First portfolio.
First portfolio.
Forgot to add user coin :^)
25 k in pnd holyyyyy
What? I will probably have 25 million by the next year
I hope you're joking. Holy shit what the fuck are you thinking. Invest in coins with a future for god's sake. Nobody gets rich and stays rich with thinking short term
not a good idea
PnD more like do some fucking RnD jeeeeeebus pray for me, my brain is bleeding
25k to fucking pandacoin??? wtf is that
Someone took your money with open hands.
I want to know why did u choose that coin? And please dont say because it was cheap
Looks like you alone bought all the pump bags form the last pump in pandacuck
Its good technology and I get 2,5 % with pandabank
weak b8
Here's a thought:
Why you can't you Eurocucks keep the comma for separating thousands, millions etc... and the dot as the decimal point like NORMAL PEOPLE!?
This drives me insane, and I'm originally from Europe.
No fanbase
Noone talking about PDN
Have fun
And it was cheap whats the problem
Its pnd not pdn!
Everyone buy panda its awesome
Becuase it doesn't have a future. Without a good marketing team, it may as well be an idea you farted out. Invest in literally anything else. Zcash, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, fucking Bitcoin. You're going to lose that money when it hits 1 sat.
Do some research on xem, I think that's a solid investment for mid/long term (1-3 months) no idea about pnd sorry
Almost two weeks trading, and I just installed Blockfolio. Any thoughts?
Put more in SNT
wtf. Why are your blockfolio's fucked up? 25.418,50. Wtf kind of number is that?
And an 8,62? wtf
>Wtf kind of number is that?
This decimal mark style is used all around the world, mate.
Yup. I am a poorfag.
So, what is 8,62 then? Is it 862 or 8 dollars and 62 cents
8 dollars man this guy went balls fucking deep in what everyone else is saying is garbage
8,62 STRAT, mate. You're free to give me a tip if you think it's not enough.