Why did a group of lower-class Catholic Bavarians cosplay as Prussian aristocratic militarists appeal to lutheran North German-based nationalism/expansionism?
Why did a group of lower-class Catholic Bavarians cosplay as Prussian aristocratic militarists appeal to lutheran North...
its actually top tier banter you're just a pleb who hans't read any books on Prussia
who cares
Because all kinds of promises and the protestants weren't chained to an absolut ruler in Vatican city so it was easier to win them over.
that's basically what they were. All the core National Socialists were working-class catholic bavarians. Bavaria as part of Germany was a relatively new concept and even at the 1920's, the Nazis struggled to compete against Bavarian nationalists who wanted independence for Bavaria and the hardcore Catholic Bavarian Centre.
Nazi ideology was waaay more North German than it was South German. Look at how they claimed descendance from Imperial Germany, a lutheran Prussian state which had nothing to do with Bavaria. All the Nazi motives and ideology (militarism, state nationalism, expanding eastwards and colonisation) were all Prussian ideological values that were present since the Imperial German era and were pumped by Prussian officers such as Ludendorff and Hindenburg. Most Bavarians didn't really care for that stuff. Even if you look at German elections, most of the Nazi party votes came from north germany rather than south germany, and the Nazis didn't even become a major party until they established their northern branches. When they were just established in the south, they were seen as a lunatic fringe party by other bavarians.
Nazis were basically working class Bavarians cosplaying as aristocratic Prussians.
Not him, but did you even check to see what board you're on?
Because of social issues, the same reason Trump won the Rust Belt. It was a forgotten region and both the commies and the conservatives tended to campaign in the cities, then Strasser explicitly focused on rural Prussia and promised them NSDAP will lift them out of poverty. Most of the NSDAP votes in the north didn't actually give that much of a fuck about Jews or expansionism, they just wanted not to starve.
yeah i always find this odd too, OP. I find it funny when /pol/ apologists try to prove that hitler was a good christian when, in fact, he abandoned the german catholic tradition strongly affiliated with the Papacy for the hypernationalist, lutheran, statist, junker, prussian etc. etc. tradition. Then he went on to slowly destroy Catholicism in Germany (and protestantism in the traditional sense).
That's actually not true after 1933 he strongly allied himself with the conservative branch and pretty much didn't do any major anti-catholic movements.
Catholics were even allowed to protest openly against the government during action T4 and was the only time Hitler was booed in a speech.
Junkers fucking hated Hitler, starting with Hindenburg and continuing throughout the war when they even tried to kill him. I think the only Junker who genuinely liked Hitler was Ludendorff and even he started hating the fuck out of him after Hitler actually took power.
It's more complex than that. They 'hated' him but they also depended on him. They helped him to seize power and after the Night of the Long Knives they realized they fucked up and it's actually impossible to control Hitler.
However, they weren't against Nazi Germany's policies. They were mostly just angry that a commoner like Hitler rules the country.
Full time rabble rousers usually collude with recently pauperized groups with goals of a return to status quo or positions of power. The english civil war with protestant gentry and republicans, the carlist wars with the basques and absolutist, the October revolution with the russian middle class and communist - only some one not currently successful is going to contribute to a revolutionary movement that would alter social positions, and the most successful revolutions include not successful, successful people and veteran militants
It wasn't just the commoner thing, it was because he was a spineless backstabber and a megalomaniac.
I'm pretty nationalist and anti-semetic myself and even I don't like Hitler. He turned on so many valuable nationalist and national socialist allies it's unbelievable, Drexler, Feder, Strasser brothers, Ludendorff, Rohm, etc. Then he surrounded himself by faggot sycophants like Keitel, Himmler or Ribbentrop. The more I read accounts from people who actually knew Hitler the more I realize what a monumental cunt he was.
>pretty much didn't do any major anti-catholic movements.
I'm pretty it there was. The Concordat basically accepted Hitler's annihilation of all Catholic political and cultural life, and so the Catholic community was not in a position to negotiate with or organize against the Nazis. If I remember correctly, the Nazis tried to nazify the churches and this extended to Catholic churches where local authorities allowed it. You also had Catholic priests having to cede ground to Nazism by allowing uniformed Nazis into Catholic mass. There may be more but I'm going off what I remember from Richard Evan's Third Reich in Power
i didn't mean the literal junkers, but the junker tradition of state and military service. It's true Hitler more or less hated the elitism of the prussian officers of the german army, but there's no denying national socialist rhetoric and worldview owed much to the agressive expansionism of the prussian armed forces.
also there's the fact that hitler and himmer exploited this position by giving nobles privileged positions in the SS and other parts of the Nazi government. That's a direct riff off the Prussian tradition.
The only anti-catholic stuff Hitler did was seperating the church and state and leaking child molestation stories to the press.
Hitler read philosophy and Catholic evangelical writings all throughout his teens and thorugh the great war. His comrades even mentioned his faith.
Hitler was an opportunist and megalomaniac, I don't think he even cared about national socialism. "True" national socialism died with Strasser and Rohm.
you're simply wrong
If you knew anything about history, you'd know that Hitler hated the Hapsburgs, who were Catholic. Hence the reason he moved to Germany
Not that guy but how are some people unable to tell the difference between Himmler and Hitler? Or even Rosenberg?
It happens all the time:
>Hitler said this and did that I swear
>look it up
>it was actually Himmler
>When National Socialism has ruled long enough, it will no longer be possible to conceive of a form of life different from ours. In the long run, National Socialism and religion will no longer be able to exist together.
On a question from C. S., whether this antagonism might mean a
war, the Fuehrer continued:
>No, it does not mean a war. The ideal solution would be to leave the religions to devour themselves, without persecutions. But in that case we must not replace the Church by something equivalent. That would be terrifying! The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The result of the collapse of the Roman Empire was a night that lasted for centuries.
Are you implying that Hitler didn't have some hand in the crackdown on the Church? This clearly shows he was involved in the process even if Heydrich and Himmler were the most rabid anti-catholics. To say that he wouldn't have seen another institution outside of his party-state as a threat is simply naive. No matter how much like certain aspects of catholicism, his actions show that it was dispensible.
woops wrong stuff
>Not baptised Catholic
Hes in Catholic heaven waiting for you friend
>Tfw you find out that Hitler had a haplotype associated mostly with North Africans and Jews
I guess these Jews really do cause major trouble huh