What's Your List?
10 Greatest American Presidents Of All Time
1. Reagan
all the rest are tied for last place
Ronald Reagan
Donald Trump
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Obama are tied for last
washington, jefferson, jackson, lincoln, Kennedy, carter, polk, eisenhower, Grant, Bush sr.
First five are in order, last five are in no order in particular
William Henry Harrison
James Polk
George Washington
Calvin Coolidge
Andrew Jackson
Richard Nixon
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Will Obama actually make the list 20 years from now?
only because he is a black democrat.
he was a foreign policy disaster and his signature piece of legislation is a failure
He will make the list forever because of his skin color.
What happens if an obviously better black democratic president comes along?
lets pray we never make that mistake again
Stop trying so hard. Your dumb-assery is showing.
Why are you such a disappointment?
This entire thread only exists is because he made 2 botched attempts and they got deleted, so he learned to hide his motives and made a more vanilla thread.
These kinds of threads are just crypto-/pol/ dogwhistles.
Never claimed you were 1 person. I was talking down to the group of you like the unintelligent children you guys are
>James Polk
>Richard Nixon
Good lad, most underrated presidents
I'd ask whether you're a libertarian or just retarded but I'm guessing it's both
I asked a fucking legit question, so maybe you should answer it instead of being a passive-aggressive little bitch. Maybe I'd like to hear out your argument instead of dismissing you outright like some kind of intellectually-dishonest braindead bottomfeeder.
>tfw unrionically think Obama did a solid job
Nixon was terrible.
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. George Washington
3. James Polk
4. Theodore Roosevelt
5. Dwight Eisenhower
James Polk is a meme choice. Wasn't an extraordinary politician (only became the nominee as a compromise between the two disparate wings of the party, not because he went out and won it) and his accomplishments are vastly overrated by laymen who think grabbing land is the greatest thing a president can do.
Why are so many people saying Lincoln. He is basically the Stalin of the US.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ulysses S. Grant (strictly because of his memoirs) In that order.
Preserved the Union. Enough said.
By imposing higher unfair taxes and slaughtering his own brethren?
>complaining about tax hikes during an insurrection
>It's a "Veeky Forums tries to justify obscure meme choices because they don't want to look like Roosevelt-loving normies" thread
While a war was going on? I think its necessary and the south started it. There was evidence that lincoln only wanted to outlaw slavery in the new territories and come to negotiations with the southern states.
He outlawed slavery as a war strategy agains the south. The south rebelled because they were not getting represented fairly.
But the south was in a tizzy because they had thought abolitionist in the white house meant an immediate outlawing of slavery when Lincoln did not exactly know how far he wanted to push it. I am not saying he wanted to immediately to abolish all slavery but it ultimately became that.
they had a right to be worried. they paid good money for their slaves and to just lose that money is not fair. Still can not justify slaughtering off his own people.
Washington, Jefferson, Reagan, Kennedy, T. Roosevelt, Nixon (ignoring Watergate), Eisenhower, Davis, Jackson, and Monroe. Trump will be up there too if he keeps up the type of reform he's pushing now.
Chattel slavery was abhorrent practice and it would end sometime even if the south was independent you can't function as a society when 49% of your population is enslaved.
abhorrent practice? that is a relative statement.
lol who could forget the great american president jefferson davis
Torturing people and having a captive work force and justifying the whole structure by saying that blacks are just naturally less than human. Sounds abhorrent to me.
literally why tho?
make proof of this through scientific means and not because "muh feelings"
Well, besides the economic insecurity of chattel slavery and the south having it's entire economy tied to slavery it prevented advances in scientific agriculture, management and industrial farming which were changing the way people were producing.
Science is feelings.
It would have been fine if instead of attacking his own people Abraham Stalin worked with them and in turn defended them. It did not prevent advances in science one bit. In fact it freed up the educated and intelligent from doing remedial tasks and allowed them to work on other things. still no defense in this that explains why it is an abhorrent practice.
A politician actually doing what he said he's going to do puts him above most. He's well liked for not only substantially increasing trade through policy change but added more territory than the Louisiana purchase. You are a complete fool to downplay this accomplishment.
There were still poor white sharecroppers and the wealth and 'prosperity' only congregated around the plantations stifling economic growth.
/Pol/ here
You're making us fucking look terrible stop it you fucking faggot.
>You're making us fucking look terrible stop it you fucking faggot.
an industries economic growth can only grow to its demand. New industries would have emerged. Slave breeding and trade was additional revenue. Still have yet to defend the abhorrent practice comment. How is it not relative? Yo keep deflecting.
I'm not a /pol/ fag.
Someone explain why they rank Reagan so highly or why he is seen in such a good regard. The contra scandal seems pretty bad as well as the war on drugs being fought which started to imprison a shit ton of people (which is probably great if you hate black people).
Please educate why he's seen as so great aside from tearing down the wall.
Kek and I'm not a spic.
You asked for scientific reasons and I was giving you them. It is a abhorrent practice and I will stand by that.
He was one of the most inspirational and all around well like leaders of all time
that's all it really takes since it's a popularity contest after all
the recent hate for him has only started to drum up from leftists but you can't revision the objective facts: 49/50 states carried
Adams, Sr.
You never gave me any settled scientific facts on what makes in abhorrent, but that's okay, because like i said it is relative.
The only good thing carter did was attempt to address the mental health problem in this country, and reagan killed the program completely.
I guess we are at an impasse.
Apparently no one cared about that program
I think so. I extended my hand in a gesture of peace.
Well actually I made the thread, and I haven't yet posted any opinions in it.
Yes let us have peace.
>People unironically listing Reagan
This is a history board. Fuck off.
Quincy Adams
Fuck. I forgot to put Washington after Truman.
Morality isn't based on science you Millsian autist
Talk shit, get hit. All you Southern traitors should've been lined up in the streets and shot like the dogs you were.
>Alright choice, Reagan was certainly important in helping shape the modern Republican party.
>Shit tier, will probably one of the worst in history
>Good choice, Teddy helped shape America into a super power
Anyone who says Reagan is a fucking tool, he was a senile idiot who pulled shit that makes Hillary look like a saint.
Iran/Contra alone should've seen him executed for high treason
Donald Trump
James Buchanan
George W. Bush
Ulysses Grant
Andrew Johnson
Herbert Hoover
Van Buren
Warren Harding
Franklin Pierce
Thomas Jefferson
Why is that?
The country is doing pretty good when his term ended. America is mostly in a decent position on the international stage, stopped being the most hated country on earth for a bit. He did a good job. Why do you think he did a bad job?
Contra scandal was fine by me
>America is mostly in a decent position on the international stage
I disagree, the ME has gotten no better under him.
stopped being the most hated country on earth for a bit.
>I disagree, Obama is not very popular due to his drone usage
He did a good job. Why do you think he did a bad job?
Obama care failed
Iran deal was a joke
Tip toes around Muslim extremism
Race relations got worse which I partially blame him for
That's what I have off the top of my head
1.Jimmy Carter
2.Richard Nixon
3.Andrew Jackson
4.Abraham Lincoln
5.Bill Clinton
If you don't agree you are not real American
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelts 1 and 2. Probably also other important ones like Jackson, Polk, and Reagan round out the bottom of the list.
But I haven't really studied it, much.
Obama's certainly not up there.
I'm a huge racist, too, but they can actually think and feel, even if they're dumber than whites are. Slavery is bad, in general, even if it's against dumb people.
If the Republicans had a problem with Obama's policy, why shouldn't they have opposed it? Should they have just gone with whatever?
I'm British and know next to nothing about American presidents but here goes:
>Eisenhower (although I hate the bastard)
Obama was a terrible president who somehow acquired a cult of personality
He literally eradicated Anti-Americanism around the globe....
I came here to laugh at you, and your mediocre king.
No particular order
>Trump if he starts to govern like his speech at the joint session instead of governing how he tweets
>Roland Raygun
>Teddy Roosevelt
>Can I list Eisenhower twice
For first couple months of his rule, after that it was back to business as usual when people realized that the change in the president's skill color and party loyalty didn't meant any change in US foreign policy.
Except you know, that whole ISIS thing.
Don't forget massive expansion of the surveillance state, getting into Libya without seeking congressional approval (then fucking it up completely) plus other stupid conflicts barely mentioned in the media until recently, like Yemen. There was also the bungling of the Iraq withdrawal that allowed ISIS to gain a foothold, letting Putin play him like a fiddle, and essentially a total failure across the foreign policy front. Highest numbers of whistleblowers prosecuted, low administrative transparency, and it can be argued that his general arrogance toward his political opponents spread throughout the left and helped cost them hard in 2016. All while having his dick sucked constantly by the media and pop culture. Guy was more show than substance.
>A politician actually doing what he said he's going to do puts him above most
The Boundary of Oregon isn't 54' 40' is it?
>but added more territory than the Louisiana purchase.
There are greatest measures of a President's ability than laying claim to land.You don't measure a man's character & ability in sq feet of land.
If Polk is a top 10 president, he's most definitely at the bottom of that list. The land gained in the Mexican-American War was one of the biggest disruptions in the balance of North & South that would eventually lead to the Civil War. How to incorporate that new land into the Union was something that would never ultimately be reconciled.
ISIS is on Bush and Clinton you shithead.
Obama's only mistake was not intervening sooner in Syria, and he's hardly to blame because ally support was already gone before he took office, due to Iraq
>that no other president has ever experienced
What kind of delusion
So did he eradicate anti-Americanism world wide or not?
It's just boomers remembering how good he made them feel, and younger Republicans trying to piss off presidents. Reagan's only meaningful accomplishment was the invention of the modern televised press briefing, other than that he was garbage
Hell no. The whole of the Middle East still hates us and then he went and pissed off Israel, the Phillipines are turning on us, Russia's anti-west rhetoric only got stronger, and Europe got to find out Obama's government was spying on their leaders while only getting a "well, everyone does it anyway" as an excuse.
America stopped being the most hated country in Europe maybe. Though Obama can be seen as responsible for his successor, so perhaps not. In exchange for some good boy points from Western Europe, we got
>Worse relations in the middle East
>Worse relations in the south China Sea
>Dangerously bad relations with Russia
Domestically we can't even accurately judge his administration, which was so murky that we are only just now learning about what he was up to.
Tbf Israelis are bunch of cunts that get pissed off as soon as US president doesn't spend 24/7 by sucking their cock.
>all these leftypol shills getting mad that a whitre man is a president
I don't blame them too much for that. They're surrounded by hostile neighbors and see their the U.S. as their only uncompromising ally. Obama twiddling his fingers while the U.N. jacked off to Palestine should be good reason to freak out.
Not him, but economy is great
Umm no
Yes that's why Trump got elected