Can someone redpill me on Evola? Where do I even start in order to understand his writings?

Can someone redpill me on Evola? Where do I even start in order to understand his writings?

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I'd read Guenon's Crisis of the Modern World first. It's shorter, and the prose is less incomprehensible than Evola's. That'll give you a real sense of what traditionalism is. If you liked it, then check out the big 3 by Evola: Revolt, Men among the Ruins, and Ride the Tiger.


get out.



you could at least try to hide being a shill

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, /pol/


Well, you start with his books. You won't understand shit to start with. But just power through and eventually you'll get inside his skull.

>evola is /pol/ meme

If anything Evola is anti-pol

fuck off /leftypol/

only sheep read books
formulate your own ideas like a critical thinker


yes but how are you supposed to refine your ideas if you dont have anything to compare them to?

t. highschool dropout

Ideas are like iron on a forge; nothing more than an impure lump of rock until they are tested by fire and hammered into something useful. Without that conflict, they'll never take shape into anything more than a chunk of metal.

reading other people's ideas stifles your creativity and narrows your paradigms

dont waste anymore time trying to justify nazibooism like a child

It seems to be a tactic of leftist retards to use aligning the subject view with a child(low state of evolution) as a way to discredit the idea without providing any evidence

*redbulls you*

no need to thank me


Inb4 that all caps Arab Mexican weirdo shows up.


>its a "21 year old childish LARPer calls everyone a "leftist" post

Facism fetishism is essentially like when your a kid and you think your cousin is the biggest badass ever because he has a guitar and a tattoo and "cool car" then you grow up and realize he was a 28 year old unemployed bum who acted like a teenager.


cool metaphor bro but it has absolutely no substance

To be fair, 'redpill' is becoming more of a general thing these days. I think OP literally just means 'explain/summarise this shit.'

Get out of Veeky Forums, Kanye

>but it has absolutely no substance

>post a "le strong men just like my cool cousin!" tier picture illustrating my point perfectly for me

Post a time stamp picture of your body right now because that very image you posted only furthers the point that fagist are just betas seeking an alpha

fun fact: besides the obvious matrix reference, it was first used by some PUA goobers on reddit

Shit, really? That annoys me more than I should and I don't even fucking use it.

yeah lets have anarchy and decay because YOU consider yourself an alpha and don't need leadership
good idea

Anyone here actually want to discuss ideas pertaining to the topic in the OP?

no, little bitches just wanna use woman-tier argumentation like "im better than you because im older than you"

well not really. I think it was the Black Phillip Show/Patrice Oneal that just gave "realistic" relationship advice. It wasnt really "DUDE YOU GOTTA WEAR THIS STUPID SHIT AND DO ALL THIS CORNY MEME SHIT TO GET LAID IM TYLER DURDEN BRO!" crap

If you weren't an idiot you'd realize Evola was actually highly critical of fascism. Of course you never read anyone from him in your life and just base your butthurt off of nothing.

That's how I always use it on Veeky Forums

what did evola want? political system-wise

>knowing reddit lingo
Time to go back.

>yeah lets have anarchy

Im not an anarchist user. I know that a government is needed for somethings, but the idea of giving complete power to a bunch of retarded bureaucrats is laughable.

I mean, if you really were the master race, then you wouldnt need strict government regulations. If you really were the master race then it would be self evident in a complete meritocracy, wouldnt it?

Also, since you arent posting a picture, Im just going to assume that youre some schlubby skinny fat goober and not some ripped Veeky Forumsfag.

Aristocratic monarchy.

yeah fuck off this board you stupid idiot

Don't you think an explicitly political ruling class is more sustainable since it doesn't so easily degrade.

You have to go back to >>>/Reddit/

Ride the tiger has a section about drugs, sports and entertainment. Evola discusses how the modern Olympics totally perverted the Greek Olympic ideal, turning it into mere entertainment.

He discusses the use of psychoactive drugs in ancient religions and that how they offer a potential for transcendence, but not today, because, if separated from a sacral ceremonial system, they become dangerous. Also, today they are also used for pleasure and this is the opposite of transcendence.

He also discusses how rhythmic music was used in traditional religious context to invoke a similar effect, and does a parallel with the discussion of drugs, jazz being the parallel of modern drug which is divorced from the sacred.

not an argument

>Populist least common denominator leaders

They are made degraded

> modern Olympics totally perverted the Greek Olympic ideal, turning it into mere entertainment
That's true. It's half entertainment, half nationalist wankery.

>using reddit images
Fuck off

>reddit thinks I was trying to argue with him
>He thinks this meme will save him from his ironic lack of an argument

Carefully reevaluate what you posted.

Hope you get banned.

>ironic lack of an argument


you clearly were trying to argue with me. Thats the entire point of this whole website. Stop being childish because you got called out on your shallow accessory meme views

I'm not the guy you were replying to originally, he didn't respond because he cringed at your "argument".

This is friendly advice reddit, stop embarrassing yourself.

>choose to be fat
>dont choose to be starving
>forced to choose lifting

>he didn't respond because he cringed at your "argument".

he didnt respond because he had no real counter argument because I called him out on his bullshit. now youre trying to keep me out of your safe space thread

>hasn't read evola
>clearly doesn't understand evola
>comes and shits up a thread specifically to talk about evola
>yy-you just want a safe space


Next you'll be telling me strawman and ad hom are arguments.

>Next you'll be telling me strawman and ad hom are arguments.

thats literally a strawman user.

Only partially true; why it's true that when the human mind hears something, it's incredibly difficult not to place the center of ones thought around it (I.E. Refute or support said idea), it's also useful for taking parts of another idea and incorporating what you find works into it. That's what I meant about metal on a forge: An idea becomes more useful and functional once it has been tempered like steel. There may be beauty in the raw form of the idea, but we must move beyond that beauty alone to create for us a useful thought.

His argument is legit...
Dunno why you fags dont counter it... You cant prolly.
>muh masterrace
>pls masterrace teachings me your ways
Fascism is the ultimate cuckery, instead of your wife being fucked, you, yourself bend over to some "muh masterrace"

If you had even a tinge of self awareness you would realize why it isn't a strawman.

I guess you'll have to keep bumping this thread with me reddit until someone that actually wants to talk about evola shows up.

>resorts to cuckposting and muhposting
We got a master debater on our hands

>I guess you'll have to keep bumping this thread with me reddit until someone that actually wants to talk about evola shows up.

Dont get mad at me because you killed your own shitty thread because someone challenged your meme views and you werent able to articulate any real defense of it.

If it's any consolation i think you're a petty fucking bitch who can't show his sotmach because lifting your shirt would mean the pile of putrid sludge you call a stomach would knock over the fifty empty bags of mcdonalds you've got at your computer, you whining little fucking faggot.

Saged this shit thread, fuck you.

>being the plebeians they were
Yeah, that's because in the 1930's /mu/ wasn't around to devolve music taste into an imaginary dick measuring contest.


And in a grandiose fashion they reveal their true colors as newfags.

Thanks for the upbumps fellow ledditors!

Edit: ZOMG Thank you so much for the gold stranger. XD


Yep dude, you're fucked. Can't even spell.

Lol that dude wasn't even me you faggot.

>no proper punctiation
You're fucked too.

Who are you quoting? And please point to my failures in punctuation, and please explain how you're not being a pedantic cuck who desperatley wants a big burly man to control him.


Oh fuck of you fat autistt


man your just a fukcing pirck

Someone is drunk and needs to go nighty night.

Maybe someone is fucking retarded and can't tell when they're being trolled.

>pretending to be retarded
>revealing your epic ruse

you're both equally retarded for engaging in a long response train of insults and arguing over fallacies

>responding to retards

really jogs the old noggin

Good job on baiting a bunch of idiots
If you want to make the most out of Evola, you're going to need to understand the graduation and maturation of Western culture as a whole, so you'll need to read Homer's epics up to and including essays on the impacts of the French Revolution

Ride the tiger
You can see his stripes but you know he's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean

>iron is a rock

Why should he listen to you?

What part of Evola are you having a hard time understanding?

Essentially his thought stems from the fact that for thousands of years humans (or at least those of Indo-European descent if you go by his more racist assertions) have held certian values, behaved certian ways, and structured society in organic hierarchical stuctures (think feudalism), and that while we may be advancing technologically our social and goverment institutions as well as humans themselves have been degenerating backwards to the point of no return. Evola believes this age to be the kali yuga in which the demon kali is unleashed on the world and all traditional values are turned on their head. With none of the traditional means and support that allowed men of the past to live heroically a modern man who wishes to be fulfilled must recognize the situation they live in, and instead of completely rejecting modernity outright or allowing it to swallow them whole they must adopt the attitude of riding a tiger.

I found a pdf of men amongst the ruins that had a great introduction section online. It's probably the first link on google. Personally I consider men amongst the ruins an easier read and better intro than revolt. I'd read men, then ride the tiger, then revolt.

There's an okay speech by Jonathan bowden on youtube about evola that's worth watching. Also interviews with the maestro himself.

Found it, have fun

Hate that cunt

I hate this. Everyone is so paranoid about the fact that /pol/ exists, and so anytime anything related to reactionary or far right politics eventually leads to idiots screaming "GTFO /pol/!" while refusing to address or even contemplate the ideas and ideologies that formed or had an influence on /pol/ in the first place. I'm not even trying to sound morally superior or anyhing. I just hate the knee jerk reaction that I keep seeing. Then again, I'm guilty of it myself to a certain extent. Sometimes I just hate humanity.

"Ride the Tiger" is Evola's worst book. Normies recommend it because it's short and has fewer references to history, but it's pure trash.

Everything political that Evola wrote after being crippled in WWII has this dreadfully bitter "get off my lawn you damn kids" defeatist attitude to it.

"Revolt Against the Modern World" is much better.

β€œIn the Islamic tradition a distinction is made between two holy wars, the "greater holy war" (el-jihadul-akbar) and the "lesser holy war" (el-jihadul-ashgar). This distinction originated from a saying (hadith) of the Prophet, who on the way back from a military expedition said: "You have returned from a lesser holy war to a great holy war." The greater holy war is of an inner and spiritual nature; the other is the material war waged externally against an enemy population with the particular intent of bringing "infidel" populations under the rule of "God's Law" (al-Islam). The relationship between the "greater" and "lesser holy war", however, mirrors the relationship between the soul and the body; in order to understand the heroic asceticism or "path of action", it is necessary to understand the situation in which the two paths merge, the "lesser holy war" becoming the means through which a "greater holy war" is carried out, and vice versa: the "little holy war", or the external one, becomes almost a ritual action that expresses and gives witness to the reality of the first. Originally, orthodox Islam conceived of a unitary form of asceticism: that which is connected to the jihad or "holy war".”

― Julius Evola, Metaphysics of War

>read Ride The Tiger
>it does not, as was suggested, act as a "survival manual" to assist me in coping with living in the modern world

I was expecting to finish the book and feel slightly less like life was meaningless and I should kill myself.

Evola also writes in an unnecessarily verbose manner.

>Evola also writes in an unnecessarily verbose manner.
>expecting anything else from a sicilian aristocrat

I just feel sorry for the people who translated it, that must have been hell.