If a man gets three wives, don't you end with two guys who can't get a wife?
Mormon Polygamy
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they can transition into women
There are slightly more women than men, so you can have a certain population of mormon polygamists without leaving someone without a marriage partner.
The two guys can marry eachother.
Some men enter the priesthood and thus never marry. Men are also more likely to die, they also sometimes go to war and die too. Polygamy makes up the difference.
Actually there are 1.05 men to every one woman in the US.
>implying 80/20 doesnt apply to every culture
Excess male mormons are run out of town in their teens by the older males and end up as homeless drug addicts selling their asshole
>mormons have good family values they said
>numbers tendency triggers the cuck
Mormons don't have polygamy any more.
that has to do with tinder, there has never been a society where 20% of men get 80% of wives
This might have been the case in hunter gatherer societies.
>"Lost boys" is a term used for young men who have been excommunicated or pressured to leave polygamous Mormon fundamentalist groups such as the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). They are alleged to be pressured to leave by adult men to reduce competition for wives within such sects, usually when they are between the ages of 13 and 21.
They literally drive those two men out of their society. It's deeply fucked up.
You don't have to lie here Josiah, it's anonymous
According to this book, H/G used women communally.
Since women out number men, it won't be a problem.
I've read it. I doubt that's the case, unless good genes correlates with stronger sperm, in which case it does make sense
More males are born than females. There are only more women in developed countries because women tend to live longer and I hardly think a small number of spare widowed old ladies is going to solve the wives for young men problem.
Yeah, so they have draconian rules so they can kick out men and keep the juicy Mormon pucci to themselves
How can Mormons believe in something so clearly not true?
I dunno. The same reasons people believe in any other religion I guess.
Did you actually read that Wikipedia page?
It agrees with me.
Where do you think mormons live?
be careful with Mormons, try dealing with a company full of them.
Read the whole thing rather than glancing at the top of the page and guessing what it says from the picture.
Even in the USA (and other developed countries) more boys are born than girls. There are slightly more females than males in developed countries because women live longer, which is exactly what the Wiki article says.
>Even in the USA (and other developed countries) more boys are born than girls.
Who cares? Take away the non-Whites and your left with more females to males Aka more to get married.
I have no idea what you are even on about at this point.
You've tried to dispute my factual post by posting a Wiki article that completely agrees with exactly what I said. Now you're just posting random nonsense that doesn't even seem to be relevant to the point I made.
>plural marriage society
>kick out the guys who have the wrong fathers so the sons of high status individuals can have more wives
>banished go on to assimilate to mainstream society or try to but fail
Look at it this way. More women in USA = more to get married. Birth ratio doesn't matter. Plus if you factor in non-Whites and other non-desirable as being ineligible for marriage what do you get?
There's still more young women than young men. There's an excess of old women you div because women live longer. I hardly think many young men want to marry a widowed 80 year old.
And I don't see how race comes into it at all.
*there's still more young men than young women.
damn youre so cucked you have to force other races to not marry in your senario.
you will never get pussy you dont pay for you beta low test faggot
Marrying other races is cucking, faggot.
Only if the sex ratio of man to woman is 1:1.
There is no problem if there are multple women to one man to begin with.
17 “I have no husband,” she replied.
Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.”
Not if there's women who get three husbands.
...For some reason we never talk about that part of it.
Perhaps that's because it was rarely, if ever, historically a thing, but it certainly would be if you were to implement polygamy today. (And is indeed a thing among certain modern polygamist - groups with multiple wives and husbands in one family not being unheard of.)
Actually know a group consisting of three husbands and two wives, with three kids, that have been together for over 15 years now. They run Starfest in Boston, so are even a bit famous in some circles.
It's actually a good thing. It speeds up the process of natural selection because inferior genes don't get passed on.
That would be the case if the best guy would get the women and not the guy with the richest parents or connections in the church.
Is that allowed for mormons? I thought only the men get the fun.
I don't think so, but the mormons do have a rather bad track record of trying to get their way, and having it bite them in the ass in some unexpected fashion. (If you look into it, you'll find we really have Utah to thank for the fact gay marriage is a national thing.)
If they managed to make polygamy legal (not that the LDS has this as an official position), given the way equal protection laws and such work in the country, it'd have to apply to both males and females.
...and I really have no problem with that except for - by the gods, the divorce courts.