Why do Atheists / Christians hate God?
Why do Atheists / Christians hate God?
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Here's your (You)
because Lain is a better God
So why do you hate God?
I don't.
Also your god sucks.
There's only one God and it is clear you hate Him.
Is it because you are a drug addict?
I don't hate 'Him'.I don't believe in 'Him'. I dislike what 'He' represents.
Because he took EVERYTHING away from me.
>mfw there are muzzies near me whom I havent yet murdered with my secret death ray van
>I dislike what he represents
so you dislike Morality?
Should've won the oscar.
Fucking Hollywood kikes and their rigged system
how do you hate something that doesn't exist?
what it do hate are the institutions and mindset that surrounds religion however
Shitty bait faggot
Tell me about anime posting muslim, why does he shit up the board?
Didn't this artist recently make a doujin where an Indonesian muslim girl grows a dick and fucks her friend in his ass?
& Humanities will soon be the only part of this board left
>"God loves you! Unless you don't believe in him, then you burn forever."
>"God wants you to find the truth (him)! That's why he left clues that don't connect and wants you to believe a 2000 year old book written by delinquents who would pay their damn taxes."
>"God has a plan. His plan for some people is to be murdered as children or suffer from horrible medical conditions that make their entire life pain."
>"God became human and died for us! Except not really because he gave himself special powers like walking on water, then he rose from the dead, making the entire sacrifice pointless."
letting people suffer for reasons out of their control is moral
>b-but free will!!!
that would mean I shouldn't help others because interferes with their freewill
How are things out of your control?
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
lain? lain...!
Let's love the better God!
Back to r/atheism
No. I respect morality, which is precisely why I reject your notion of God.
If I took off that hijab, would she die?
Of course not, but she would be harassed and molested by lustful men.
If you reject God then you reject morality.
Why do you hate social interaction?
Oh, right, because you're Æutistic
cause atheist and christians are the same right
fuck man the mental gymnastics muslims pull at times
>cause atheist and christians are the same right
I don't know what you mean by this. I didn't say they were right or cause them to do anything.
Nowadays? Yes they are.
Where was the last time Christians killed someone for blasphemy or sodomy?
>I don't know what religion is
Something that can not survive without state enforcing it.
>Religion implies morality
>morality implies laws
>laws are enforced by state
>If state can not enforce religious laws, then kuffar's wife will suck many cocks
Has Ælien converted to Islam now?
>State enforcement is required for a religion
Muslim indeed
t. practically a atheist
It's a shitty movie you stupid theistfaggot
>presented: the theist's main argument; the
alternative is saying "fedora" like the memers they are.
OP is asking something, if you're going to post a non-answer to spread your atheistic nonsense gb2reddit
Because his actions in the Old Testament are unethical? Just look at the genocides he orders against the Amalekites.
He drowned almost everyone in the world with a flood because they didn't do what he wanted - even though this was before he had sent down his laws to Moses. So he basically killed people who hadn't been given the chance to know that the things they were doing were wrong.
He uses a bear to maul a group of children just because they insulted one of his prophets.
Also, most of the people who would have suffered under the Ten Plagues of Egypt would have done nothing wrong. And that's beside the fact that God "hardened Pharoah's heart", interfering in his free will to prevent him from letting the Israelites go. Why would God do this unless he wanted the Egyptians to suffer his plagues?
I don't hate your God, I just think that the actions that are ascribed to him are pointless and barbaric.
No, not at all.
I still haven't heard a decent explanation for why Christians / Atheists hate God so much.
>Because his actions in the Old Testament are unethical? Just look at the genocides he orders against the Amalekites.
Those passages have been corrupted by Christians and Jews who hate God.
That is why God gave us the correct version through the last and final prophet, Mohammad.
Tell me about OP, why does he suck the cock?
I'm not a man. It would be Harem to do such a thing.
Just because Christians think men can be women it does not mean Muslims do.
Oh yeah, I thought the portrayal of "retarded cousinfucker" by the duck dynasty guy alone made it oscar material.
Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and to be mindful of their chastity: this will be most conducive to their purity – [and,] verily, God is aware of all that they do.
Any religion that teaches works-based salvation is of the devil
>Any religion that teaches works-based salvation is of the devil
God isn't that forgiving of child rapists that ask for his forgiveness when they are about to experience eternity in boiling water.
You may want to consider that the next time you endorse child rape / Christianity.
>Christianity is child rape
t. Mehmet
My name is Mohammad Ibrahim.
I'm not a Turk.
Child rapists, along with all sinners, can be saved if they simply believe in their lord Jesus Christ.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to understand what is real.[2] Common symptoms include false beliefs, unclear or confused thinking, hearing voices that others do not, reduced social engagement and emotional expression, and a lack of motivation.[2][3] People with schizophrenia often have additional mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, major depressive illness, or substance use disorders.[4] Symptoms typically come on gradually, begin in young adulthood, and last a long time.[3][5]
Epic response. Salvation is still through faith alone though. (Can't lose it once you got it as well ;))
What a cuck religion glad I'm not a loser
So why should i believe some dumb sand niggers are right about everything? Especially since there's no primary sources attesting to Jesus actions. Moreover the institutions are famously corrupt and house pedophiles and other criminals, hell catholics helped nazis and war criminals escape to South america. Oh and those "miracles" all stopped occurring when it became possible to document them.
No thanks chaim I'll stick to an Aryan religion
you can't hate something that doesn't exist.
I trust the apostles. They were willing to die for what they believed so it must have been more than just "illusions". And stop larping, we are all children in Christ.