How much have you lost today?
$5k and growing here, not selling though.
How much have you lost today?
$5k and growing here, not selling though.
2.5k here. Not worried the slightest t b h
About 1k. Worried but I'm in this long term
haven't checked idgaf full faith in crypto, i also have most in alts, not btc/eth
5,48 euro
Down 110K from last week. It'll go back up, it always does you weak handed faggots.
10€. Changed everything to fiat before the crash. Get fucking rekt nocash fags.
hoping all the normies sell
Nothing because I'm a nocoiner
I'm looking at this as an opportunity to get in the game, but I don't know when to start
When will this be over so I can jump in?
Was down $35,000 earlier $26,000 right now. Been iron handing BTC since 400 and ETH since 14.
retard no coiner you jump in during the dip not after
$10. Guess i'm not going to get that Lamborghini now :(
Lol dude prices are really low now. Now's the optimum time to jump in, because after this dip the prices will go up again.
Down 80k from peak
Sold zero
Down 3k today. Doesn't phase me at all. Look at it as a long gamble. If I get rich awesome if I lose everything I put in. Don't care.
about 10k
im sweating my ass off, but im hodling
losing money is painful
Anyone here have thoughts on XDN? Thinking about selling my coins to buy more ARK, made a decent gain so far but not sure if it has any long term value
I lost $150 of $500 profit today, so I'm up $350. Not big money, and I'm not worried.
Got into this yesterday, so far investing in crypto has lost me about 56 dollars. Holding out for now, maybe buy the dip. I don't regret getting in, its just at the worst time.
Perfect mindset.
We're all gonna make it.
£150 because I'm a poor fag who only invested about 380
I don't care about your shitty $ values
If your lost anything, say it in btc value.
Hmm no change of your portfolio in btc?
Then shut the fuck up about your fiat shit! btc is king!
didn't even flinch
woulda sold and bought the dip (albeit not the full move) if I wasn't at work
Invested about $500 and down to $375ish
Lost around $250k in extra potential profit since the ATH. It's only a loss if you sell right? :^)
I'm up 10k today. Guess I'm one of the few. I don't hold anything, I just daytrade. Jumped on ardor last night and lbc, and litecoin
going to ironhands through it
It hurts to sell coin A to buy coin B. Id be up 7 BTC more if i held all my original buys.
I compromise by only selling half; 80% if i get absolutely disgusted with the coin (Lunyr). that way if it moons you get your original BTC in it back at least. Learned to ever sell out 100% because it is some of the ones you least expect to moon.
0.03 btc, the only thing that ultimately matters
You don't gain or lose unless you sell or buy.
BTC revolves around the US dollar though
Are you me, fampai? Also invested 500
I haven't lost anything because I haven't sold anything.
We're only pushed a fortnight back, I wonder only if the recovery can happen faster than it did then
This is the end of crypto.
25 000 euros so far since the dip on monday. Just on paper though, I don't sell because it always dumps during office hours for me.
what shitcoins did you buy?
13k us on paper today
£1000 approx.
itll go back up.
around 10 different ones but it doesn't matter, I'm actually UP on paper in amount of BTC on my portfolio. Paper loss in fiat is purely because of BTC dumping.
fine you fucker.
down .18 btc since yesterday
I lost 1.5k usd but I am up overall from what I originally invested (1k which is currently at 9k).
What do I buy, just BTC?
Over $5700 in losses today. Still up over last week though.
I would advise anyone to buy BTC right now. Looks like it's due for another drop tomorrow.
About 4k, looking at coins to buy during this dip
What's in your portfolio?
Alright, then I'll buy tomorrow I guess
it'll "recover" to $2500 then drop to $2200
rinse and repeat until it's at $1500
I'm in pretty deep in ETH, a couple shitcoins here and there.
Lost about 60k but I see it the same way as you. Weak hands loose finally!
Down around 200
Not worried because I'm in it for the long term, honestly might buy more tonight when things level out.
$30 000 I'm used to this, don't even sweat it anons, you sweat it you fuck up
I bought my first 200 dollars of bitcoin at 2750
Time to kill myself, good luck lads
I got into eth SATURDAY and I'm still +6%, what shitcoins are you all in?
went from 130k --> 116k presently. I'm expecting to break 150k in a month at least though so not at all worried.
ZERO losses.
still have BTC.
I stopped looking at fiat value.
stack BTC. you know you trade shit in Satoshi
start the day with 3 BTC
It crashes.
Still have 3 BTC
A++ logic there fampai
The majority of this board flips over 10 dollar swings. You get numb to seeing +/-100K every now and again.
My man.
$2500 down and HODLING FOR LIFE.
>flipped shit when longshot DPRX stock made me 10k in a day this December
>now up multiple 100k and 50k swings no longer phase me
>if i put all that RH money equally into crypto in dec/jan/feb/march id have 2 million
c'est la vie
how much skin do you have in the game to swing 100k like that?
seems like LARP desu
been here long?
it's been easy to 1000 into 10,000 this month.
imagine starting years ago.
you get the picture now
about 8k. I am not worried really, moreso just wishing I sold eth at 400+ to rebuy now. Would of been the easiest $8k+ ever
you bet
you cunt
are you me?
Been here long enough to know that a lot of anons will not be larping, I've seen the same blockfolios posted and growing quickly for months, those right now will have taken big dives in $.
Even newfags now will be in the same boat by the end of the year if they don't panic and get wiped out by making mistakes. If you have spread out your risk this is nothing more than opportunity to accumulate. You got some shitcoin still green? Maybe this is a good time to get a deal on BTC or ETH.
When should I start getting worried?
While the feeling sucks, especially when you're new to the game, I wouldn't worry about it. It'll be back up above 2750 before you know it. Might as well take advantage and buy more while the price is low.
You're good, that's a great portfolio.
i pumped a little more fiat in but i'm pretty nervous
i'm still in the green from when i started, though
> Even newfags now will be in the same boat by the end of the year
I have a hard time believing this desu, this ICO craze can't last forever
Scared as fuck, went is 2000$.
Still I will HODL until death.
Iron hands, refuse to sell to greedy cash outers.
Oh well
HODL for gainz. If people stop selling it will rocket up forward. If nobody sells you will keep getting richer.
1600, would be worse but for some reason INFX decided to moon today.
17k. Feels bad, but I'm not worred.
Damn 1580 Strat and 12k ARK. Did you put in a lot of initial investment ?
I misread a chart and pulled out when i realized my mistake, Luckily it was only a cheap 5$ mistake.
>if they don't panic and get wiped out by making mistakes
you mentioned ICO which is Newag traps
new to crypto so i bought $2.5k worth of btc when it was at 2.7k, so i could get into altcoins
not really that worried, i'll just hold
still waiting for another 2.5k to clear so i can buy on the dips, it'll come in sometime tomorrow
What's the best thing to invest in since almost everything is crashing right now?
I'm already in ARK, BTC and ETH. Really want to believe people with shit like Verge and RDD but they seem like they're already out of steam.
I bought ARK between .35-.45 and strat between 8-11, sold some for profit, bought more on various dips. Overall, I'm still up on ark and down about $1500 on strat
Blocknet is cheap as hell right now
Im down $300 USD from the $3k I started with, but no worries.
I assume you have at least a million in you portfolio but damn man.
May your hands stay iron
>it always does
Until it doesnt
200k Satoshi of a 500k original investment about a week ago
Just had a milk money fund to learn the ropes, been doing a lot of minute to minute micro trades both to get familiar with all the functions, charts, and the general patterns in the markets but also to make some losses back.
Ironhands is how you win in crypto. Assuming you're not holding memes and shitcoins.
The real craze hasn't started, right now it's retards, semi tech literates and desperados.
IF you bought because you thought there's a real future for the coins you're accumulating then nothing bad is happening.
IF you bought because for the 10x overnight you'd heard about then all you need to do is use the trading skills you would have had to have to think that was realistic to pick the coins that will snap back like an elastic tie.
my positions in order of magnitude:
Too much myst in my opinion, maybe you understand better than I do how it's a better system than current VPN.
Probably pick up some BTC at some stage unless you see it as doomed or whatever
fitty bucks
>Too much myst in my opinion, maybe you understand better than I do how it's a better system than current VPN.
in theory it's decentralized and there isn't anyone to subpoena and roll for logs
Yeah but won't they just go after the exit point?
Honestly less than I expected, around 11%, not as bad as the last dump. I have done some shuffling to more conservative coins and I probably just got lucky on some of the outliers.
Unrelated to the topic but I wanted to ask how do ICOs work? I saw the Status ICO was in a few days and I've never actually did one.
Is it a smart contracts thing?