Humans are not native to Earth:

>Our skeletal structure is not designed for Earth's gravity levels, hence why humans have had bad backs since forever, rather than some believing it is a recent problem due.

>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can. We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.

>Our intelligence capability is far beyond the potential of any other animal on Earth who evolved in the same environment as us. Even our supposed genetic cousins, the apes, have never came close to showing signs of even Stone Age tool advancements, nevermind agriculture or civilization.

>Animals use violence for hunting, asserting the position among their pack, to attract a mate, or protecting themselves from predators. Humans have used violence for much different reasons and on mass scales like the World Wars for things that aren't natural, such as ethnic cleansing. Boxing is one of the biggest money makers in the world of sports, as well as cage fighting such as the UFC. This sort of behaviour is not observed in other animals.

Most likely theory:

>spacecraft with frozen human genetic materials on board sent by our predecessors land on hostile earth
>it terraforms the earth into something that humans can live in comfortably
>kills off the dinosaurs in the progress
>genetically modifies human dna to make the new humans more suited for the environment
>Neanderthals are the prototype humans

>Most likely theory

>Not believing in God and his creation
>Instead believes e.t exist

>incorrect generalisations: the post


>believing in sky daddy

Can you cunts make a proper argument instead of spamming memes?

>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can. We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.

Speak for yo self whiteboi.

Whitey BTFO by da power of RA.

>making arguments against an asspulled unscientific preposition
Why bother? OP is ignoring evolutionary biology, genetics, zoology, paleontology and doesn't bother to disprove every logical explanation for his "problem", instead, "it's alyuns :DD"

>genetically modifies human dna to make the new humans more suited for the environment

Except bad backs, and skin cancer, the grays forgot about those.

A proper argument against what? "Humans came from space"? "No. no we didn't. Read a book".

>be human, have 46 chromosomes
>be chimp, have 48

yet humans are somehow superior

>Le "If I call God Sky Daddy I will appear smart" meme

they will be more receptive. the amount of ignorance in this post is so asinine that nobody would even care to respond to it in seriousness.

ad hom

you know /x/ will welcome you and we won't


Isn't this that bacterial humanity conspiracy theory?

is this "ad hominem" shit a meme now?
Protip: You only get to use "ad hominem" when you're engaging into an intellectual debate.

Posting "le sky daddy doens't exist XDDDDDDD" isn't an argument or the starting point of a debate.

Can you?

That's panspermia and it has nothing to do with the space opera the OP is suggesting.

so you're admitting you're just letting crap fall out of your mouth instead of trying to engage in intelligent conversation? we have a board for that. btw I'm not even the one who said the "sky daddy" stuff, I was just pointing out an obvious ad hom in passing. and also btw, an ad hom, regardless of whether it's in a """"SERIOUS"""" argument or not, is an ad hom, and is illogical no matter what.

>Our skeletal structure is not designed for Earth's gravity levels, hence why humans have had bad backs since forever, rather than some believing it is a recent problem due.
Modern living habits of sitting all the time while slouching. Amazon tribesmen don't have bad backs.
>>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can. We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.
Black people. We're adapted to the levels of sunlight our part of the world has.
>>Our intelligence capability is far beyond the potential of any other animal on Earth who evolved in the same environment as us. Even our supposed genetic cousins, the apes, have never came close to showing signs of even Stone Age tool advancements, nevermind agriculture or civilization.
That doesn't prove anything, though it's wrong, most of the others in the homo genus used tools and had high intelligence, but they are all dead as we won.
>>Animals use violence for hunting, asserting the position among their pack, to attract a mate, or protecting themselves from predators. Humans have used violence for much different reasons and on mass scales like the World Wars for things that aren't natural, such as ethnic cleansing. Boxing is one of the biggest money makers in the world of sports, as well as cage fighting such as the UFC. This sort of behaviour is not observed in other animals.
War is observed in lots of social animals, we just take it to the logical extreme because we can. You don't think chimps would nuke another tribe if they could?

>>Our intelligence capability is far beyond the potential of any other animal on Earth who evolved in the same environment as us. Even our supposed genetic cousins, the apes, have never came close to showing signs of even Stone Age tool advancements, nevermind agriculture or civilization.
Not to mention chimpanzees use rudimentary tools like sticks to get termites out of their mounds.

>intelligent conversation?
> in a thread about aliens terraforming Earth and killing the dinosaurs to create humans

Lots of animals use tools and can "enjoy" violence

although i disagree with most of your post (we burn, overheat, etc etc because we sheltered ourselves from the sun since our early stages/ we have bad backs because we're probably supposed to walk on fours/we had pre-historical genius with anomalous brains that were probably enough to lead and discover new shit that was promptly introduced to the rest of normalfags/animals do fight for "fun". check the apes for example - they declare "war" on other monkey tribes and go their turf with no objective besides wrecking their shit: no gain or goal but to inflict pain on others)

but i do believe there are a lot of "plot holes" in the history we have been told about ourselves... there's simply to much that doesn't add up in our own evolutionary process
e.g.: one day we're eating raw meat with our bare hands and the other day we're building fucking pyramids

but i have no idea of what's going on so i'll just go play videogames

believe it or not, you can have an interesting debate about any subject if aren't an arrogant cunt

Explain apes then, are they also aliens?

>bad backs
perfectly explained by evolutionary psychology: our backs were originally used for knuckle-walking before climate change made us upright Savannah striders.
>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can.
Humans sacrifice hardiness for endurance. A human in peak physical can outrun a cheetah or a horse, given enough space and time. We outsource digestion to cooking in order to save energy for larger brains and more efficient cardiovascular systems. We hunt the same way dogs do, which is why our two species gets along so well because we have so much in common with them in terms of preferred lifestyle.
>Our intelligence
The result of being opportunistic scavengers, having digits which makes complex tool manipulation possible (again, evolved from close cousins), and eating an ever larger and more varied diet of grains, lentils, and game
Apes are observed using simple instruments all the time. Elephants can be taught to paint. Dolphins fuck for fun. Dogs have a sense of being. Humans took a useful thing and ran with it.

retarded. If aliens and FTL travel were prevalent we would detect more traces of their existence besides billy-bob from the Ozarks getting drunk and telling stories of the time aliens poked him in the cornhole.

>genetically modifies human dna to make the new humans more suited for the environment
Humans are apex predators perfectly suited for our environment.

>>Neanderthals are the prototype humans
Nah, they're evolutionary cousins and a biological dead end.

>perfectly explained by evolutionary psychology

Your original greentext wasn't an "argument" either, you massive faggot.

>We can't stay in the sunlight for prolonged periods of time like every other land animal can. We burn, overheat, get heat strokes, and skin cancer, but not other animals.

None of this is true. Go watch a nature documentary and see animals retreat to the shade or burrow when the Sun is too hot.