except canonisations yet. Typical prottie retard.
You have invested so much time and effort into forcing this papacy meme that now that you have a literal commie atheist in the papacy you're forced to obey him. Pathetic.
>Unlike many Church fathers, he was never recognized as a saint by the Eastern or Western catholic tradition churches, as several of his teachings on issues such as the clear subordination of the Son and Spirit to the Father,[12][15] and his condemnation of remarriage for widows and of fleeing from persecution, contradicted the teachings of these traditions.
Better luck next time, chump
>implying I'm going to read all that on my day off
>I haven't seen thought
Clearly you have not done enough psychedelics.
One soul cannot be due to two masters—God and Cæsar. And yet Moses carried a rod, and Aaron wore a buckle, and John (Baptist) is girt with leather and Joshua the son of Nun leads a line of march; and the People warred: if it pleases you to sport with the subject. But how will a Christian man war, nay, how will he serve even in peace, without a sword, which the Lord has taken away? For albeit soldiers had come unto John, and had received the formula of their rule; albeit, likewise, a centurion had believed; still the Lord afterward, in disarming Peter, unbelted every soldier. No dress is lawful among us, if assigned to any unlawful action.
—Tertullian, On Idolatry Chapter 19: Concerning Military Service
"You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. (John 14:28)
"'The woman he marries must be a virgin. (Leviticus 21:13)
I had my feet washed at Holy Thursday once, it was pretty neat from a theological perspective. It's an act of humility preformed by Jesus and imitated by the priesthood to confirm those same values of humility.
I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to misuse those random quotes for, but it's not going to save the skin on your ass.
Tertullian was blocked from sainthood because he maintained that Jesus and the spirit are inferior and subordinate to the father, a heretical belief.
On of the driving reasons people were subordinationists was because they were concerned that the trinity was no longer allowing Christianity to be monotheist. They were worried that worship of Christ and ghost were driving the faith towards polytheism and idolatry.
I also feel bad for you if you take the gospel of john as a serious source for you to get your beliefs, if it's at the expense of the Synoptics.
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Time's gone inside out
Time gets distorted with
This intense gravity
I don't got time for holy rollers
Though they may wash my feet
And I won't be their soldier
There's intense gravity in you
(There's intense gravity in you)
I'm just your satellite
(I'm just your satellite)
Ooh, and I know that time's gone inside out
And now it's only like I told you
Mmm, though they may wash my feet
They do not make me complete
Break out of character for me
Time keeps on going when
We got nothing else to give
We got nothing else to give
Ooh, cause our time's gone inside out
I don't make time for holy rollers
Mmm, there's only you I need
They do not make me complete
>Niggers in this picture
Kill dah white man!
>Niggers in real life
Oh yeas, massah. I's gon' pick that cotton right away suh
Here's one of the quotes they claim is Subordinationist
>If they do not wish that the Son be considered second to the Father, lest being second he cause it to be said that there are two gods, we have also showed that two gods are related in Scripture, and two lords. And yet, let them not be scandalized by this – we give a reason why there are not said to be two gods nor lords but rather two as a Father and a Son. And this not from separation of substance but from disposition, since we pronounce the Son undivided and unseparated from the Father, other not in status but in grade, who although he is said to be God when mentioned by himself, does not therefore make two gods but one, by the fact that he is also entitled to be called God from the unity of the Father.
This is clearly Trinitarian
This doesn't exist in the bible
No one going to save you or anyone else. You have to trust in yourself: or fail and start again. Accept that all of us are dependent on others, or die alone as all others have done.
You shouldn't. Your soul is also not immortal, in fact, it is inexistent.
*tips fedora*
It's through Jesus that we find salvation.
You must be great at parties
That's a nice meme you got there, but apart from that ...
What do you have to support your view?
>No one going to save you or anyone else
>Who is "Jesus"?
>What do you have to support your view?
The bible
Ok. And why not the Tanakh?
>Catholic pretending that Catholicism was always a peaceful, passive, tolerant faith
Because the Bible was inspired by God.
>le "only things that can be touched/felt are real" meme
Nice naturalist fallacy
The tanakh is a part of the bible, moron
I dare you to tell the Catholic Church he was a trinitarian
Against Praxeas
>I dare you to tell the Catholic Church he was a trinitarian
I don't care what they think
I've been thinking of returning to the Catholic church because I was baptised/communionised and their church architecture is just better. But I can't stand the current liberal pope. Also do they still believe in purgatory that can only be escaped through giving the church all your money and all that bullshit?
This is what happens when you let a fucking peasant Latin American become the Pope.
Someone assassinate this cuck already and elect a new Pontiff. Even as a Protestant, this is too embarrassing for me to watch.
Nope, they don't believe in that anymore, it was something used to finance the Crusades centuries ago. Purgatory still exists in the Catholic theology.
>people are unironically mad when the pope behaves in a christ-like manner
pick one
It's entirely christ like you loser. Have you even read the Bible? Or just did whatever your child molesting priests told you do? I want stupid niggers to leave this board pleas. If you're Christian you are anti intellectual and not welcome here
Cucktocuckoldists aren't Christian, they're goot lickers.
Foot* lickers
Catholicism is a disgusting religion.
You people are disgusting.
You people make me sick.
protestants aren't Christian
At least when we killed people we did it with style
People really take the whole Catholic thing pretty serious. It's all a big laugh, isn't it?
Reminder that everyone who comdemns the action carried out by the pope in OP's picture can't call himself Catholic, nor Protestant, nor Christian of any sort.
So, God- does he really exist? Who knows? I don't know! Personally, I don't even believe in organised religion...