If we're not counting "you can't change the color of the hairs on your head" and "salt can lose its flavor", literally nothing he ever said wasn't 100% absolutely right.
I'm thoroughly convinced that he was Yahweh moving amongst the chosen people.
True, Jesus was /ourguy/ too.
Fuck off you simpleton.
Well, a redneck nerd in a bowling shirt was a-guzzlin' lone star beer
Talking religion and-uh politics for all the world to hear.
they oughta send you back to russia, boy, or new york city one
You just want to doodle a christian girl and you killed god's only son.
I said, has it occurred to you, you nerd, that that's not very nice,
We jews believe it was santa claus that killed jesus christ.
you know, you don't look jewish, he said, near as I could figger
I had you lamped for a slightly anemic, well-dressed country nigger.
No, they ain't makin' jews like jesus anymore,
They don't turn the other cheek the way they done before.
He started in to shoutin' and a-spittin' on the floor,
lord, they ain't makin' jews like jesus anymore.
He says, i ain't a racist but aristitle onassis is one greek we don't need
And them niggers, jews and sigma nus, all they ever do is breed.
And wops n micks n slopes n spics n spooks are on my list
And there's one little hebe from the heart of texas is there anyone I missed?
Veeky Forums is no nigger supporter
we support our negros
Bomber Harris, of course!
if they have paratrooper wings they are OK
Find a flaw
>when you're autistic and start a war to get a girl's attention from some Italian fuccboi but the Russian chads BTFO you and eventually you get wrecked by Italians
Don't even try to deny it.
>tfw you realize the whole NSDAP thing was a real beta uprising
Salt CAN lose its flavor, though. Not the salt we use today, but the salt used at the time could.