Did he really "save" Japan from leftist influence? It doesn't look like Inejiro Asanuma was a big player in Japanese politics.
Did he really "save" Japan from leftist influence...
It's like if some right-wing radical in America today killed Angela Davis.
How can you hope to save your nation when it's already completely cucked by America?
>how can you save a nation that has already been saved
Possibly not, considering anime exists
there are plenty of rightwing anime
Saved Japan from the commies only for it to fall into the hands of the Ameri-Jew.
>n it's already completely cucked by America?
being cucked by America was the best thing to happen to Japan though. We tought them how into liberal economy and they had a post war economic boom
the jew ruins it. It should be a scheming chinese
Sure is going great for them now though right?
Japanese empire>post-war Japan.
yes it is considering how they would be Vietnam tier if communism ever took hold in the post war period.
*tips fedora
Japan has family owned businesses that go back to at least 700AD and many are major economic power houses to this day. There was no way that those powerful families were going to let common rabel vote in a communist government.
Name 3
No, ever since the war Japan has been on a downward spiral of literal and figurative cuckoldry.
Why do you think Mishima killed himself?
Sayonara Zetsoubo Sensei
Kino no Tabi
No regrets.
Glorious Nippon samurai killing gooks and chinks for the god emprah was the best.
This. Mitsubishi is a company literally established by a samurai clan
Which would be exacerbated if they fell to the gommies
Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence
One step from lashing out at you
You want in to get under my skin
And call yourself a friend
I've got more friends like you
What do I do?
Is there no standard anymore?
What it takes, who I am, where I've been
You can't be something you're not
Be yourself, by yourself
Stay away from me
A lesson learned in life
Known from the dawn of time
Respect, walk
Run your mouth when I'm not around
It's easy to achieve
>No regrets.
other thank getting utterly #rekt and having nothing to show for it since you not only lost the war, but they also started it and did it over a horrible reason
Now theyre making bank, watching anime, playing baseball, and buying used schoolgirl panties from vending machines.
>b-b-but what about [insert problem the country has]
No place is perfect and you know it.
>you'll never be so spooked you kill for the greater good of the nation
Feels fucking bad man.
>thank getting utterly #rekt and having nothing to show for it since you not only lost the war
Well yeah besides that one. Still, Imperial Japan a best.
>Now theyre making bank, watching anime, playing baseball, and buying used schoolgirl panties from vending machines.
Don't give a fuck. Japan was pure and untainted by nihilism, now Japan is totally consumed by it.
Yukio Mishima had the right idea.
>No place is perfect
What about the Icelandic coutnryside?
>jap thinks he is better than other gooks
"You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.
1. Leftists never were even close to winning a majority in the Parliament.
2. USA would've just coup'd them if so.
3. The leftists actually GAINED popularity and votes because of this attack.
4. The leader who was killed was widely seen as a class-traitor among Japanese leftist because he initially supported the US military role in Japan back in 1951.
So, no. This stupid /pol/weeb meme needs to stop.
Damn right.
>right wing
I don't even know where you get this
Non-meme answer
Youjo Senki
Keiichi Sigsawa has a big right-libertarian bent to his writing.
>comparing geographic scenery to a form of government
>when your military budget is entirely dependent on opium and sex slavery
Didn't save them from nuclear fire.
It bothers me that people think that.
Do /pol/tards actually believe that if they killed Clinton, the entire world would turn to Trump? Or that this scat-fag punching the white supremacist actually turned people to the left?
You misunderstand how retarded /pol/ types are
He didn't save Japan from shit.
Not one industrialized country has gotten worse from left-wing policies. Universally, a push toward greater equality makes a developed nation more liveable.
>Not one industrialized country has gotten worse from left-wing policies. Universally, a push toward greater equality makes a developed nation more liveable.
Damn he really put his legs into that swing
Have you watched any anime?
No joke, that's some powerful swing. Most executions took several attempts because unlike in videogames, it's actually pretty fucking hard to completely decapitate someone with one swing.