What is the deal with Austria?

Why did it become it's own pointless nation with a worthless overbloated burocreacy system instead of staying with Germany for ein großes Deutsches Volk for efficiency?

Natiolism for Austria is degenerate.

Austria is more a nation than Germany will ever be.

Germany should have been partitioned after WWI and Austria should have been absorbed in the new independent Bavaria.
An no "autonomy" crap or anything. Austrian provinces become Bavarian provinces (Bezirke).

austria got a bad experience of nationalism
it wrecked their empire rather recently

Tell me the differences between the two. It's literally Germany 2.0. Same political parties. The socialist party has the same logo, just with a Ö (for Austria). Yet Austria pretends it's completly different like France is to Germany. It's complete bullshit.
The Anschluss was the only good idea that Hitler had geopolitically

France did not want a strong Germany after WW1. And after the second WW nobody was interested in a large German nation.

The Anschluss wasn't Hitler's idea. After WWI it was supported by social-democrats also.

their history, mainly, Germany is relatively young while Austria has been around since the 14th century as the seat of the Hapsburg dynasty and de facto capital for the Holy Roman Empire, the Hapsburgs still maintained a lot of influence and weren't about to completely forfeit their empire to Prussia, and Prussia didn't have the means to annex the entire Austrian Empire.

When Bismarck and other Prussian leaders were faced with the German Question, on whether to take the German portions of the Austrian Empire or not, they decided not to on political and religious reasons.

Austria is overwhelmingly Catholic whereas Bismarck and Prussia wanted a unified Germany with Protestantism as the definitive religion, having Catholic Austria in a protestant state would have increased internal tensions.

Next was if Austria was annexed, what was to become of the rest of its Empire in Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia? Bismarck rightly feared that these breakaway states resulting from Austrian annexation would fall under Russian influence, making Germany's main rival have an even stronger presence in the area.

With those fears, and the fact that the Austrian Empire was still very strong and very much a major player in Europe, Bismarck decided against pursuing Austria as a goal for unification.

Austria always had a strange disdain (piefke) for Germany that Germany never noticed, cared about or could understand.
Not sure if it became from a specific side. I do know it also come from an intellectual side.

>what's the deal with Austria?

The vast majority of Austrians are Catholics. Germany has been majority Protestant for most of its history (although their numbers are about equal today because Protestants have fewer kids).

What are you doing here if you don't even basics of European politics?

When the idea of a united Germany was still just a theory, it was decided that Austria would not become part of the new country primarily because it would shift power to Vienna.
The Entente opposed unification and it was therefore blocked. After WW2, Austria's independence was forced by one of the points in it's state treaty which among others also says that Austria must remain a neutral country.

Funny that they universally supported Anschluss then

Austria is an ancient nation, "Germany" didn't exist until 1871. So if we're talking about legitimacy, Germany should join Austria and not the other way around.

Actually that's not the reason, protestant numbers have dwindled because the traditionally protestant East Germany just went atheist.

>political states are the same as nations
>Germans as a nation came into existence in 1871
Retard alert

...and so is Bavaria, yet they're a part of Germany and not an independent country.

>Austria is a nation

This is the answer

Separating austria into its own country is Allied autism.

Basically Leading up to the french revolution, a country was synonymous with its ruling dynasty rather than its ethnolinguistic nationality. The French revolution established the idea of a country being based on its nationality, rather than on its ruling dynasty.

At that time there were two major German speaking powers, Prussia and Austria, who vied for dominance. Prussia was ruled by the Hohenzollern dynasty and Austria was ruled by the Habsburgs. Bavaria and southern germany are culturally closer to Austria, however since Prussia beat Austria in the war and came out stronger, Prussia got to absorb bavaria into its empire. It called its Empire "Deutsches reich", although from 1870 to 1919, it was pretty much synonymous with the Prussian empire. And from 1919 to 1945, the military establishment was still a continuation of the Prussian empire.

After 1919, since Austria was no longer an empire, most people thought it would make sense it should join the other German countries, but the allies forbade this since they didn't want Germany to get too strong. It was successful in 1936, which most Germans and Austrians strongly supported.

After 1945, the allies permanently abolished the old Prussian system and reformed the German constitution into a federal republic kind of similar to france, without the aristocracy and all that stuff. Austria is just as German as Bavaria is and there's no sense in making Austria a country separate from the rest of Germany but not Bavaria, but I guess the allies wanted to ensure Germany didn't get strong again, so they split Austria from Germany.

Today, it makes sense for Austria to reunite with Germany but Germans have been brainwashed into thinking all nationalism is bad and linked to Nazis.

but seriously though, austria is a german speaking country, why should bavaria be part of germany but not austria?

there was a Konigsreich Deutschland as a constitutent kingdom of the HRE for its duration.

North German and South Germany would be the most aesthetic state known to man kind.

>Today, it makes sense for Austria to reunite with Germany but Germans have been brainwashed into thinking all nationalism is bad and linked to Nazis.
Austria is forbidden from reuniting under its state treaty, it has nothing to do with what anyone thinks.

The eternal habsburg is the tumor festering at the heart of europe
Friendly reminder that austrians were responsible for both world wars

>language is the same as nationhood
remove yourself from this board teuton.