How do we fix the Protestant problem?
How do we fix the Protestant problem?
I don't think there is a solution.
You can't
That was more to do with culture and ethnicity than religion, though.
The NSDAP appealed strongest to Prussians, and they happened to be Protestant. If the blue-eyed, Germanic people Adolf loved so much happened to be Catholics, the NSDAP would have been more Catholic. If they happened to be Pagans, Hitler would have been more pagan, etc.
NatSocs didn't care so much about the religion itself, more the identity.
With stout hempen rope.
Than why are the Catholic parts of Prussia also not voting for the NSDAP?
Because there were cultural differences between the Protestant parts and the Catholic parts.
You can go to Bavaria today and meet people who haven't gone to church in years who still have a different identity to North Germans.
Does the King James Bible count as protestant lit? Or Milton? Or the millions of fine works of literature that were written in Protestant countries?
the Catholics voted for the conservative party which later alligned with the NSDP
dissregard anyone who uses this
Catholics are deceived by Satan.
You should read his interview published under the title "the last testament"
Catholics aren't Christian
based Pope Emeritus is based
They voted for a party that was in coalition with them.
>Catholics voted for the German Catholic's party over an atheist one
Why though?
Can't fix something that isn't a problem
Protestantism isn't a problem, it's a solution
Protestants aren't Christian
ITT: The Whore of Babylon screechs in jealousy of Christ's Bride
ITT: Schismatic retards shit up Veeky Forums with their unrefined autism
catholics shitpost far more than protestants
Catholics are by far and away the most autistic and most shitpost happy kind of Christfag on Veeky Forums.
t. unbiased and impartial atheist.
demonstrably false, there just happen to be more Catholics than protestants on Veeky Forums and you don't like Catholics, so anything they post must therefore be shit
>more Catholics than protestants on Veeky Forums
That's not true though, there are clearly more Protestants
>demonstrabely false
according to you
>just happens to be more
the countries most frequently browsing Veeky Forums are dominatly protestant
No countries have been dominantly Protestant in 50 years
people don't shitpost their religion based on faith but on cultural belonging
>there are clearly more Protestants
you're new here, huh?
Le kill yourself
just because catholics are more vocal and obnoxious about their beliefs they aren't in majority
>demonstrably false
It's not. Catholics are the most pretentious, insufferable people on this board. Yet at the same time rarely say anything of value. It's impressive that they manage to be even more unlikeable than fundamentalist protestant YEC's, because at least they will engage with you rather than just acting smug and shitposting.
>and you don't like Catholics
IRL I have no problem with Catholics. It just seems that Veeky Forums is a magnet for the LARPers of the Catholic community.
>just because protestants are more vocal and obnoxious about how much they hate Catholics they aren't in majority
fixd, but your sentence structure is literally braindead. Typical protestant retardation.
>Atheists are the most pretentious, insufferable people on this board. Yet at the same time rarely say anything of value. It's impressive that they manage to be even more unlikable than fundamentalist protestant YEC's, because at least they will """engage""" with you rather than just acting smug and shitposting.
Thanks for proving my point.
do you have anything to back up your claim with? because if we look at the stats protestants should be in a majority here
We took a demographics. Catholics and atheist/agnostic were the biggest on the board.
Thanks for proving my point.
and you don't happen to have it saved somewhere?
That is juvenile.
so new
torture, murder, and banish them until they fuck off and contain themselves in their own state
oh wait
>he doesn't know about Virginia
so no?
>being this new
catholics don't shitpost more, this board just happens to have a sickly obession with /pol/ and hates on everything that /pol/ likes ((or it is under the illusion /pol/ likes))
this includes protestantism in general
All imageboards with religious discussion attract these people. They are the overwhelming majority on /christian/
Friendly reminder that Hitler was a Catholic until about age 20
It's fixing itself alone. Religion is irrelevant in most protestant countries.
He was right
There's a reason why fascism found varying amounts of fertile ground in Bavaria, Austria, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Croatia, Hungary, Belgium, Ireland, France, Poland, and with Father Charles Coughlin in the US.
>inb4 tears, tears, and more tears
It should also be pointed out it found varying amounts of fertile ground in Protestant countries like the U.K., the northern parts of Germany, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.
But it also found fertile ground in Israel.
the catholic church was in open alliance with the nazis. let's not get it twisted
>my fairytales are better than their fairytales
They did though.
Protestants contradict the early Christians
Let's not forget that
It's a matter of intense debate what Hitler's actual personal religious beliefs were and I am guessing he was one of those people that wouldn't be able to give you a straightforward answer if you asked him.
He was a member of the Roman Catholic Church and he never said he had left and he was never kicked out, if he was a nobody rather than a famous dictator the Catholic Church would happily describe him as a Catholic.
It's fair to state as a matter of fact he was always a Roman Catholic.
the difference is that communism too found fertile ground in most of the former but few of the later
But atheism and socjus did
>Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Belgium, France, Ireland, Poland, Chile
you have no clue what you're talking about. none of these countries had strong fascist movements.
Catholics contradict holy scripture
Lets not forget that...
A New Inquisition
The KJV is the Protestant Deity
Catholics wrote the Bible
>Hitler wrote the bible
catholics also made sure only they and their friends could read it
yea because crazy shit happens if you let any uneducated pleb interpret it however they want
Actually those countries are becoming increasingly Muslim. Turns out a transition to secularism also comes with a breeding problem (and questionable immigration policies it seems).
They contradict your random phonr screenshot, anyway. I guess that has to count for something.
the guy to the left is considered a heretic by catholics you know
Augustine thought the story of Adam and Eve wasn't literal and concocted a bizarre fantasy about how people used to fuck without getting pleasure out of it and thought the story was a metaphor for people realising sex was fun.
He thought the rest of the OT was literal.
And it doesn't matter, the point is that people back then were better interpreting the Bible than your average evangelical fundamentalist
T. Catholic
>And it doesn't matter, the point is that people back then were better interpreting the Bible than your average evangelical fundamentalist
By calling a less literal interpretation "better" rather than being prepared to support any part of it you are explicitly stating that every downgrading of the bible from truth to bullshit is better.
Please don't post again. Your idiocy hurts my soul.
Who the fuck is downgrading it? The Genesis stays as important as it is to Christian theology no matter if it is allegory or metaphor.
Oh right.
So would the Gospels be just as important if we downgraded Jesus' life to "allegory and metaphor"?
>Spain, Portugal
>didn't have strong fascist movements
Are you memeing?
No, Christians wrote the Bible, and they were mostly Greek, the ones who would later go on to become Orthodox.
The Gospels don't have a narrative that contradicts our knowledge about the world. But nice try.
Yes, they do.
No one (except Jesus Christ) can walk on luke warm water or come back from the dead. They directly contradict your fedora style "knowledge about our world".
And that's the reason they're called miracles. Jesus was God incarnated. But keep thinking Earth is literally 6000 years old. If there's anything almost as bad as atheists is you fundamentalists.
Are you suggesting creating the Universe doesn't count as a miracle?
Actually half of the bible was written by Jews.
Much more than half. In terms of percentage of text the NT is a fraction of the bible.
>we Catholics made the Bible!
>oh really, then it must be a very important book for you. You should know you're going against it in a lot of clear ways. It's probably a mistake, but you should reform your traditions in line with what the book you allegedly wrote teaches
You seem a little bit upset.
There's no need for anti-Catholic bigotry.
Please actually provide a coherent counterargument if you want to be taken seriously.
Catholics aren't Christian
Catholics are the only Christians.
Protestants worship the Devil and suck his big, fat, veiny, red cock every day.
They let Satan's cock shoot all over their faces and say thank you on the way to Hell where they will burn for all eternity while Catholics look down at them and laugh.
>Catholics first thought is cock
Really makes me think
I see you have the "ne tsuda" image with the hair artifact on the right side.
I might be willing to sell you the version with no hair artifact, for a price...