Has there ever been a case where a populist leader who rose based on his personality and charisma turned out to be a good leader?
Has there ever been a case where a populist leader who rose based on his personality and charisma turned out to be a...
inb4 Hitler.
Fuck you Todd. Fallout 4 is shit and so are you.
They haven't made a good game since Morrowind.
Morrowind is a shit game too.
>but muh worldbuilding
I didn't buy a fucking book.
Well Gothic 2 was better by a mile but it wasn't god awful like Oblivion and Skyrim.
Andrew Jackson.
skyrim was good stop listening to /v/tards
oblivion was trash though
That's a weird way of spelling Daggerfall.
Nah it's the best game of all time you cunt
Go to Hell.
This is for you, friendo.
I can't name a single good thing about Skyrim. Graphics shit, writing shit, consolized controls, bleak rocky shitty environment, 90% of the game are dungeons packed with draugir. It's just a bad game.
>Graphics shit
>writing shit
I'll give you that the writing is bad but the story and the lore are not
>consolized controls
not an argument
>bleak rocky shitty environment
>90% of the game are dungeons packed with draugir
>Graphics shit
>if the graphics don't look photorealistic it means they are shit
back to /v/ kiddo
Julius Caesar
Never been to /v/ and Skyrim is shit. You're the only "kiddo" here since you likely don't remember when RPGs were actually good.
RPGs are only good with pen and paper.
The Gracchi brothers
Don't you need friends for that?
That's where you use your imagination, laddo.
>if it doesn't appeal to me and is not literally perfect its shit
>never been to /v/
>actually shilling for the videogame equivalent of elevator music
Back to your cancerous shithole
t. Todd
His early regime was phenomenal though. He took a country that was literally dead and turned it into Europe's #1 superpower at the time.
>not being Todd
This was only possible by taking huge loans and dumping it all into military spending. Germany would've recovered normally and in a much more sustainable way without his help.
That stormcloak guy
So Morrowind is shit because the graphics are shit as well?
>rose based on his personality and charisma
guy was not charismatic and he came to power in a coup
Caesar rose not just to his personality though, while his charisma cannot be doubted, his skills at politics were greater/equal factors in achieving his political goals.
I imagine the only people who defend skyrim grew up playing it when they were like 12-15 so its enshrined as a defining part of their childhood
No he didn't.
Germany had the largest population in Europe second only to Russia yet had a smaller army than France.
His economic plans were based on the idea of constant expansion. Hitler's Germany was not sustainable any other way. It turned out to be quite unsustainable that way too, in the end.
There is no free lunch and magic in economics. Creating social order and putting everyone to work, while potentially being benefical for growth, will not triple a country's net worth in a single year.
>real life morrowind apologists
holy shit, where have you guys been hiding?
Damn, you are right!
I should try it on personal level. I'm gonna borrow a shitload of money, buy gunz and when them kikes come for it, I'll just shoot them.
define "populist" you pleb
Germany already was an industrial superpower and had a huge population. If you want a good example of a feudal shithole going to space 40 years later, look at the Soviet Union.
Quite similar story, actually. A country sliding down the shitter at the time being being taken over by a terrible, dictatoric clique who sacrifice almost literally everything for the sake of industrialisation that's put towards the final purpose of military domination.
The reason why Soviet achievements can't be regarded as an equal to the US's performance is beacause the US sent people on the Moon while maintaining prosperity and happines, all this in a (more or less) sustainable manner, while the Soviets basically sold all the people's food, education and culture for a spaceride.
>this is what /pol/ actually believes
>Telling someone to go back to /v/
>Talking about video games at the same time
Well now I know that when Aut/his/ts tell someone to go back to another board, it's not because they are being off-topic, it's because Aut/his/ts are elitist pricks who can't stand someone having different opinions than them!
>good leader
Leaders are rulers. The rules sometimes apply to others, but never to them. People with honor always turn away from politics and lies.